Chapter 355: Strange Reaction

Chapter 355: Strange Reaction

0Kylie clenched her hands into fists.     

Ethan valued brotherhood. Even if Dora had done something that hurt him, he wouldn't kill her anyway.     

He limited Dora's freedom, which was a punishment, but was also a way of protection because he knew Michael would revenge himself on Dora too.     

Seeing Kylie being so serious, Dinah explained in a hurry, "Please, don't misunderstand it..."     

"I'm just asking." Kylie raised a smile, then changed the topic. "Have you visited Ken in prison? How is he now?"     

"Oh, Ken." Dinah was relieved when Kylie seemed to be fine and lazily lay on the sofa. "His attitude of confession is very good, and actively cooperated, so it's very likely that he'll have a reduced sentence."     

Kylie nodded. That might be the best result. "Can I go to visit him?"     

"Please don't! I'm begging you." Dinah was nervous and frightened within a second. "If you go to visit him in prison, Ethan will kill me!"     

Kylie laughed. "I'm not free these days, but I just want to bring Faith to visit him. She must have a lot to talk to Ken."      

Although Dinah had a strong heart, Kylie had shocked her for quite a few times during a short time.     

"Faith? No problem. I can arrange it," Dinah said, then went aside to make a call.     

Kylie, at the same time, lay on the sofa to relax herself.     

She seemed to be fine but actually was very anxious.     

Since Dora went abroad, who would be the mysterious person that had been stalking her?     

Before she figured it out, her phone in her pocket rang.     

She took it out and saw the caller was Stephen.     

"Hi!" "Hi, Kylie, my parents want to see you," Stephen said in a gentle voice as usual but was very polite like his parents were right by his side.     

Kylie sat up, and Dinah looked to her at this moment. She gave Dinah an OK hand gesture before she said, "I'm sorry. I must stay in the film set these two days."     

The footsteps sounded on the phone, and Stephen might walk aside to talk on the phone, "Just to share a meal with us. It won't be long. I'll pick you up later and send you back after the meal."     

Dinah already hung up her call on the phone and came over. Kylie turned the phone on speaker, then said, "Well, I just think isn't it impolite to see your parents without preparing a gift for the first time?"     

On the phone, Stephen's low laughter sounded. "Don't worry. I've prepared it for you."     

After hanging up, Kylie looked at Dinah. "I'll go to do you a favor, but you must help me with something too."     

"Of course," Dinah said with alacrity.     

"Help me stop Ethan coming here."      

"Couldn't I help you with something else?" Dinah pulled a long face.     

"What can I do? He'll come here to see me once he heard the B&B was on fire, so you must stop him for a while."      

"Fine." Dinah had a high five with Kylie.     

Half an hour later, Kylie changed her clothes and waited for Stephen at the door, while Dinah arrived at the Parker family's old house before her.     

A Lamborghini stopped at the door of the film set later, and Kylie sat in at once.     

"You're so sweet that you bought the gift for me!" Kylie fastened the safety belt smiling. "I won't reimburse you for that to be clear."      

Stephen laughed. "The gift is for my parents, after all. I don't care."      

"What a great son you are!" Kylie patted his shoulder.     

Stephen gave her a glance with his eyes full of tenderness.     

"I saw the news today. Was there a fire at your film set?" he asked.     

"Yes, a B&B caught fire," Kylie said. "Director Miller just said smoking is forbidden this morning, but the B&B was on fire right this afternoon."     

Stephen seemed slightly surprised, but he stared straight forward all the time. "Was it because of smoking?"     

Kylie answered lightly, then turned to look at him. "I'm not sure, but I heard the landlord said it could be a guest who smoked a cigarette in his room and started the fire by accident."     

Except for Ethan, she didn't want to tell anyone else about the mysterious person, so she lied when Stephen asked her.     

Kylie kept looking at Stephen to catch every expression of his face.     

However, Stephen just showed a little confusion, and then his face stayed expressionless. Even his hands holding the steering wheel showed no change.     

"Do you think there is something wrong with the fire?" Kylie asked.     

"I don't know." Stephen glanced at the rear-view mirror, then said to Kylie, "I just feel it couldn't be an accident because the fire was burning so severely. A cigarette butt can't cause a fire like that."      

"Who knows." Kylie shrugged, turning to look at the outside of the window.     

From the rear-view mirror, Kylie noticed a car was following them. When Stephen's Lamborghini moved to another road, the car made a circle but soon followed up behind again.     

Stephen should have noticed that too from the rear-view mirror, but he didn't say it.     

Kylie sensed something must be wrong and observed Stephen's profile on the car window.     

Ever since Stephen had taken off his glasses, Kylie felt his eyes were so sharp, like a sharp sword.     

Although he looked gentle when he faced Kylie, he seemed very cold when he was with others.     

A strange idea dawned on Kylie, but Stephen interrupted her at this moment.     

"You can behave normally when we meet my parents later."     

Kylie crossed her arms on her chest. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I can wear my leather skirt and T-shirt, which is my usual look."     

After that, Kylie approached Stephen all of a sudden, which scared him, and he moved aside. "What are you doing? I'm driving."     

"Star, do you want me to leave a bad impression on your parents?"     

"Of course not!" Stephen said. "My parents have collected all your information on the Internet, and they haven't been scared away yet."     

Kylie nodded, then suddenly felt what he just had said wasn't right.     

"Why should your parents be scared away just because of the information about me on the Internet? The news on the Internet is all fake!" Kylie argued.     

Stephen laughed. "You're a tough girl, and my mother's worried we couldn't get along well."     

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