Chapter 370: Is It A Surprise?

Chapter 370: Is It A Surprise?

0Lauren, instead, got rid of Kylie's hand at once.     

Kylie was struck dumb for a second.     

She hadn't explained what had happened in the fire to Lauren yet, so it was understandable that Lauren hated her now.     

In fact, she wasn't very familiar with Lauren either, and she was worried about Lauren now only because she felt a little guilt that Lauren had been in danger for her.     

Since Lauren was safe back now, Kylie was relieved.     

"Lauren, I heard that you went to shoot for an advertisement. Congratulations!" Kylie immediately stayed a polite distance for her.     

Probably Lauren thought herself was a little impolite just then, so she licked her lips and put on an embarrassed smile.     

"Thanks. The premiere is about to begin. I think you better get in right now. I came here just because I want to see the film in the first place." "Sure, then we'll talk later." Kylie gave her a polite smile, then walked in the hall.     

The director and the leading roles were waiting on the stage neatly for reporters' interviews. When Kylie entered, she saw the man sitting in the middle.     


Why did he came here to attend the premiere?     

Why didn't he tell me? Is it a surprise?      

Sally left an empty seat for Kylie next to her, and Kylie quietly walked over, then sat down.     

"Kylie, please wait a while for me after the premiere is over. I have something that I want to talk about with you," Sally said to Kylie in a low voice and pointed at her face.     

Kylie understood she wanted to talk about plastic surgery with her.     

However, Stephen went back to work in his family's business now. How would he perform the surgery for her?     

Without time to explain it further, Kylie nodded as an affirmative answer.     

Cliff glanced at her, then glanced at Lord Ethan. Three people were sitting between Kylie and Ethan, and they didn't look at each other at all. It seemed they were strangers.     

Cliff wore a faint smile, waiting to see a drama.     

The reporters put most of the questions to Cliff and Sally. Kylie, as the supporting actress, also answered several questions.     

Somehow, reporters turned to ask Ethan questions, who never had shown his face in front of cameras before.     

A reporter asked, "Mr. Parker, the Century Group has been growingly profitable ever since you took it over, but you seldom accept interviews. It's quite a surprise to see you here today. Did you came to attend today's premiere because of Director Miller's invitation?"     

Ethan's long legs overlapped each other, and he slowly raised his eyes, facing the reporter's question.     

"I came here because of my wife." There was a faint smile on his sexy lips.     

Ethan was the youngest one among the super-rich men listed by the finance magazine in this country, and he was even titled as the sexist businessman.     

A man like him who never had appeared in front of cameras before was willing to break the rules for a woman?     

And the woman was his wife!     

This shocking news must break countless women's hearts.     

Cliff turned to look at Kylie on purpose. However, Kylie was talking with Sally in a quiet voice.     

Kylie heard what Ethan just had said, but she deliberately did not look at him, in case some reporters would gossip. Sally, instead, was astonished to hear the news.     

"Chairman Parker is married?" she blurted it out.     

"If he doesn't get married, countless women couldn't sleep at night." Kylie pulled her lips.     

"I don't think so. Even though Chairman Parker is married, countless women still ache to be his mistresses," Sally said like she already saw through everything.     

Kylie then looked to Ethan. "Really?"      

However, she encountered Ethan's look at her right at this moment.     

The moment Ethan saw her, his cold eyes became so tender.     

Kylie turned her head away at once.     

The reporter was excited. "I bet Mrs. Parker must be a fan of a certain leading role in this film, right?"      

Ethan looked over and said in a domineering tone, "My wife only admires me." Kylie was surprised.     

If people found out his wife was exactly her, it would be another bomb thrown into the entertainment industry.     

Luckily, Cliff knew how to smooth over an embarrassing atmosphere very well. "Chairman Parker is so outstanding, and I think there is no woman who doesn't admire him. In addition, since Mrs. Parker can stand out from so many women, she must be Chairman Parker's big fan."      

"Right, Cliff hit the point."      

"Mrs. Parker must be very loyal to Chairman Parker. No matter who is able to be Mrs. Parker, she's the happiest woman in this world."      

Reporters started to discuss it.     

"Well, could you please comment on Mrs. Parker?" another reporter asked.      

Ethan said slowly, "Um, she's a bad-tempered woman."      

What? Kylie was shocked.     

Reporters became quiet all of a sudden because none of them could expect Ethan would comment on his wife like that. Probably they didn't get along with each other.     

The reporter who asked him the question somehow put on a strange smile.     

Ethan glanced around the hall before he said, "If I say something bad about her, I'll be kicked out of our bedroom at night."      

It turned out he was just joking.     

People in the hall all laughed, and they all knew Ethan must love his wife so much.     

Seeing Ethan being so humorous, more reporters began to put questions to him.     

However, Ethan wouldn't answer anymore.     

Bob gave the host a glance, and the host stepped forward without delay, then announced to play the film.     

When the main actors got off the stage, Sally pulled Kylie aside. "Would you mind sitting with me?"      

"Of course not. It's my honor to sit with you."      

When they were both seated, Sally told Kylie about her condition.     

She had long known that there was a tumor deep in her skin because of cosmetic failure.     

"How likely is it that it can be cured?" Sally asked directly.     

Kylie felt happy that Sally trusted her, so she told her Stephen's advice. He could do the surgery, but the success rate was only 50%.     

"Are you willing to take the risk?" Kylie asked. If the surgery failed, her face would be disfigured, which was an unacceptable disaster for a famous actress.     

To Kylie's surprise, Sally just smiled and said in a calm voice, "There is something else that is also important in life except career, right? If I quit at this moment, people might have a deeper impression of me."      

Kylie understood it at once. The reason why Sally was brave to have the surgery was that she found someone she loved.     

She was willing to give up her career for a man she loved deeply.     

"I'll arrange it for you as soon as possible. Probably everything will go well," Kylie said to Sally with a smile.     

However, she suddenly noticed Lauren approaching Ethan's seat at a slow pace from a corner.     

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