Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

I Will Do The Same!!

I Will Do The Same!!

0Jiang Yuyan was still surprised. She looked at Lu Lijun, who first served her, then returned to his chair and smiled to look at Lu Qiang. She came back to her senses and said, "Lu Lijun, thank you."     

Lu Lijun looked at her with the mild ghost of a smile on his face but didn't reply. He looked down towards his dish and started to eat.     

Jiang Yuyan was getting used to his silent treatment of her, so she didn't mind it. But she at least understood that Lu Lijun didn't hate her. He showed how considerate he was when he brought tissue papers for her when she was crying and served her to see her empty plate. Though he didn't talk to her, his actions were enough to show that he cared for her.     

When Lu Lijun started to eat without responding to Jiang Yuyan's 'Thank you!' Lu Qiang looked at her and assured her, 'it's fine. She just smiled as saying, 'I know.'     

After Breakfast, everyone went to the living room except for Lu Lijun and Lu Qiang, as Lu Lijun had yet to finish his breakfast. Lu Qiang looked at Lu Lijun, who was busy eating, and asked, "Thank you for looking after her as she is our guest." He then waited for Lu Lijun's reply to see what he will say?     

Lu Lijun gulped down the food in his mouth and took a sip of water. He didn't look at his brother, and before he could have another bite, he replied, "As my elder brother cares for her so much, then I will do the same."     

Lu Qiang was taken aback by his reply. He thought, how Lu Lijun noticed that he was especially taking care of Jiang Yuyan. Lu Qiang thought he could give a reason for her being a guest in this mansion, but Lu Qiang couldn't say anything further hearing what Lu Lijun said.     

Though Lu Qiang was shocked, he was happy too. He was glad to see Lu Lijun was fine with his attention to Jiang Yuyan, and now, he only had one thing to do. He had to make Lu Lijun get along with her just the way he is with his brother.     

Once Lu Lijun finished his breakfast, Lu Qiang and he went to the living room too. As they reached the living room and sat on the sofa, Lu Qiang noticed Jiang Yuyan was not there. He turned his sight everywhere.     

Elder Lu noticed it. "She went to her room to bring the documents; she needs to go to the university today."     

Lu Qiang felt relieved. "Okay!"     

"You have to go with her. It's her first day at university, and it's my order."     

Lu Qiang already decided to take Jiang Yuyan with him, even if elder Lu hasn't said that, but it made it easy for him with elder Lu's words. Why wouldn't he do that? After all, she was his woman, and he had to do this for her and to be with her in every step of her life.     

Elder Lu knew Lu Qiang would definitely go with her, but he wanted him to provide an easy way for him in front of Lu Lijun and others.     

Lu Qiang nodded and said, "Okay, Grandpa." He then paused and said, "I will first drop Lu Lijun at his school as it's his first day of school too, then I will take her to university."     

Lu Lijun was sitting there too. When he listened to it, he stood up from the sofa and was about to move towards the staircase; Lu Qiang called him, "Where are you going?"     

Lu Lijun turned and said while looking at his brother, "I will get ready for school. Today I want to go with brother Lu Feng." Then he looked at Lu Feng, who was about to leave the room, and asked, "Will you come with me?"     

Lu Feng halted in his tracks and turned to look at Lu Lijun. Lu Feng felt like getting caught between these two brothers. He didn't know whether to say 'Yes' or 'No.' If he had said 'Yes' then he was letting down Lu Qiang in his efforts to get Lu Lijun and Jiang Yuyan closer, and if he had said 'No' then it was like disappointing Lu Lijun.     

Lu Feng thought for a moment and said something he never wanted to do, but he said his mother was not around. He pinched the space between his eyebrows and said as he was in trouble.     

"Well, My car has broken, so I too was thinking of having a ride with Lu Qiang. I am going in the same way."     

Lu Lijun was smart enough to solve his problem. "We have many other cars; we can get one."     

Lu Feng was puzzled and said, "It's about comfort Lu Lijun. You know how picky I am. Lu Qiang's car is the best one, and today I want to use it."     

Lu Lijun didn't say anything; he just looked at his brothers and went to his room. Others went back to their work except for Lu Qiang and Lu Feng.     

Lu Feng sat back on the sofa and said, "I don't know what is going on in Lu Lijun's mind. I know he is not convinced with my answer."     

Lu Qiang replied, "We forget that he is a gifted child and his brain works one step ahead of the children of his age, but he never shows it. Even if he understands what is going on around him, he prefers to ignore it. He is way too smart."     

Lu Feng sighed and said, "Hmm! All these years, we are just thinking of him as that little kid. It seems like he is still way too smart." Lu Feng then thought about something and said, "Do you think he had sensed what's going on between You and Jiang Yuyan."     

Lu Qiang replied, "I don't think so, but he knows I care for her. I want them to get along well first, then only I can tell him the truth."     

Lu Feng nodded and said, "You are right."     

Lu Qiang, Lu Lijun, Lu Feng, and Jiang Yuyan, got ready to go out. Everyone walked out to get into the car; just then, Lu Qiang's cell phone rang. He looked at the number and excused himself.     

Lu Qiang answered the call, "Yeah! We are leaving now. We will be there in twenty minutes." Lu Qiang then hung up the call and went towards the car.     

Lu Feng sat in the front passenger seat. Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan sat in the back passenger seat with Lu Lijun between them.     

The initial plan was to drop Lu Lijun in the school first, but Lu Qiang changed it and decided that everyone will go to see off Jiang Yuyan together. Lu Qiang wanted Lu Lijun to be a part of it as it will help him to make Lu Lijun and Jiang Yuyan comfortable with each other.     

They reached the university. Everyone stepped out of the car. Just then, a cheerful voice welcomed them, "Nice to see you all together here, Three Lus and one Jiang."     

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