Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

I'll Inform Before Kissing You...

I'll Inform Before Kissing You...

0Jiang Yang and Jiang Yuyan were ready and left in their car for dinner. Jiang Yuyan wore a lavender color sleeveless dress long up to her knees, paired with cute matching booties while Jiang Yang was wearing a blue color t-shirt with off white pants and blue sneakers.     

They reached the restaurant in half an hour, where a private room already booked for them. It was one of the famous restaurants in the city and known for the varieties of international cuisines. When both walked inside the private room and sat there, the door opened, and a man entered.      

"Why is he here?" Jiang Yuyan asked her brother in a low voice, but the man heard it and commented, "I wonder why people come to the restaurant?"     

"Hey detective Yuyan, take it easy. I called him here for dinner," Jiang Yang informed as he looked at the man, "Have a seat, Lu Qiang."     

Jiang Yuyan said Nothing and kept quiet while looking in the other direction.     

It looked like Lu Qiang came directly from the office as he carried his suit's jacket in hands, sleeves of the shirt folded upward in his arm, the top two buttons left undone. He looked handsome like that too.      

Hanging his suit's jacket on the back of the chair, he sat.     

It was a square-shaped four-seater dining table. Jiang Yang and Jiang Yuyan sat opposite to each other. Jiang Yuyan was at Lu Qiang's left side, and Jiang Yang was at his right side.      

All three could see each other's faces that made Jiang Yuyan uncomfortable, but both friends ignored her and started their conversation.      

When the waiter came, they ordered the food. Jiang Yuyan left it to her brother to call anything for her as she felt unwilling to talk even. Jiang Yang knew what his sister liked, so it was not difficult for him to do.      

Jiang Yang and Lu Qiang recalled memories from their childhood and laughed at it. In between, Jiang Yang teased his sister by reminding her silly behavior to which she smiled too.     

When Jiang Yuyan looked at both laughing friends, her sight stopped at Lu Qiang's face. She saw him laughing like that after so many years, and she found it too attractive. His smile was so beautiful that she forgot to move her sight from his face for a few moments. Just then, the waiter entered and disturbed her from seeing such an eye-catching view.     

Coming out of a daze, Jiang Yuyan moved her sight from Lu Qiang but happened to look at her brother, who sat opposite her. She felt uncomfortable thinking her brother might have seen her looking at Lu Qiang. However, Jiang Yang didn't show any signs of it and continued his conversation with Lu Qiang.     

Jiang Yang noticed his sister staring at Lu Qiang's, but this time he avoided looking at her or teasing her. Nothing could hide from his sight, mostly when it's about his sister.     

The waiter served the food, and all three started eating. Two friends enjoyed it, but Jiang Yuyan was eating very slowly as if she didn't have an appetite.      

Jiang Yang got a message on his cellphone, so he excused himself to make a call. When he left the room, Lu Qiang looked at Jiang Yuyan, "You are not eating much. didn't you like the food?"     

"No! It's good, but I don't have much appetite," She replied while looking at her dish, thinking about what to eat.     

"You look weak. You should eat properly?" Saying, Lu Qiang put a piece of meat in her dish. He also picked up a few vegetables and put them in her dish.     

"I am not weak," Jiang Yuyan informed as she stared at her dish, which looked colorful and filled because of the food Lu Qiang served.      

"I know how strong you are that you couldn't resist even a bit when I kissed you suddenly," Lu Qiang commented as he had the next bite, and smiled lightly, chewing the food.     

Jiang Yuyan tried to act confident and to pretend that she was not affected by him, but his bold and shameless words always broke her determination and made her fall short for words.     

"Because that was too sudden," she mumbled as she tried to pick up the food in her chopstick.     

"Really?" He asked with his one eyebrow raised upward.     

Nodding, she picked mouthful vegetables in her chopsticks and ate it to avoid him by pretending to be hungry and wanted to finish all the food in her dish.     

"Next time I'll kiss after informing you. Then, I'll see how strong you are!"      

Her eyes left wide open as she looked a bit shocked.     

Lu Qiang put the chopsticks on the table, "Hmm! Let's try it right now," and pretended to be ready for what he just said.     

"Cough-Cough!" She felt chocked with the food in her mouth.     

Lu Qiang passed her a glass of water. Drinking it, she cleared her throat; her face turned red because of coughing. As she still coughed a little, Lu Qiang asked her to look up at the ceiling, and she obeyed it.     

Jiang Yang returned, and he asked, "What happened?"     

"Nothing! She liked the food here a lot that she almost choked up," Lu Qiang replied.     


"What happened? You are looking serious after making a call," Lu Qiang asked.     

"There is an emergency in the hospital. The patient looked quite serious. If they had to perform surgery tonight, I might have to leave for the hospital," informing, Jiang Yang sat back in the chair.     

"But you just came back in the evening." Jiang Yuyan didn't want her brother to stay at the hospital for the whole night.     

"Right! But the emergency never arrives according to the doctor's schedule." Commenting, he moved his sight from his sister to Lu Qiang, "If I have to go to the hospital, then you have to drop Yuyan home."      

"Hmm!" Lu Qian agreed, and they continued eating.     

Trying to finish his food as fast as he could, Jiang Yang informed his sister, "I'll try to come back soon after the surgery if the situation is under control."     


When they stepped out of the restaurant, again, a message came on Jiang Yang's cellphone. Reading it, he informed, "I need to go. Bye!" and left in a hurry towards his car.     

Looking at Jiang Yuyan, who looked upset to see her brother leaving, Lu Qiang instructed, "Let's go."      

Nodding, she followed him towards his car. Lu Qiang didn't bring driver along with him as he liked to drive by himself unless it was an official work.     

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