Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

The Most Beautiful Woman...

The Most Beautiful Woman...

0There were few rooms on the first floor, which Lu Qiang showed Jiang Yuyan one by one. Just at the left side of the gallery, there was a wooden door, having music symbols carved.     

"I guess it's a music room?" Jiang Yuyan concluded as those symbols were enough to indicate it.     

"Yes!" Lu Qiang nodded and opened the door.     

The spacious room, having a circular platform in the center with the Piano placed on it.     

The center platform was at a certain height from the floor surface and had two steps to climb. The huge glass walls made that room look even more attractive.     

Seeing a piano, Jiang Yuyan curiously asked, "Piano! Do you know how to play it?"     

Lu Qiang nodded, "Yes! But I am not that expert."     

"I didn't know that you like to play the piano." She looked surprised and amazed, with new information about him.     

Lu Qiang shook his head, "Not really! I just learned it because once I promised to that important person, I'll play the Piano for her one day."     

Jiang Yuyan's face dropped a little on hearing the word- her, and said in a low voice, "Ohh! I see."     

Lu Qiang noticed the change in her expression as he smiled and thought, 'How vulnerable she is!'     

"Do you want to listen, a tune I made for her?" Lu Qiang offered.     

She nodded but was quite upset after hearing that word- her again. It was clear that Lu Qiang liked someone, but the next moment she thought, 'Then why did he say he loved me. Is she not with him now or she....?'     

"Come here," Lu Qiang instructed that snapped her out for her thoughts.     

Lu Qiang took her to the Piano and made her sit on one stool while he sat on the other one.     

Before he pressed the keys, he informed, "Once, I promised her I would play a song on the piano personally on her birthday."     

"Hmm!" She smiled lightly and awkwardly, but she didn't say anything and waited for Lu Qiang to play it. She tried her best not to show her displeasure on her face.     

Lu Qiang enjoyed seeing her jealous, but didn't clear the misunderstanding and focused on the Piano.      

Jiang Yuyan was surprised to hear the song he played as she never thought Lu Qiang had this side too. She always thought he was only interested in soccer and now in Lu Corporation's business.     

When Lu Qiang finished the song, she praised him smiling pleasantly, "It was lovely."     

She forgot she was jealous of someone a few moments before.     

"Thank you. I'm glad you liked it."     

He stood up, ready to go out away from there as more things left that he had to show to Jiang Yuyan.     

Both walked out of the room and went to the next room, Jiang Yuyan almost got a shock. She moved her sight throughout the room, and she couldn't help but feel even more surprised.     

That room had several photo frames hung on the walls everywhere, carrying the pictures from their childhood, but mostly all the pictures were of Jiang Yuyan alone. Each one was different, showing all the sides of her childhood personality, crying, laughing, angry, upset, sleepy, foodie, naughty, annoying, and many more.     

Jiang Yuyan walked across the room, observing each picture to her heart's content as old memories flashed in front of her eyes to make her lips curve into a pleasant smile.     

Lu Qiang stood in his place, observing her as seeing her happy was what he wished for.     

Jiang Yuyan turned to look at Lu Qiang and asked, "When did you do this?"     

"Since the day I build this duplex," he replied.     

Jiang Yuyan thought something and said in a sad tone, "But... I think it can upset the person for whom you have built this house."     

Lu Qiang smiled, not knowing how to tell her the person was no one else but her.      

"I guess she liked it even more than me," Lu Qiang informed as his sight was ready to enjoy her jealous reaction.     

Jiang Yuyan said nothing further and finished seeing all the photo frames on the walls as she moved to the few next photo frames hung on the wooden stands that occupied most of the room's part.      

Every stand was placed at a certain distance away from each other on the floor, covered with white silk clothes.     

Jiang Yuyan looked at Lu Qiang and asked, "What are these?"     

She looked as if she was asking for permission to see them, while her hand was already on the cloth to remove it from one of the frames.     

Lu Qiang stepped towards her as he informed, "These are the photo frames with the pictures of the person I have built this place for."     

"Oh... Okay!" Saying it in a displeased tone, she retreated her hand from the photo frame, not willing to see who was there.     

Lu Qiang noticed it and wanted her to see it. "You can see them. She is the most beautiful woman in this world. Trust me; You will like her too."     

These words from his did nothing but adding fuel to the fire as she frowned deep inside while Lu Qiang enjoyed more and more to see her jealous.     

"Is she that special for you?" She asked, anger evident in her voice.     

"Indeed!" Agreeing, Lu Qiang moved his hand to pull the silk cloth from one frame, but Jiang Yuyan stepped back and annoyingly said, "I don't want to see her. Let's go from here."     

She turned around and reached the door but realized Lu Qiang didn't follow her, so she turned around to look at him, who was busy pulling away all the silk cloth covers from those wooden stands one by one.     

When she saw the person in those photo frames, she got another shock.     

All those huge photo frames had Jiang Yuyan's recent clicks. Some were from the USA, and some were from the anniversary celebration of elder Lu.     

Jiang Yuyan stood frozen at her place after seeing all the photo frames and thought, 'Am I the person he was talking about till now and was I jealous with myself?'     

Uncovering all the photographs, Lu Qiang looked at Jiang Yuyan only to get the same reaction that her expected from her, surprised to her bones.     

Lu Qiang went to her, who looked utterly shocked and stood beside her. Looking at all the pictures for a while, he commented, "See! I told you she is the most beautiful woman in this world."     

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