Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Are You Planning To Hurt Yourself?

Are You Planning To Hurt Yourself?

0"Of course, You can trust us, and I am sure she will be happy with Lu Qiang more than being with anyone else. He is a great person," Lu Feng agreed.     

"I know, that's why I left her alone with Lu Qiang when I never left her alone with any man before. He, too, doesn't know what happened to her, but I believe he will wait for her to tell him everything on her own."     

Just then, drinks arrived, and both started with it.     

Having a few sips of the drink, carrying serious expressions on his face as if he was thinking about something, Lu Feng spoke.     

"I want you to tell me what happened with her in the past because I believe that day will never come when she will tell me everything on her own."     

Jiang Yang gave him a questioning look, "Are you sure? Because I am afraid you won't be able to handle it."     

"I don't expect much, but at least I deserve to know everything about her, especially something that changed her life," Lu Feng countered.      

Jiang Yang looked at Lu Feng apologetically, "I didn't mean to hurt you when I told you about Lu Qiang and her being together."     

Lu Feng sighed and said calmly, "I know! But somethings are better to be known before it's too late, and somewhere in my mind, I was ready to face it."     

Jiang Yang felt sad for Lu Feng, "I am sorry. I know both of you have liked her for long but….."     

"But she can be happy with only one person, and that's Lu Qiang. You don't need to feel bad for me. Her happiness is the only thing that is what matters to three of us," Lu Feng interrupted him.     

Lu Feng Knew what Jiang was going to say, but he didn't want to hear it and didn't want Jiang Yang to feel bad for him.     

Jiang Yang agreed, "Hmm! She has suffered a lot, and now I want her to be happy forever."     

Lu Feng replied to assure Jiang Yang, "You don't have to worry about her, as she is with Lu Qiang. He loves her a lot and will take care of her nicely."     

Jiang Yang listened to what he said and asked, "And you?"     

Lu Feng looked at the drink in his hands and replied while stirring the glass in his hands, "Do I really need to answer it?"     

Jiang Yang shook his head, "I think I know the answer."     

Lu Feng finished the remaining drink in his glass in a one go and asked while filling it up again, "I want to use my right to know everything about her."     

Jiang Yang nodded, "As you wish."     

Jiang Yang narrated everything that happened after they went to the USA. As he explained further, Lu Feng's hands' grip tightened around the glass in his hand.      

When Jiang Yang reached the worst part, the glass in Lu Feng's right hand broke into pieces that caused his palm to bleed. His face was expressionless, but there was a darkness in his eyes.     

Seeing this, Jiang Yang exclaimed, "I was expecting this already, you Moron," and held Lu Feng's bleeding hand.     

Lu Feng pulled back his hand, "It's nothing. I am fine."     

Grabbing his hand again, Jiang Yang warned while pointing towards the wine bottle on the table, "Stop me from dressing your hand, and I will break that wine bottle on your head to bring you back to your senses."     

Lu Feng didn't resist and let him do his job, but he looked lost in his thoughts with anger painted on his face.     

Jiang Yang first checked if there were any broken glass pieces stuck into his skin. When he made sure there was none, he pulled out few tissue papers from the box on the table and pressed them on Lu Feng's palm and asked the boy who served them drinks to bringing a first aid box.     

The boy left, and Jiang Yang looked back to Lu Feng's palm, observing the wound carefully, "I told you, you won't be able to handle it."     

Lu Feng still had those expressions on his face when he heard what Jiang Yang said, closing his eyes and leaned back on the couch as he spoke.     

"Now, I am worried about Lu Qiang more. Don't know how he will handle this and what he will do? I hope he won't stain his hands with someone's blood on it."     

Just then, the boy arrived with a first aid box.     

Jiang Yang started dressing the wound and said, "I too am worried about him, and that was the actual reason I didn't tell him anything. Both of us know very well what he can do when he gets angry, and if it is about Yuyan, then I am worried even more. I just can hope, when he will know it from Yuyan, he won't act recklessly."     

Still, his eyes closed, Lu Feng spoke, "I hope so too."     

Once Jiang Yang finished dressing the wound, he said, "I am quite surprised to see that even meeting after so many years, I am still very comfortable with you and Lu Qiang like we have been together for all these years."     

Lu Feng opened his eyes, "Hmmm! The same goes for me. I am happy having you back here."     

"Can I ask what happened to you? Why are you so isolated from everything?" Jiang Yang asked, staring straight in his eyes.     

Lu Feng averted his sight, "There is no such thing. I just wanted to follow my dreams and path."     

Jiang Yang understood Lu Feng was unwilling to share anything, so he didn't insist, "Hmm! I got it" and changed the topic.     

"Though I know who you liked for years, I still want to know. Do you have or had a girlfriend before?"     

Lu Feng looked at him and replied sarcastically, "If I have had one, I won't waste my time here with you instead of being with her."     

Jiang Yang replied in a teasing way, "Wasting time, huh? You don't know, but I can be a far better partner than any girl you could have." He winked and teased, "Try me!"     

Lu Feng felt annoyed, "Bullshit! I didn't know, you are such a pervert. Have you changed your preference?"     

Jiang Yang smiled mischievously, "Not really, but I can if the man is handsome like you..haha!"     

"Then, you should better get Lu Qiang. He is better," Lu Feng countered.     

"I wanted to, but I can't break my sister's heart."     

Lu Feng smiled at Jiang Yang's reply and asked, "Does she like Lu Qiang too?"     

Jiang Yang picked up a wine glass in his hands, which he put on the table before dressing Lu Feng's wound. He looked at him and asked calmly while sipping wine, "Are you planning to hurt yourself tonight, in one go?"     

Lu Feng averted his sight from him as he instructed, "Just answer my question."     

"Yes! But she had a few problems of her own, and she will trouble Lu Qiang for some time."     

Lu Feng surprisingly asked, "What problem?"     

"That incident from eight years back made the worst impact on her, and since then, she feared being with unknown people, especially men," Jiang Yang replied, the sadness evident in his eyes.     

"That was natural to happen with anyone who suffered like this, and she was just eleven years old."     

"For almost three years, she was locked up in a home and never wanted to come out of it. It took me lots of effort to make her socialize with others like a normal girl."     

Both kept silent for some time, and then Jiang Yang added, "But other than me, Lu Qiang is the only man she is comfortable with. He affected her in a good way, and that's a relief."     

"I hope both of them to stay stronger and cross the difficult path together soon," Lu Feng commented.     

"From what I observed for all these days, she will definitely get out of it, and both will make it to the end," Jiang Yang informed and both enjoyed the drinks while talking about various things around them.     

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