Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

It's Time To Change!!

It's Time To Change!!

0At Jiang residence…     

Jiang Yuyan was alone once the men left. She watched television for an hour then went to her room. She was just about to enter her art room when the doorbell rang. Coming downstairs, she opened the door to check who it was, only to get the surprise.     

The person in front of her carried a beautiful flower bouquet. Smiling, he passing the bouquet to Jiang Yuyan, " Belated happy birthday, my love."     

Still feeling shocked, she accepted it, "Thank you, Grandpa."     

Elder Lu smiled, "Won't you invite me inside?"     

Jiang Yuyan came out of her shock upon hearing it, "Grandeeepa, come inside, please!" She felt embarrassed over her slow reactions.     

Elder Lu suddenly decided to visit Jiang Yuyan. He wanted to see her on her birthday, the day before, but he knew Lu Qiang might have planned something and didn't want to ruin it. He decided to visit her the next day with a certain plan in his mind.     

Elder Lu entered the house, and Jiang Yuyan offered him to sit on the sofa in the living room. She went to the kitchen and brought a cold drink for him, and sat on the sofa.     

Elder Lu accepted the drink, "How have you been doing, dear?"     

Jiang Yuyan smiled lightly, "I am doing good, grandpa. How are you?" She didn't know what to talk about more.     

Elder Lu suddenly became dramatic. Sipping the drink slowly, he sighed with a sad expression on his face, "Just counting my last days."     

Jiang Yuyan felt worried by his reply, "Why are you saying this, grandpa? You are still very young."     

Carrying the same sad tone, elder Lu replied, "You are right, dear. I am young at heart, but this body is old now, and I don't know when it will betray me."     

Hearing it, Jiang Yuyan felt sad, "Grandpa, don't talk like this. You know how much we all love you."     

Getting the expected replies from her and seeing the things going in the right way, elder Lu turned even sadder, "Nobody loves me, or else they would have listened to whatever I said."     

"Hmm? Who dared to defy grandpa?" Jiang Yuyan asked, looking concerned over the fake sadness shown by the older man.     

"All are the same," elder Lu replied, acting all disappointed.     

Jiang Yuyan tried to cheer him "That's not true. Grandpa is very important to everyone."     

Elder Lu Suddenly changed his track and asked while raising his one eyebrow in a question, "Does that everyone include you?"     

"Of course, Grandpa!" Jiang Yuyan replied as she really meant it.     

Hearing it, elder Lu smiled pleasantly, "Then come to the Lu Mansion and stay there with us." His eyes brightened up with the expectations from her.     

Jiang Yuyan felt trapped and could say nothing seeing the happy old man who looked sad a while ago. She didn't realize what this sweet-talking grandpa was trying to do and when she realized, it was already late.     

She just thought, 'Now I understood from where you got all those skills, Lu Qiang!'     

Upon seeing no response from Jiang Yuyan, the smile on elder Lu's face disappeared.      

"See! This is what I was talking about. No one listens to me."     

Jiang Yuyan fumbled a little and said, "N-No! It's not like that, grandpa. I was…."     

"Ohh! Then it's good to see, at least someone still listens to this old man."      

Before Jiang Yuyan could say anything, elder Lu interrupted her as he still sounded sad.     

Not being able to comment anything, Jiang Yuyan nodded as saying, 'Yes!'     

She knew what elder Lu was trying to do and decided to play along. Moreover, she was ready to move into Lu Mansion as she was not worried about being with Lu Qiang like she was before, but elder Lu didn't let her say her part.     

Elder Lu saw her agreeing to his words and said emotionally. "I am glad that you are ready to come to Lu Mansion."     

Jiang Yuyan smiled, "As long as grandpa is happy."     

Jiang Yuyan wondered how quickly elder Lu changed his expressions from happy to sad once again. She thought of him as a kid who would do everything possible to fulfill his demands and smiled over it.     

"That's why I call you my love. You are my obedient and the best grandchild," elder Lu commented, and she just nodded.     

Not wasting a moment, elder Lu asked, "So when will you be ready to move in? I will personally come to pick you up."     

"That, I have to discuss with Brother Yang," Jiang Yuyan informed.     

Elder Lu Laughed, "Jiang Yang? What is there to ask him? He is even more eager to send you to Lu Mansion."      

Elder Lu was so happy with the thought of Jiang Yuyan coming to Lu Mansion that he didn't realize what he had just said.     

"So both of you planned this together?" Jiang Yuyan concluded as she looked serious that worried elder Lu.     

"W-What plan dear? He.. actually.. we are just worried about you as this city is still new to you."     

Jiang Yuyan still looked serious as she didn't want to let go of this opportunity to scare her overreacting grandpa.     

Elder Lu felt worried with the thought of making her upset as she caught him.      

"Don't be upset, dear. I won't force you to come to Lu Mansion if you don't want to."     

"Who said I don't want to come to Lu Mansion?" Jiang Yuyan replied with the same serious expressions.     

It surprised elder Lu. "So you already decided to come to Lu Mansion before I even came here," he concluded.     

Jiang Yuyan smiled, "Yes!"     

"So, I did all this for nothing," said elder Lu as she mumbled, "Nobody told me about this."     

Jiang Yuyan heard it, "That's because I didn't tell anyone yet."     

Elder Lu sighed, "It's fine, as long as you are coming to the mansion." Smiling, he thought, 'Finally, he proved he is my grandson and didn't fail to work his charm."     

Jiang Yuyan looked at elder Lu and asked, "Did Grandpa say something?"     

Elder Lu Replied, "I just said that I am so happy that you will live with us."     

After some time, elder Lu left, and Jiang Yuyan was again alone in the home. She went to her art room and looked at the painting she made days before, which was still incomplete.      

Jiang Yuyan stood up in front of it and started to observe it as she looked sad.     

After few moments of continuous staring, she sighed, "This will not do. Now it's a time to change."     

Jiang Yuyan removed that painted canvas from the stand, rolled it, and put it in the trash can. Attaching a new canvas on that stand, she smiled, looking at that white, fresh, and empty canvas as if it was the start of a new journey for her.     

She put aside the already used painting brushes, colors, and color tray from the table and brought everything fresh from the shelf in the room.      

Standing in front of that canvas while observing it carefully, she started her work. She mixed colors and started to paint with a pleasant smile on her face.     

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