Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

She Will Be The One I Like!!

She Will Be The One I Like!!

0Lu Qiang nodded with a smile and asked the servant to prepare Lu Lijun's favorite dishes as the food that was in the room had turned cold. Lu Qiang instructed him what to bring.     

one of the ways to make Lu Lijun cheerful and happy again is to feed him his favorite food. Some part of their mission to make Lu Lijun happy could be achieved this way.     

Soon the servant came and brought food for these three brothers and kept it on a four-seater circular coffee table in the room and took back the cold food that he had brought earlier.     

Lu Feng took Lu Lijun to the coffee table and both sat on the chairs. Then, he uncovered the dishes and said, "Woohoo! Everything here is your favorite Lu Lijun. I must say, brother Lu Qiang really knows what our little lad likes."     

Lu Lijun looked at Lu Qiang, who was still standing near the bed calmly with his hands tucked in his pockets. Lu Qiang just smiled when Lu Lijun looked at him but Lu Lijun immediately averted his sight from Lu Qiang and looked back at the food.     

Lu Feng served only two dishes. One for Lu Lijun and the other for himself and said to Lu Lijun, "Start eating, I am starving…Ummm.. It's looking delicious." Then, he gave Lu Lijun a spoon to eat soup."     

Lu Lijun accepted a spoon but kept it aside. He then took the third dish from the tray and kept it beside his dish. He started to serve the food in that dish by himself.     

Lu Feng stopped him and asked, "I already served you. If you want more let me do it."     

Lu Lijun shook his head and said, "It's for brother Lu Qiang."     

Lu Feng knew what Lu Lijun was doing and he was happy to see that everything was going according to his plan. He smiled and replied, "Ohh I see. I thought we were going to punish him."     

On hearing these words Lu Lijun shook his head and said, "No need."     

Lu Feng smiled and looked at Lu Qiang then said, "Why are you standing there? See how much Lu Lijun cares for you."     

Lu Qiang smiled and said after reaching the coffee table, "I know, he is the best younger brother in this world."     

Lu Lijun smiled a little upon hearing these words but he tried to hide them. Lu Qiang sat beside him and they started to eat. All three were starving and started to dig in food like hungry wolves and it didn't take much time for them to finish all the food there.     

Once they finish, Lu Feng said, "Let's go to the garden now." To which, the other two nodded in an agreement.     

All three went to the garden and sat on the circular benches in the gazebo which was Lu Lijun's favorite place. Lu Feng sat beside Lu Lijun while Lu Qiang sat opposite them. After settling down comfortably, Lu Feng signaled something to Lu Qiang.     

Lu Qiang looked at Lu Lijun and said, "I am sorry. I ignored you for two days."     

Lu Lijun looked back at Lu Qiang but didn't say anything.     

Lu Feng then talked on behalf of Lu Lijun, "What about the thing that grandpa said? We both are upset with you"     

Lu Feng preferred to jump on the main topic first. He knew exactly what Lu Lijun wanted to ask. When Lu Feng asked this, Lu Lijun immediately looked at Lu Qiang as he wanted to know the answer to the same question.     

Lu Qiang looked at Lu Lijun and said, "About bringing a sister-in-law for you, yes one day that will happen but not this soon and trusts me, I won't do anything without informing you and also only the girl you will approve will be your sister-in-law"     

Lu Qiang could have taken an easy way by saying that grandpa was wrong but this time he didn't want to take that easy way. He wanted Lu Lijun to be ready for what was going to happen in the future. Also, Jiang Yuyan was as important as Lu Lijun for him. He didn't want to give up on either one of them. He was sure of the fact that Lu Lijun will like Jiang Yuyan for sure.     

Lu Lijun's expressions became quite normal after hearing this but still, he didn't say anything.     

Just then Lu Feng said, "You know, last night brother Lu Qiang was with me."     

Lu Feng and Lu Qiang were aware of the fact that Lu Lijun must be thinking about the whereabouts of Lu Qiang after what grandpa said so he decided to tell him, where he was actually. Though, he didn't mention the night Lu Qiang spent with Jiang Yuyan. What he said was half-truth but Lu Feng was satisfied with the fact that at least he was not a lie.     

From assistant Xiao Min, Lu Lijun made sure to know that Lu Qiang was not having any office-related work so it was obvious for him to trust his grandpa's words.     

Lu Lijun looked at both of them surprisingly and asked curiously, "But, both of you don't talk to each other."     

Lu Feng replied, "It's not what you think. We talk but this is the secret between us and you are not allowed to tell this to anyone. Okay?"     

Lu Lijun nodded in agreement and said while looking at his both brothers, 'I won't but I want to go out with both of you together."     

Lu Qiang smiled and said, "Sure"     

Lu Feng and Lu Qiang both gave out a sigh of relief as they were able to bring Lu Lijun back to normal. Both noticed he was in a good mood now so Lu Feng Jumped back to the original topic after signaling to Lu Qiang.     

Lu Feng: "Ohh! We forgot the main reason because of which our little lad was upset."     

Lu Lijun looked at Lu Feng with questioning sight.     

Lu Feng then replied while looking at Lu Lijun, "We left the topic of our sister-in-law behind, don't you think so?."     

Lu Lijun heard this and replied, "As brother Lu Qiang said, she will be the one whom I will like so it's okay."     

Lu Qiang and Lu Feng both gave out a sigh of relief as it was easy to make Lu Lijun understand it easily unlike the other times when he wouldn't listen easily. It might be because he was eleven years old and was becoming a mature kid now to understand things clearly.     

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