Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Scars From The Past!!

Scars From The Past!!

0Jiang Yuyan was feeling tired and dizzy. She was struggling for breath with her eyes closed, breathing heavily. She looked at him with her moist eyes as saying 'no more.'     

Lu Qiang let go of her hands and said, "Don't worry, it's enough for now, or I won't be able to stop certain someone from assaulting you."     

Jiang Yuyan understood what he meant as she could feel him between her thighs.     

Lu Qiang gave her a peck on her lips and said, "You should freshen up now. I will go out once you go to the bathroom. When you get ready, come downstairs for breakfast."     

Lu Qiang didn't want her to see him in his morning condition as she might feel awkward, so he preferred to stay in bed. Lu Qiang let go of her by moving from her body to one side of the bed. He laid in bed with the quilt covering him.     

Once Jiang Yuyan went to the bathroom, Lu Qiang got out of bed and left the room. He went to his room and entered the bathroom to have a cold shower first. He stood under the shower with both hands on the wall, and his head lowered down with his eyes closed. Time passed by, but the cold shower wasn't helping him. It was too much for him to sleep beside his woman for the whole night, and he could not do anything. In the end, he didn't have any choice but to relieve himself, or he felt that he might go crazy.     

In the bathroom, Jiang Yuyan removed her top and stood in front of the mirror, observing the scars around her chest. She had one small scar below her left breast that moved to the left along with her rib. There were a few more small scars. She touched those scars one by one and closed her eyes with the pain of her memory, which gave her those scars. She looked sad, and tears started to roll down from her closed eyes.     

Jiang Yuyan opened her eyes and turned to see the right side of her back. There was the scar Lu Qiang found. She touched it with her left hand and traced it. Tears were still rolling down from her eyes. She moved towards the shower and stood under it with her arms circled her chest with her head lowered down. Her tears washed away with water from the shower. She was sobbing. She stood just like that for a long time.     

Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan finished their shower and came out to get ready. Lu Qiang wore his usual black suit since he had to go to the office. Jiang Yuyan got ready in a yellow Georgette skater dress which was long enough to reach her knees. She didn't have to cover her neck this time as Lu Qiang was careful during their intimate moments not to leave marks on Jiang Yuyan's neck. There were only a few which were covered by the closed neck of the dress.     

Both stepped out of their rooms at the same time. When Lu Qiang came out of the room, he saw Jiang Yuyan come out of her room. Their room doors were perpendicular to each other and were not far. Lu Qiang had an east-facing gallery while Jiang Yuyan had a north-facing gallery.     

Both looked at each other and smiled. As Lu Qiang came close to her, He noticed her swollen eyes. When he left her in her room, her eyes looked fine, but now they looked slightly swollen and red.     

Jiang Yuyan realized he was staring into her eyes and must have sensed something, so she averted her sight and said, "Let's go. I am starving." She said it and turned around to step in the direction of staircases.     

Before she could take a second step, Lu Qiang held her hand at her wrist and pulled her towards him to hug her. He didn't say or ask her anything. He just stood still while holding her in his embrace and kissed her head.     

Jiang Yuyan liked to be in his warm embrace. She circled her arms around him.     

After a while, Lu Qiang loosened his grip around her and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"     

Jiang Yuyan nodded and lifted her head to look at him. She smiled and said, "Much better now."     

Lu Qiang, too had a pleasant smile on his face to see her smiling and said, "Let's go then."     

Both went downstairs, where Elder Lu and his wife were waiting for everyone to come for breakfast. Grandma Lu was out of the city for a few days, and she came back home late last night, so she couldn't get a chance to meet Jiang Yuyan.     

When Elder Lu saw Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan coming downstairs together, he signaled his wife to look in the direction of the staircase and said in a shallow voice, "Aren't they looking adorable together."     

Grandma Lu looked in the direction of the staircase and said, "Indeed! I guess, what you always wished for, has finally happened."     

Elder Lu smiled and said, "You are brilliant, my wife."     

Just then, Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan reached the sofa, so Elder Lu and his wife stopped talking about them.     

Grandma stood up and went to Jiang Yuyan. "Good morning, dear. I am glad you are here" and hugged Jiang Yuyan.     

Jiang Yuyan hugged her back and said, "Thank you, grandma."     

Lu Qiang looked at Jiang Yuyan and said, "Be with Grandma and Grandpa. I will get Lu Lijun for breakfast in a while."     

Jiang Yuyan nodded, and Lu Qiang left to get Lu Lijun. Elder Lu looked at his wife, and both smiled to see how Lu Qiang was taking care of Jiang Yuyan. Lu Qiang sat on the sofa and talked to the grandparents. Lu Feng also came downstairs while others had yet to arrive.     

Lu Qiang was aware that his negligence towards Lu Lijun was not good, and now Jiang Yuyan was there, so he had to pay better attention to him. Also, he had a plan to get him closer to Jiang Yuyan to accept her in their lives.     

Lu Qiang came downstairs with Lu Lijun. Lu Lijun again looked at Jiang Yuyan but didn't talk to her.     

Everyone went to the dining room. As usual, everyone sat in their usual places. Grandpa Lu sat in the head of the family seat, and Lu Qiang was sitting opposite his grandpa at the other end of the table. Lu Lijun and Lu Feng mostly sat on either side of Lu Qiang, but he sat beside Lu Lijun as he wanted Jiang Yuyan to sit beside Lu Qiang.     

Grandpa Lu noticed it and asked Jiang Yuyan to sit in the chair beside Lu Qiang and said, "This is your place from now on. You can only sit there as other chairs are reserved for other family members." Then grandpa Lu looked at Li Lijun and said, "Though they are not present here, we need to respect their absence. Right Lu Lijun?"     

Lu Lijun didn't say anything; he just looked at Jiang Yuyan and that chair as if he was approving her to sit there. Lu Qiang asked her to sit, and she obeyed.     

Everyone started their breakfast. Lu Qiang was serving food in Lu Lijun's dish, and he did it for Jiang Yuyan. Lu Lijun looked at his brother and her but continued eating his own food quietly.     

Lu Qiang got a call in between, and it was important, so he excused himself from the dining table. Lu Lijun looked at Jing Yuyan's dish, which looked empty. He looked in the direction of the door from where Lu Qiang went out.     

Lu Lijun waited for his brother, but he didn't come, so he finally got up from his seat and went to Jiang Yuyan. He stood near Lu Qiang's chair and started to serve food into Jiang Yuyan's dish just as Lu Qiang used to do it for him.     

Everyone was surprised to see this. Even Jiang Yuyan was surprised to see what was happening. Just then, Lu Qiang came back to the dining room. When he saw what Lu Lijun was doing, he smiled and went to him. Lu Lijun finished serving her everything little by little, without even asking her what she wanted. He then went back to his seat. Lu Qiang patted his head and smiled at him, to which, in reply Lu Lijun smiled too.     

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