Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 13.2 : : The Woman Without Sin (Previous Chapter no. 22)

Chapter 13.2 : : The Woman Without Sin (Previous Chapter no. 22)

0An old woman… Or more like a woman who seemed like she was disguising as an older woman was standing in front of him.     

As for why she seemed like she was disguising? Because except for the shrilled skin, some white hair, and wrinkles she didn't look old in other aspects. Her back was straight, her eyes were bright as a young maiden, she was smiling like a blooming flower and her kind temperament made her look like a kind sister in a holy temple.     

Rex was startled by her appearance, he subconsciously kept staring at her.     

'Does this woman used some expired makeup that made her look old,' He thought.     

Rex kept looking at her like he was confused and didn't understand anything.     

In the eyes of the old woman, he appeared to be a little cautious so she waited for him to adapt to her and reply without showing even the tiniest bit of impatience.     

But unknown to her, Rex had already used 'Appraisal' on her.     

[Title: Ancestor of White Moon Sect, Kind Heart.     

Name: Wang Cang     

Race: Human     

Cultivation Stage: Form Synthesis peak stage     

Hp: 2010/2010     

Qi: 4900/4900     

Age: 128 Years     

Overall Description: A woman who spent most of her life helping others in need and trying to share their misfortune to alleviate their pain. In recent decades, she put all her efforts into nurturing and protecting the sect as she tried to train the younger generation to be able to protest themselves in the future and become strong enough to be able to extend their hands to help the weak people just like her.     

During the time protecting the sect, she burned more than half of her life essence to save the members of the sect from danger, now that she doesn't have much of her life span left due to the lack of life essence in her body and cannot breakthrough further, she just wants to live in peace.     

But in recent days, she had started to feel lonely because of not having someone close to her like a family member, she now longs to have a good caring family that can surround her and she can live peacefully in her remaining days.     

Status: Worried, Weakened]     

'Hmmm... She reached the Form Synthesis peak stage when she is less than 200 years old? She is indeed a genius, someone at her level should be able to theoretically live up to 500 years but she looks like this because of losing her life essence.     

Rose I don't want to doubt your evaluation but are you sure? Her description looks completely fake, there is no way that someone as kind as her exists in this world and even if they do then they would have been used and killed by others long ago.     

Powerhouse cherish their lives more than anyone, there is no way in hell that she would make a sect for nurturing the younger generation instead of establishing a private army, moreover, she actually went as far as to burn her life essence for others seriously? The description is almost making her look like a true follower of Buddha,' Rex lightly snorted, he was having a hard time believing it.     

In this world, the journey of cultivation starts with Mortality then Body Tempering, and so on...     

Mortal >> Body Tempering Stage >> Qi Condensing Stage >> Organ Tempering Stage >> Soul Strengthening Stage >> Form Synthesis Stage >> Spirit King Stage     

All these stages are further subdivided into 9 substages.     

Spirit King stage is the highest known cultivation stage known to people in the five continents.     

The number of Spirit Kings in a whole continent can be counted on one's fingers, if a normal cultivator is fortunate enough to see even one of them then they can brag about it for the rest of their lives. After all, it's the strongest existence in their eyes.     

[I have nothing to gain from lying to you and I am sure my evaluation is correct,]     

Rex thought about it then click on the 'Titles'.     

Two new holographic windows appeared before the main one.     

[Ancestor Of White Moon Sect:-     

Grade: Uncommon     

Description: This title is given to Guardian Of White Moon Sect who possesses the highest authority over the sect, and has won the approval of more than 80% of the people from the whole set.     

Effect: The presence of the title bearer will improve the honesty and unity of the sect members significantly]     

[Kind Heart:-     

Grade: Ultra Rare     

Description: A title given to those whose heart is pure to the limit and can control their desires to not affect others in bad ways, the titleholder have a heart that lets them feel the pain of others and wishes to help them without expecting anything in return. The number of good deeds done by the titleholder is countless.     

Effect: Unknown]     

'Effect unknown??' Rex was surprised.     

[I can't access that type of information, although I'm not sure why but it felt like Heavenly Dao Laws restricted our abilities again, my understanding of Heavenly Dao Laws is limited so I cannot figure out the problem yet,]     

'I see, come to think of it although she is in a weakened state still most of my status looks unusually higher compared to her, is it the effect of having a strong Bloodline and Special Physique? Or my variant species?' Rex thought.     

"Boy, are you listening to me? Don't be that afraid, I don't look like that bad of a person, do I?" Wang Cang said with a smile, trying to comfort him.     

Rex was startled by her smile, it was a familiar warm smile he hadn't seen for a long time, it was something he had never seen since his reincarnation. It reminded him of Jonathan, the only person he truly respected in his heart.     

He deeply sighed, he looked away because he felt like he would completely lose his guard if he kept looking.     

It made him doubt if the description of the title Kind Heart was real.     

Rex took a deep breath and recovered to his previous state.     

'By the way Rose, I'm also too kind and my heart is pure as jade so why don't I have the title Kind Heart?' Rex asked shamelessly.     

[Indeed, I wonder why,]     

This was all, Rose could say.     

'I'm not sure about your evaluation being correct but it's a fact that she helped me a lot, if I was left unconscious in that dangerous place then there was a chance that I would be eaten by a strong beast. She brought me here to a safer place, I don't know her true intentions but I Rex Andrews knows how to repay someone's kindness, I will repay it in future,' He thought to himself.     

"So granny where am I," Rex asked in a polite tone.     

The seconds his words entered her ears, Wang Cang's eyes flickered, she stared at him like she was seeing a human child for the first time.     

'Did I do something wrong? Why she is looking at me like that? I even pretended to not know her age and cultivation base so what did I leave out, should I act like I have a headache and fall unconscious?' Several thoughts appeared and disappeared in his head in a second, he decided to wait and see how she would react before acting.     

"Eh... Boy, can you say that again?" Wang Cang asked in a hesitating tone, her eyes contained mixed emotions, a longing looked appeared on her face.     

Rex had his head down so he didn't see it and felt more anxious.     

"Sorry, granny that's just slipped out of my mouth, I won't say it again," Rex said as he put his acting skills to the test trying his best to play the role of a scared boy.     

Wang Cang reacted, she realized that her words have been misunderstood and she hurriedly said.     

"No, don't worry I.. Granny is not angry, okay? It was just that no one used that way to address me so I was startled for a moment," She said in an apologetic tone.     

"Re... Really?" Rex slightly raised his head and hesitantly asked.     

"Haha... Of course, how can I lie to such a cute boy like you," Wang Cang laughed heartily as she reached out her hand and gently patted his head.     

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