Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 12.2 : : White Moon Sect (Previous Chapter no. 20)

Chapter 12.2 : : White Moon Sect (Previous Chapter no. 20)

0In the Eastern Continent, there are many sects and forces, everyone having their own principles and beliefs but very few of them can be considered righteous as the Eastern continent can is the most outlaw place among the five continents.     

The reason being the ruler or we can say the strongest sect controlling the continent isn't righteous.     

White Moon Sect is one of those few true righteous sects, it doesn't have many restrictions and allows any mortals to join, they are trained and allocated resources according to their hard work and contribution. The sect believes in unity, rising together and advancing together is its motto, and exactly because of that loving nature that this sect is not loved by many and lacks fighting power to go against big sects.     

In one of the small wooden hut, an elegant teenager was lying on the bed, he looked like he was just 12-13 years old at most, his hair was so long that it could reach his knees, he was tall and had a well-toned body which seemed unusual for someone so young. His body had no trace of Qi around it, making him look like he has never cultivated before but anyone could tell just by his appearance that it was impossible.     

Rex slowly opened his eyes.     

'Damn, this headache.. You should have at least warned me if something like that was going to happen, be careful next time,' Rex thought and rubbed his forehead.     


When Rex just touched his head with his small hands he realized that something was wrong, his hand and head felt different. He quickly looked down and after observing his body with his big round eyes, he saw his child-like body.     

'System explains fast,' Rex said while trying to control his hastened breath.     

[You see, due to the lack of material, energy, and because we only used the best parts we had to rebuild the body, the by-product was a little shorter than we predicted. It's just a little change in appearance, I had already warned you about this before, don't worry you will grow in time or would you have preferred a B-Grade body with limited potential?]     

'You call it a little short? And a little change in appearance? Hehe…' Rex laughed bitterly.     

[Compromise a little,]     

'Sigh… It's not like I have much of a choice, now show me the status,' Rex said.     

[Title: Genius     

Player: Rex Andrews / Ye Tian     

HP : 600/600 | reg 1/s     

QI : 1000/1000 | reg 5/s     

Age: 11 days     

Race: Yellow-Tier Carbonite Human     

Cultivation stage: Organ Tempering peak stage     

EXP: 0/100     

Bloodline: Rex's Lineage     

Physique: Black-Diamond Physique(Dark attribute)     

STR: 140 WIS: 170     

AGI: 110 INT: 400     

VIT: 300 END: 250     

DEF: 500 LUC: A+     

Status Points: 240     

SE Points: 0     

Traits: Bat-Wings, Extreme-Flexibility, Limit-Break, Twilight, Spider-Sense, Shadow-Leap.     

Skills: Calm Mind(Lvl max), Bloodlust(Lvl 1) ,Pain Resistance(Lvl 3)     

Bloodline ability:     

1. Transmutate     

Physique ability:     

1. Diamond Shell     

Talent: Unknown     

State: Healthy & Curious]     

"Explain it up to me, especially that ridiculous age," Rex said.     

[Let's start with the matter of age, the age of a living being is calculated through the age of cells in their bodies, but all the dead and old cells are either removed or converted into newborns by the process of cell remolding using the vitality absorbed from the flora and fauna in the surrounding together with the spiritual Qi in the atmosphere.     

Your body has gone through rebuilding at a cellular level that's why I started counting the age from zero after the evolution is complete. Furthermore, due to your race and bloodline advancement, your lifespan had increased exponentially so there is no problem if you take it as your real physical age.     

I have to tell you in advance that something like this isn't possible at a higher cultivation level as at that time the life level of your cells would be too high to go through remolding. Even now, your cultivation base had dropped from Soul Strengthening 1st stage to Organ Tempering peak stage because of this.     

If you want a more detailed explanation then you have to do it on your own. Remember, you once said that the human body is no less mysterious than the universe even I can't answer all your questions, you made me with the help of a miracle so you have to find the answers on your own,]     

[Extreme-Flexibility is a trait that has altered the structure of your muscles and flesh to be more flexible, as a result, your body is beyond the limits of a normal human in terms of flexibility,]     

[Twilight can temporarily increase your STR, END, DEF, and VIT by 10% and HP regeneration by 30%, but it can only be used under the moonlight,]     

[Shadow-Leap lets you merge into the shadow and hide inside but it doesn't cover the Qi around your body, lucky for you that now you have Core Bladder it can hide the Qi signature around your body for you,]     

[As for what is Core Bladder? It's the new organ you got when forming a core into your body while using the Beast Core as raw material, the organ covers your core and works as an energy storage cell for me, I have made several partitions inside it during its creation so I can now store the potential Exp, SE Points and Status Points inside it instead of your body,]     

[Spider-Sense is just like what it says, it's like the sixth sense that lets you sense danger in advance and also works as radar letting you observe your surroundings but without activating of spiritual sense or Qi,]     

[Traits are like your inborn abilities, normally you should get them at birth, like inheriting them from your parents, mutation or through bloodline but you got them now because of evolution and bloodline fusions, the most important factor was the five DNA Signatures you chose to build your foundation.     

The traits don't have levels and their power completely depends on you but if somehow a hidden condition is met then they can advance, the chances of them advancing during evolution are high,]     

[Transmutate is a Bloodline ability I found after trying countless combinations with your Bloodlines. It is the ability to change the form of matter, even at an atomic level like solid into a liquid or liquid into solid. This will help you to build the type of shop you want in the future but this ability requires a high quantity of Qi and mental strength to use it, the matter you are using it on also defines the result,]     

[Diamond Shell can help you summon a Qi shield that is enhanced to the limit using the complex defense-oriented structure designing, it is further strengthened using the essence of the Dark attribute in your physique, according to my evaluation it can increase your defense 300% more compared to your fleshy body in defense mode.     

The shield has the regenerative capability, it can recover even if it's damaged but the regeneration speed will depend on the rate of Qi supply, with the average amount being 100 Qi/s]     

[Pain Resistance(Lvl 3) can decrease the amount of pain you feel by 30%,]     

"Cool anything else on the plate," Rex asked, he was in a pretty good mood after seeing the brief description of his new gains.     

[Inventory has been unlocked]     

[Skill & Ability Shop has been unlocked]     

[Operation has been unlocked]     

[Inventory is a pocket dimension where you can store things, the time flow in inventory is very slow, it's almost like the time there is stopped compared to the time here, meaning that you can take out the things in the same state you put them in.     

You can't put a living being inside because the rule of that dimension forbids any conscious life.     

I have to tell you one important thing about Inventory, it's not something I made, creating a dimension is way above out capabilities, your soul was linked to it according to the data obtained, it's something you gained when your soul was floating in the endless void in the space.     

Earlier you weren't capable enough to use it but now with your new body it's a different case but remembers you can only access a small part of that dimension with your current strength, as you grow stronger and your capabilities increases you would have the control over more part, simply put the inventory would grow bigger,]     

[Operation, is where you can start a new project with me as the research but the research will only make progress when we have the requires knowledge to make a breakthrough in it. My research pattern is derived from you, it will be just like multiple emotionless Rex working on the project, most importantly it's not free and reaching needs me to put extra efforts, as a result, I require SE Energy points to do that,]     

[Skill & Ability Shop is a place where you can buy skills and abilities that belong or can belong to the Monster Beasts whose DNA Signature you have added to the DNA Codex. The price of those skills and ability will depend on the difficulty and energy required to install them in your body,]     

[I have prepared a Beginner Gift Package for you, it's in Inventory,]     

"You look more and more adorable to me, open the Beginner Gift Package," Rex said in an excited tone.     

[Beginner's Gift Package opened]     

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