Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

0"Okay I have a task for you three I want you to deal with Sky Cloud Sect which includes finishing off their sect master then kill Elder Mo Fe, Elder Ba Jangue and his daughter Ba Jing as for his son Ba Jung I want him alive… as for the reward" Rex took out six spirit stones and gave it to them     

When Han Fei held those spirit stone in his hands they were shaking     

"Senior we haven't completed our task yet," Han Fei said after holding back his urges regarding the spirit stones     

"Don't tell me you can't even do that" Rex narrowed his eyes on him     

"No no, I didn't mean that… we will complete this task by tomorrow afternoon" After he said that he cupped his hands towards Rex then he left the hall     

The other two also followed behind him     

"Do you have any personal grudge against Sky Cloud Sect?" Wang Xiu Ying asked curiously     

"Its nothing you need to worry about..that aside Elder Wu I told you to find about the whereabouts of that Puppet Sect's Alchemist" Rex looked at Elder Wu     

"I got the news that he is going to the Monster Taming Sect but it is far from here so he will likely travel for few days before reaching his destination as for his current whereabouts it is hard to tell because there are many ways to go to Western Continent" Elder Wu replied     

"Hmmm.." Rex then signaled Elder Wu to leave     

Elder Wu nodded and left     

"Little Xiu Ying I will leave this realm in one week," Rex said     

"Huh?" Wang Xiu Ying was shocked then her shock changed into sadness but she quickly collected herself     

"Its good.. this realm has nothing much to offer you after all," She said with a smile     

Rex smiled then he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer     

"You look sad," Rex said with a smile     

"Who is sad it's better if a rogue like you go away," She said as she averted her eyes from him     

"Sigh… it's not like I am leaving this realm permanently I will come back when I can" Rex flicked her forehead with his two figures     

Wang Xiu Ying didn't said anything for a while     

"Will you really come back?" She asked in a low tone     

"Why will you miss me" Rex asked with a smirk     

But she ignored his words     

"Yes my Empress I will come back as soon as I find the way to come here.. are you satisfied now," Rex said with a smile     

Wang Xiu Ying didn't said anything but she placed both of her hands on his chest then she lifted her face and kissed him on the right corner of his lip     

Rex didn't had the time to enjoy it because when she lifted her face he could see the tears in her eyes     

After doing that she hurriedly left the hall     

Rex sighed he had already decided to leave this realm it's just because he cares about Wang Cang and others that he stayed here for so long but for him, his first love was always be technologies he loves inventing and discovering new things     

'I had this opportunity to leave another life and I also have Rose now I can't stay in one place even if I want to this world have so much to offer and I want to use it all as of this family I gained here I love it too     

But whether it is my love for technology or the family they are both good at their own place they are like water and oil they can't be mixed because they are not supposed too     

And its good for her and others too once I step in upper realm I can make the stage for them too they will at least won't have to walk without directions in upper realm later on' (Rex)     

Rex walked to his private room then he sat cross legged and started running Transcend Soul Cleansing Sutra     

Normally when a soul cultivator cultivates they form a soul core in their dantian to cultivate     

But Rex had twin dantian so he didn't form his soul core in his dantian but his monster core     

The names of the cultivation stages of soul cultivators are also a little different     


[Level Up]     

[You successfully achieved breakthrough to Soul Tempering peak stage]     

Soul Tempering peak stage is just like Body Tempering peak stage in soul cultivation although Rex's cultivation speed was faster but not enough for him to reach the Soul Tempering peak stage in just few days     

He reached this stage not because of his innate talent because his initial soul strength was just a little stronger than an average human cultivator's soul and we can't even talk about its purity the actual reason behind its rapid progress was…     

'Damn.. who says hard work pays off.. let's do the smart work..Rose help me breakthrough' (Rex)     

[It required 100 SE point to breakthrough to next stage]     

[Are You sure: Yes/No]     

'Are you mocking me..we have more than enough SE points for now….Yes' (Rex)     

[Level Up]     

[You successfully achieved breakthrough to Soul Core Condensation 1st stage]     

Rex felt a cool feeling inside his body his Spiritual Sense was already increased to 2 times as before     


[You obtained a new type of status 'Spirit']     

'You mean it is same as Wisdom and Intelligence.. what does it even do' (Rex)     

[It represents your soul quality at your current cultivation base simply it shows your soul's defensive and offensive capabilities]     

'Really then show me the status… wait showing the whole status every time is a no good…Rose create a status in the name of physical status which only shows things like STR, WIS..etc' (Rex)     


'Physical-Status' (Rex)     

[Name: Rex Andrews     

STR: E+ WIS: E     

AGI: E INT: C+     

VIT: D END: D+     

DEF: C SPT: F+     

LUC: A+     

Status Point: 0]     

'Hehe finally got my first F grade..uwaaa.. Rose please tell me its a lie' (Rex)     

[Its a lie]     

'Really?' (Rex)     

[No, I just said what you asked me to say]     

Rex was speechless     

After checking his status for a while Rex again sat cross legged and started to cultivate     

At afternoon that day….     

Rex was in the eastern forest     

An anti-aircraft cannon like machine was lying in front of him     

'Let's see if it can work this time' (Rex)     

"Idiot head you know what to do" Rex flew a little far away and then said     

The working bot walked closer to the big canon like machine then he pressed a switch on it and a small window like hole opened on its side     

The working bot then placed a low grade spirit stone in the hole and the hole closed on its own     

After that the working bot placed a red button on the machine then started running away from the machine     

'Wait why is he running away' (Rex)     

[He learned it from you when he saw you flying away]     

'This idiot can learn things like that pretty fast' Rex then focused on the big cannon like machine     

Suddenly the machine vibrated a bit then many runes like lines shines on it then a white ray of light was fired from the mouth of cannon like a laser     

The laser wiped out all the trees and rocks that came in its way Rex even saw that few parts of rocks even had the sign of melting     

'Its a success my Extinction Ray Canon v0.1 is read….wait' Rex was just celebrating his success but then he saw that the machine was vibrating fiercely and even the big muzzle started to turn red     

'Diamond Shield' (Rex)     


The machine exploded and made a big hole in the ground     

The range of the explosion was big enough that even engulfed Rex and the working bot, Rex was fine because of his Diamond Shield as for the working bot he was thrown backward for several meters but because of his toughness he was still fine     

'Another failure' (Rex)     

[Its 38th to be exact]     

'The material here is not good enough to make it and I already used the metal from the ship to make working bots…. looks like we need to continue it in upper realm' (Rex)     

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