Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

Chapter 385 : : Law Ability

Chapter 385 : : Law Ability

0Thousands of pitch black swords filling the night sky dropped down like shooting stars, targeting the Leech standing in front of Queen Dongfang.     

…Swooshh... Swoosh... Swoosh…. x 9     

When the first wave of swords was just around a dozen meters away from the ship's altitude, they took a sharp turn and changed direction towards Rex, Queen Dongfang was about to unleash the attack but the second she turned in his direction, Rex disappeared instantly.     

"What?" She was caught off guard. There was no information stating that he knew about Space Law, her sneak attack failed!     

She again sent a secret message to the six Generals controlling the formation to change the objective.     

The first wave of swords didn't land, they took a curve and flew up again to build up momentum while the second wave struck the Leech named as Little Berry from all directions.     

Rex appeared far away inside the control room of the modified Green Mantis Ship. The second he appeared, his eyes landed on the Old Three, sitting in a meditative position with their hands joined at the intersection point of their legs.     

A squishy fat Leech with the size of a rat was comfortably lying in their hands, one for each.     

The fat insect was although a Leech, its appearance was completely different from other Leeches, it was like a small transparent black slime that was continuously sucking Qi from Golden Core stage experts holding it without any reservation. It was Mother-Leech, 1/5th segment of the Mother Leech each to be precise.     

The three old men all had their eyes tightly shut, beads of sweat were falling from their foreheads, their expressions showed the mental fatigue accumulating on them over time.     

Leech was strong but it lacked intelligence, Luna was its controller when it was inside the tomb but when outside, it needed a different controller as Luna can only stay in a specific range of the tomb.     

Rex wouldn't be idiotic enough to take the risk and start using the Leech himself. In the past, the Leech was used by a powerhouse like Crimson Sun Emperor, even mobilizing 1/10 of its strength wasn't easy when done by cultivators of Middle Realm, even if he successfully did that he won't be able to move easily.     

Moreover, every time the Leech takes damage, a part of it would be felt by their controller. The damage won't be physical but mental experience share. It's because of the user being connected to the Children Leeches.     

Rex left the task of training the three old men to control the Leech to Luna. All three of them had several soul seals implanted in them, if they tried to reveal his secrets or even defy his orders then their souls would self-detonate, it was why he made them the controllers because he can't do the same with his other subordinates.     

"What to do chief? The ship is loaded with enhanced Extinction Ray Cannons and Long-Range Exploding Grenade Launchers, taking their army down isn't a problem but the ships won't be in a repairable state later on," Andusk said.     

Rex turned around, several holographic windows were floating around the see-through glass used to look at the way the ship was heading on, all the windows were separately zooming and locking onto the ships, soldiers, and Shy Body Formation experts fighting the Leeches.     

"Hmm… We will target Tai Qiu first, he is like a high-quality blade that remained unused all its life, he lacks the experience of a real Sky Body Formation expert, he isn't sharp as Queen Dongfang, that man likely got the help of another expert to advance, you go and lure him away from the ship, I don't need to tell the rest, do I?" Rex said.     

Andusk nodded. He left the ship and moved to the battle site.     

On the other side, Queen Dongfang was looking at the Leech in front of her with a frown on her face.     

The Leech's body was covered in swords, it was hard to tell how many holes were made in its body, this much damage was fatal even to the Sky Body Formation experts known for their defense and durability.     


In the shocked eyes of all the soldiers, the Leech's body expanded and swallowed all the swords stabbed onto it, the sound of the Qi swords breaking and exploding was audible in everyone's ears, the Qi swords that were supposed to destroy the Leech from inside-out were breaking one by one, the raging Metal Qi inside them got absorbed by the Leech like water in the sand.     

Instead of being injured, the momentum of the Leech rose to a whole new level after swallowing all the swords.     

'Stop the array,' She quickly gave out the command to stop the array, she now knew that using Qi attacks on the Leech will only backfire.     

"If it's like this…" Queen Dongfang flew downwards and spread her arms.     

The forest below the ships trembled, the ground shook, all of a sudden, whether it was trees or rocks they all got sucked into the ground like they were lying on top of a swamp this whole time.     

It wasn't over at that, a gigantic wave of brown soil rose from the ground, headed into the sky, and engulfed Queen Dongfang, a surge of Metal Qi was released from her body and immerged into the land around her.     

Rex looked at the phenomenon with interest, as someone who was going to become a Sky Body Formation expert soon, observing the battle style of a veteran Sky Body Formation expert carried huge gains.     

All the beastman soldiers riding Green Mantis Sheep were also enthusiastic, although they couldn't see the situation clearly because of the distance but such a large change didn't escape their eyes.     

Soon the soil mountain covering her body took shape, a 50-meter humanoid giant was formed and punched the Leech flying in front of it.     

The Leech was like a fly compared to the enormous giant, it was hit hard and got thrown out like a meteor.     

'Is it a Law ability? She expanded her Law Domain without others noticing it then summoned this giant but being able to comprehend a law to this extent just at Sky Body Formation 5th stage, sigh... Lower realms don't lack geniuses but resources… Huh?' Rex slightly nodded, He was impressed after seeing a cultivator of Middle Realm using Law ability but the next second, another unexpected change occurred.     

The 50-meter giant's body emitted Metal Qi from all over, the raging Qi condenses into a solid form, turning into a black amour that covered its whole body, it was a full-body armour that further enhanced its defense.     

Although the armour too was made using Metal Qi but depending on the way it is used the property of the Qi changes, if all Qi-based techniques were the same then there was never a need to create so many techniques in this world, just a few were fine.     

Unlike before the Leech can't break a part of it and start chewing on it. The armour was formed after overlapping several layers of Metal Qi on top of each other, with each layer mobilizing different properties of metal, starting from malleability, tensile, and so on.     

"Combining Law ability with martial technique?" Rex was surprised.     

"She is a smart one, she doesn't actually combine them but used both simultaneously, it's like a combo move, similar to how we have Qi meridians in our body, she built Qi channels in that giant then used them to form an armour, a handy technique but although her method can speed up the formation of the armour, it would also increase the Qi consumption rate," A familiar voice came from the side.     

Rex turned and saw a black fox lying on a red-black sofa that appeared out of nowhere.     

'Sneaky fox,' Rex inwardly snorted.     

[Try saying it out loud,]     

'I don't want to hurt her feelings,' Rex said.     

[And your bones,]     

"What are you looking at? I am just a spectator," Zakiya said as she stretched her back then led down again resting her jaw on her paws.     

'Are all divine beasts like that?' Rex thought.     

[Well… We do have 'Genius' like you, so…]     

Rex humph-ed. He activated the weapon system of the ship, getting ready to strike anytime.     

When he was watching from here, Queen Dongfang controlled the giant and launched a barrage of punches at the place where the Leech fell.     

Unlike her, Tai Qiu had it worse, he didn't have the time to observe her battle, he now realized how fearsome the Leeches were, both the Leech fighting him became stronger with his every attack. He got no opportunity to make a comeback, there were no physical wounds on his body yet but his mentality was falling apart, the thought of retreating was brewing in his head.     

Queen Dongfang was still attacking the Leech without taking notice of its condition when she sensed something and looked in the direction of Green Mantis Ship, she saw a female Thunder Eagle ridden by a snow-white haired man flying in their direction at jet speed.     

She showed her decisive nature and reacted without a pause in her movements.     

Under her control, the giant raised its left foot and stomped on the ground, several pointed spikes grew from the ground moving towards the sky at a rapid pace.     

Andusk coldly glanced at the approaching spikes without any change in his expression, he patted Kenery's back then took a step back jumping at the growing spikes.     

Suddenly a change occurred, Andusk's body started to transform, his height increased, his muscles bulged out, the bones structure of his body started to change, thick white fur started to grow out on his skin.     

The soldiers on the ship watched with a solemn expression as they saw, Andusk's face deforming his mouth jutting, his human teeth turning into beast's canines, his hands became claws, two snow-white ears appeared on his head and a tail grew on his back.     

In mere seconds, the humane Andusk transformed into a snow-white werewolf!     

Andusk swiftly moved his body in the air and dodged the spike nearest to him with a hair's length, he stepped onto the spike below him, using it as a stepping stone he leaped forward towards the armoured giant.     

Every step he took left his frozen mark on the spikes below his feet. He rushed in the direction of the giant at his full speed. His Semi-Beast Transformation was the same as any other beastman, after all, he was a Carbonite Demi-Human, his transformation didn't surprise Queen Dongfang that much, the problem lied in his guts to fight a Sky Body Formation expert, if by chance he was similar to the Leech which only got stronger during the fight then it would be huge trouble once he joined the fight.     

Queen Dongfang was troubled on what choice to make when she saw Andusk changing direction at the last moment and heading towards the six Generals on the ship.     

Her face stiffened, she understood his purpose, she was about to turn back when a black shadow tackled her making her stumble on the ground and almost fall back. The beast grasped the moment and swirled around the giant's body.     

Queen Dongfang was jolted to realization, she observed her condition only to see a long black centipede coiling around the giant's body completely immobilizing its arms, the sharp blade-like legs on the centipede were threatening to dig into her armour.     

She exerted her full strength trying to break free from its grasp but the result made her break in a cold sweat. She failed to rip the centipede. There was always a choice to abandon the giant but after spending so much energy to keep it together backing off would be no different from asking for death.     

{Help me fast!} Queen Dongfang sent a message to Tai Qiu.     

{I can't, they are… Huh?} Tai Qiu was having it hard, he was replying to her when a bright light came from the side, engulfing both him and the two Leeches without giving them the chance to escape.     

'Dammit!' Queen Dongfang gritted her teeth as she looked at the Green Mantis ship into the distance.     

Inside the control room of the ship, Rex made a fist in the air.     

"Dead or Alive?" Rex muttered to himself.     

"100% alive," Zakiya lazily yawned as she spoke.     

Rex gave her a strange look, there was no demeanor of a divine beast on her. He turned back to look at the screen.     

When the bright light faded, the sorry figure of Tai Qiu came into view, his previous clothes had all turned into ashes, his hair was in a mess, his whole body was covered into wounds and burn scars.     

Unlike him, the two Leeches were completely fine.     

As a Sky Body Formation expert Tai Qiu was able to take an all-out attack from a battleship that could turn any Golden Core stage cultivator into ashes and kill Core Breaking stage cultivator on a direct hit. Although he was injured, his wounds were healing at the speed visible to the naked eyes, but while his old wounds healed, the Leeches gave him new ones.     

He didn't even have the time to change into new clothes.     

"Go Die You Insects!" Tai Qiu fumed in rage and charged at the Leeches with his full strength but it didn't change anything.     

Queen Dongfang herself was feeling desperate, she watched as Andusk charged at her soldiers on the ship. His battle had just started and more than fifty of her soldiers were frozen into ice sculptures. Furthermore, anyone who came in contact with the Ice Qi wielded by him fainted on the spot. For someone like her, one look was enough to tell that the Ice was poisonous.     

At this time, a loud voice reverberated in the sky.     

"Let's not fool around anymore, I am Rex Andrews, under the decree passed down from Frozen Flame Empire, I came here to retai- cough take your three ships, I ask you to obediently surrender, if you agree then I will request Shadow Lord to show leniency towards you," Rex's amplified voice rang into everyone's ears.     

Queen Dongfang's face was dark, the words spoken by him were the same as the ones she spoke a while ago, but this time, she was at the receiving end.     

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