Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1266: Maria's true aim

Chapter 1266: Maria's true aim

0Sakuya explained before disappearing and the next moment she was already in the sky silently hovering in the air in front of one of the statues.     

The man's facial muscles were heavily distorted due to extreme fear, his mouth was opened wide as if screaming or crying hysterically.     

He was using both his arms and feet, making a mad dash downwards, trying to land on the limestone cave on the path.     

However, he had already been frozen completely still.     

Sakuya reached her hand out to touch the man's statue. Indeed, these statues were too life-like, too real, forcing Sakuya to ponder, they almost didn't have any information on this dungeon.     

Meanwhile, Pandora had her arms crossed, obviously bored.     

But Gracier was still shaking a bit, even her face had gotten a bit pale.     

"They're only statues, but they look very lifelike!"     

Sakuya praised, then flew back down.     

Patting Gracier's shoulder, she smiled: "I've seen some carve marks, their knife skills were seriously impressive, conveying such clear emotions"     

Hearing that, Gracier patted her chest and sighed in relief.     

"It's a mystery, who would be so bored that they would carve such things in a cave? Some huge pervert for sure" She muttered.     

Gracier was no longer shaking.     

Sakuya secretly winked at Pandora.     

The latter was about to ask something but immediately stopped after seeing that.     

Her expression became serious.     

"So they were statues, I'm quite interested in statues as well. Alright, I'll take a look at them as well."     

Pandora casually said. She was playing along.      

Sakuya and Gracier continued walking ahead leaving Pandora behind as she was thinking of something.     

However, she was forced to stop her thoughts as the surrounding turned more silent, the sounds of the other two walking wasn't heard anymore.      

For some unknown reason, Pandora felt a chill run down her spine and when she lifted her head much to her horror she found both Sakuya and Gracier frozen, turned into statues.     


'No good things have gotten terrible. I wonder how the others are faring outside. Better than us I hope.' Pandora thought before moving forward to deal with the unexpected situation.     


Meanwhile, in the outside world, inside their rented room at the old man's Inn.     

Maria sat with both Saeko and Luna sitting across from her.      

''So Big sister, why did you let those three head into that place?" Saeko was the one that raised this question.     

''Well, I was throwing a bait,'' Maria explained without going into the details.     

Saeko thought for a moment before suddenly nodding as she seemed to have understood something.     

''You are cunning big sister.'' She said with a smile. Luna simply watched from the side not saying anything as she also understood her sister's intention. Because they sent the most troublesome of them into the dungeon and because the rest hadn't displayed their true strength, the enemy must think they'll be easy to deal with. They would probably try something in the days following the others' departure, however, Maria did not plan to wait for them because she had a certain goal in mind.      

Suddenly, she rose from her seat and declared.     

''I will go out and do some exercise.'' She declared before vanishing.      

A few moments later a certain auction house, the biggest owner of the most prosperous slave market was destroyed. Several small and big companies were destroyed. The city's economy took a big hit.      

The matriarchs quickly learned what happened and held another emergency meeting.     

Meanwhile, Maria returned to the inn as if nothing had happened.      

The others were waiting for her and as they were about to talk their noticed someone's presence.     

''They are sure fast.' Luna smiled while Saeko shrugged her shoulders as if to say it was to be expected they don't have a choice.     

''You have a visitor,'' The old man said behind the door.     

''Let's her in.'' Maria simply stated.     

A female dark elf walked in.     


''Speak outside."     

Before the dark elf finished her sentence, she waved her arm and interrupted her words. Upon hearing her reply, the dark elf was taken aback. Then, she gazed at the other two, and seeing their menacing glare she turned around, and left immediately.      

"Greetings Miss Maria.''     

The latter observed her for a second before stopping.     

Blue, sleek hair hangs over a strong, lively face. Squinting golden eyes, set handsomely within their sockets, watch honorably over the woods they've become enchanted by for so long.     

Soft skin charmingly compliments her nose and leaves a delightful memory of her luck.     

The dark elf with the blue hair bowed to Maria respectfully again in the corridor and said.     

"I'm the matriarch of the Moonwalker's family of Gandor City, Felerai Moonwalker, the matriarch of 3rd family. We apologize on behalf of the reckless actions of the fifth family… I represent the council in offering our apologies. We didn't realize the intention of the fifth family beforehand, which brought forth such troubles and offended you."     

As expected of dark elves; the ability to sell out their companions was always maxed out and they could even betray the whole fourth family. As for the dark elves and families who died in the civilian and lesser-noble districts, Faith simply skipped over them with the casual mention of the word 'troubles'.     

"Alright, cut the crap."     

Maria waved his hand to disrupt Faith's words. She did not have too much time to waste on meaningless words. Now that she had forced them to come again she ought to go straight to the point.     

"I'll get straight to the point. Are you ceding your territory or paying indemnity?"     


Felerai was taken aback by her question. As a dark elf, she wasn't comfortable with such direct and uncomplicated negotiations. She initially intended to pull some nonsense but eventually decided to abandon this thought. She knew that Maria was the one who attacked without speaking a word from their quick investigation.     

'If I continue with the nonsense, I'm not even sure if I can leave this place in one piece.'     

At this thought, Felerai couldn't help but ask cautiously.     

"Miss Maria, what you mean is…"     

"Indemnity; and that is to hand over all the good stuff in Gandor City to compensate for our mental loss. As for the amount…"     

Maria pondered and calculated the dark elves' wealth from their investigation. As dark elves had a whole lot of worthy items, especially magical equipment, and treasures that left one in envy. Since she was already here, she wouldn't be standing at the ceremony, of course.     

"… It shall be the assets of Gandor City, and just 60 percent of them will do."     


Upon hearing his words, Felerai felt a shiver run down her spine. She swallowed her saliva and stared at Maria carefully.     

"What about the territory?"     


Maria responded calmly as though she had already made up her mind a long time ago.     

"As long as all of you are willing to submit to me and become a part of the empire, we will have no issues."     

Facing Maria's response, Felerai was completely speechless.     

She was mentally prepared. When she heard her request, she heaved an inward sigh of relief. Matriarchs were most afraid of not knowing what was going on inside the other negotiator's head. Even though the matriarchs correctly guessed that Maria was surely plotting something with Gandor City, for safety's sake, if the other negotiator said.     

 "I don't want anything. I just dislike dark elves like you" The matriarchs could only head home and weep helplessly.     

But now, Felerai felt restless because Maria mentioned her conditions so effortlessly. It would be within the dark elves' expectations if she overwhelmed them with one aggressive statement or spoke calmly to give them a chance to make decisions. But now, Maria's tone of voice was entirely as though she were saying: "Since I'm here, it would be a waste if I didn't get my hands on something before heading back."     

There was no need to guess the true meaning behind that intention and it left Felerai depressed because she couldn't figure out whether Maria was joking or being serious.     

No matter what, since Maria gave them two choices they could only choose one no matter how unwilling they were.     

But the dark elves disliked both choices.     

Maria said she wanted 60 percent of Gandor's assets, which was a huge amount.     

Of course, the dark elves could take their time, but Maria wasn't amused. Felerai was also aware that Maria wouldn't wait for them, she wanted 60 percent of their assets, but would seize all of them instead, before returning the remaining 40 percent to them…     

And they weren't sure if she would even return the 40 percent.     

Therefore, this was entirely a joke. Maybe Maria only spoke casually because the operability was truly too low and she couldn't possibly understand it.     

Rather than waiting for the dark elves to hand out their assets, she would rather annihilate them all and take her time to recover the assets, wouldn't she? At least, judging from the current situation, Maria was capable of messing over all of Gandor City.     

The reason why she gave them two choices was entirely for cover. But everyone knew that it was apparent Maria intended to lay hands on the city.     

Felerai'e guess was right. Maria had indeed decided to do it. This is her real aim.     

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