Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1256: Nightmare

Chapter 1256: Nightmare

0The powerful and cunning matriarch who couldn't even blink an eye to sacrifice her daughter, and kill her mother was currently in great trouble as she gnashed her teeth tightly. Things have sincerely gotten worse. She gripped the seven-headed snake whip in her left hand while clutching the chair handle with her left hand. In an instant, the entire hall fell into a dead silence. No one spoke a word as they gazed at their matriarch meticulously. Everyone was aware that the family was in dire straits.     

While the matriarch was lost in thoughts considering how to get out of her current predicament something unexpected happened. As the saying goes, disaster comes in pair.      

''Reporting, Matriarch!"     

All of a sudden, a dark elf guard scrambled into the premises. His scream shattered the peace of the hall. Nilerea couldn't help but dwindle her thoughts and stare at the guard.     

"We received news from the front—the 20th family alliance has been utterly defeated!"     

Nilerea's heart sank into the ice-cold bottom. Her vision was enveloped in total darkness. But as the honorable dark elf matriarch, she returned to her senses immediately. She forced herself to not reveal any expression, stood up solemnly, and gazed at the guard.     

"Tell me exactly what happened!" She demanded as her face was white, she was trembling at the moment unable to believe her eyes. This must be a nightmare she constantly mumbled under her breath.     


If it were considered a nightmare for the dark elves to take on Pandora, it would be utter hell for them to face Sakuya.     


The young lady flourished her bloodied katana, slashing blade rays one after another across the air. As she strolled, the katana covered in wind blades bore a resemblance to the razor-sharp teeth of a monster tore at the dark elves' flesh. Scarlet and viscous blood and flesh splattered on the ground with every swing of her blade. At that very moment, fear and despair were written all over the faces of the dark elves.     

In the beginning, the dark elves disregarded her as they focused on Maria but the latter disappeared leaving Sakuya to take care of them. It was then they learned the meaning of lunatic.     

In an instant, the situation turned even more chaotic. Sakuya shuttled across the battlefield with a burst of crazy laughter as she rammed into the dark elves and slaves that refused to back down, she ripped them apart with her blade and sunk in the joy of trampling over their corpses. It was this feeling of happiness that left the dark elves shivering with chills. Dark elves also loved massacres, but the enjoyment came from the benefits behind them because successful massacres could promote their statuses, eliminate competitors, or accomplish their family's missions. It was this feeling of satisfaction that dark elves were so passionate about in assassination and 'backstabbing'. But they didn't expect there to be someone who purely gained pleasure from slaughtering, massacring, and the process of seizing one's life. The dark elves felt chills running down their spines at the sight of Sakuya brandishing her katana and shredding her victims mercilessly. Her eyes glinted in joy as the slaves screamed and howled to their deaths.     

The mage attacked by releasing powerful fireballs which engulfed Sakuya making it seem that the flame devoured her, the dark elves thought for a moment to have succeeded.      


Her katana swung out and dissipated the smoke. Before the dozen dark elves reacted, a shadowy figure flitted across. In an instant, their upper bodies flew up into the air, while their internal organs and scarlet blood splattered all over the ground. Looking at this horrific scene, the dark elves at the back turned ashen and quickly retreated. However, another whistling gust of blade wind dispersed the rolling smoke around the young lady as she stood before them once again. This time, the dark elves couldn't help but stare blankly at her.     

She darted ahead with her sword and arrived before the dark elves, raising the pitch-black blade and flourishing it from above!     


Looking at this scene, the dark elves were bewildered. She didn't exhibit such speed earlier. She kept sauntering while swinging her blade across the enemies in her path. Due to that reason, the dark elves subconsciously believed that only her sword swings were quick, while she was slow-moving, however, they soon found out how wrong they were. She moved so fast that they couldn't follow. It was a real massacre in the true sense of the term.     

Meanwhile, on Nilerea's side, she was desperate.     

Her two armies of reinforcements had crumbled, while the remaining dark elf mages went to her to take refuge. But come to think of it, these dark elf mages weren't outsiders in the first place. Back then, for her to protect herself from both of her daughters' conspiracies, she sneaked a group of spies into her daughters' families to monitor their activities. Due to that reason, it went without saying that these spies weren't devoted to their so-called 'matriarchs' and were the first to hide in the back of the army once battle commenced. That was how they avoided disaster and retreated to report the situation.     

Upon hearing their reports, Nilerea was put in a tough spot. She realized she seemed to have made a rather foolish decision. She considered the situation from the perspective of dark elves, so it went without saying that she thought no matter how strong the enemies were, they were still a small group, after all. As long as she diminished their strength, even if she couldn't annihilate them all, she could still suppress their arrogance and teach them that Gandor City was a city belonging to the dark elves!     

And that it was not a place for outsiders like them to act brazenly!     

Nilerea was already ashen at the thought of this sentence. She felt as though she were slapped several times in the cheeks, and they were red and swollen now. Not only did she not force the enemies back, but she also sacrificed two families that she groomed with utmost care. Moreover, several smaller families were also implicated and buried in the ground. Right now, it was complete chaos for her.     

As the largest city of the dark elves, Gandor was huge. Even though the underground was different from the surface, this city was about the same size as Eris' city and was also divided into districts. Humans resided in the slave distract of the outer city. A little deeper inside would be the business district, followed by the district for dark elves. Despite that, as smaller families were weaker in strength, they were situated on the periphery of the inner district, while larger families were based in the core. That was why the inner city was categorized into civilian, lesser-noble, and core districts.     

Maria's group was currently located in the business district, while Nilerea's directions of attack came from the civilian and lesser-noble districts. As a result, the three districts were in complete disorder right now. The civilian district was turned into a living hell by Sakuya, where the dark elves were minced, becoming a part of the bloody battlefield without a chance of survival. The lesser-noble district also struggled and eventually collapsed to Pandora's undead army.      

Facing the sudden emergence of so many undead creatures, the nobles were unready. They never anticipated a situation where undead creatures would attack them in their city. Moreover, Luna's pet appeared and flattened more than half of the entire lesser-noble district. Saeko's wind element was undoubtedly an attack that ravaged the entire 'map'. As a result, some dark elf families who didn't send out their troops and decided to enjoy the show were killed by the lack of air despite being in the safety of their homes.     

The families who survived struggled whilst at death's door. But before they pulled themselves together from the wind element's suppression, they faced an ambush from the sea of undead creatures. Pandora manipulated countless dark elf corpses into becoming her able-bodied soldiers. In the end, those families resisted, but to no avail as they were swept away by the undead army's human wave attack. Meanwhile, those family members who weren't captured struggled and couldn't hold on for much longer.     

On the other hand, it was even more miserable for the civilian district. Sakuya was entirely addicted. Other than those dark elves who fled upon witnessing the unfavorable situation from the start, none of the rest escaped.     

It wasn't that none of the dark elves tried to escape. But as soon as they tried they got sliced into pieces.     

Nilerea was also distressed over a thorny problem. Gracier practically charged her way over and slaughtered anyone who obstructed her. Right now, she had arrived at the east periphery of the lesser-noble district. Judging from her aggression, it seemed like she was about to barge her way into the core district and obliterate all the dark elves. The dark elf army was also utterly defeated by her. This young lady didn't seem to understand what limit and holding back meant as she eradicated everything in her path. Even if one weren't standing in front of her and were simply unpleasant to her eye, she would still murder one.     

This must be a real nightmare.     

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