Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1234: Gracier Vs the Octopus

Chapter 1234: Gracier Vs the Octopus

0Let's head back to Gracier's group location for a moment.     


In another location was a man who was observing the fight through the monster's eyes and when he saw how they died he froze, it was then Luna's voice reached his ears.     

''Found you!"      

'Oh! No!'      

The man's heart tightened and a chill went down his back as cold sweat covered his hands and feet; a feeling of a certain clawed at his heart. He knew he was done for. He had to do everything possible to escape so he threw something on the ground which exploded, and the thing contained inside turned into countless monsters.      

Using this as a cover the man disappeared but he didn't notice a small white ball following him as he teleported.      

Shortly after Luna arrived at the place the man previously stood she smiled looking in a certain direction before focusing on the monsters summoned by the man.      

''Well, I'll never say no to a free Exp! You better run fast as you can little rabbit.''      

Even though the monsters couldn't understand what she was saying they flinched feeling fear and the next instant they hailed like pigs being slaughtered.     

While Luna was chasing after the enemy she intentionally let go of Gracier who was about to join her receive an emergency call from one of her brother's men stationed not too far away she went in the direction of the call, it was in another place. A city covered in the middle of the sea surrounded by glaciers.     

As soon as she arrived Gracier witnessed something amazing.     


A deep sonic boom erupted and all of a sudden, an enormous, pitch-black shadow appeared out of thin air. It was a giant octopus that was over eight meters long, suspended in the air, while its huge body descended slowly as though it were being lowered into the deep sea. At the same time, the giant octopus waved its tentacles, lashing out at a group of beings near it. The group of beings wasn't just ordinary creatures. And although they were standing quite a distance away from Gracier, it only took an instant before she saw who they were. A group of adventurers had surrounded the giant octopus, wielding various weapons mostly trident, and were wrestling with the giant octopus bravely.     

Narrowing her eyes at the battlefield in front of her, Gracier canceled her dragon mode, she used this mode to move faster in order to arrive quickly.     

Only a dozen adventurers were encircling the giant octopus, and they didn't stand a chance against it. In the blink of an eye, two of them were struck away by the giant octopus. Although the remaining adventurers were grasping at straws, raising their tridents to attack the giant octopus, it was a pity that their attacks inflicted little to no damage.      

This can't go on.      

Gracier thought and understood why she received the emergency call. She quickly scanned the surrounding searching for her brother's subordinate but was unable to find Zwei, he must have gone somewhere she thought.     

'I'll search for him later, for now, let's focus on rescuing this group of adventurers.' She moved after mumbling those words.     

By the time Gracier arrived on the battlefield, the zdven9 seemed to have completely run out of gas. Facing the tentacles that whipped at them, they could only summon an ice barrier to resist it. Just as Gracier arrived, she heard a loud whoosh and the giant octopus's tentacle crushed the ice barrier effortlessly in a loud bang!     

Not only that, but the tentacle also grabbed one of the adventurers, bound her tightly, and dragged her toward it. At the same time, the giant octopus opened its mouth which was full of trembling razor-sharp teeth, which were as though they were telling their owner that they were famished!     

"———! ———!"     

The B-rank adventurer warrior caught in the tentacle struggled hard and let out a clear, miserable scream like a lark captured by an eagle. At that moment, the other adventurers below charged ahead to rescue their companion. But unfortunately, none of them were able to save their companion as they were forced to retreat by the giant octopus attack. The adventurers at the bottom watched grudgingly as their companion was about to turn into food for the giant octopus, disappearing entirely into its huge mouth.     


But at that moment, a burst of flames lit up the menacing tentacles. In the face of this sudden agony, the giant octopus screeched. It instinctively loosened its grip around that female adventurer and waved its tentacles around unceasingly in an attempt to extinguish the flames. But unfortunately, its movements weren't able to eliminate the flames that were entwined and blazing on the tentacles. On the contrary, sparks and flares scattered from the burning flames due to its flustered movements, as though a heavenly maiden were sprinkling sparks at it.     

Flames were the natural enemy of water elemental creatures, and this giant octopus was naturally no exception. Although ordinary flames were unable to burn it, it depended on who was releasing the flames.     

"Well, I wonder if this huge octopus tastes good roasted."     

Gracier chuckled and floated in midair. She stared at the giant octopus in pain before her but didn't have the slightest intention of stopping. Instead, she stretched out her arm and pointed forward. And with this action, hundreds of fireballs erupted from behind her all at once, enfolding and overwhelming the giant octopus.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!     

Along with a series of explosions, the giant octopus shuddered in the sizzling flames that it was so terrified of. The kind of pain was literally like acid dripping onto its skin and eating away at its flesh without any mercy. Under Gracier's attack, the giant octopus retreated. But even so, it didn't seem willing to give up the delicious meal it almost devoured earlier. After letting out another bellow, the giant octopus shot out its tentacles at the mermaid warrior who was thrown out by it earlier.     


Staring at the deadly tentacle headed straight for her again, the frightened adventurer turned ashen. Just when she saw the rows of suction cups on the inside of the tentacle and thought she could no longer escape, all of a sudden, she felt an arm pulling her by the waist and dragging her out of the tentacle's attacking range. Immediately after, from the corner of her eyes, the female adventurer witnessed a bright, dazzling blade ray that sliced the tentacle into two like it was made of paper.     


The traumatized octopus finally gave up its intention to attack, forced itself to give up the delicious treat, and shrank its entire body instantly. Shortly after, it spewed out a dense cloud of black ink from its mouth that enveloped its enormous body. There was an instant where even the sky and surroundings dimmed at this move. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the giant octopus turned around in a hurry, flew backward, and fled. It was very simple-minded. As long as it could leave this place alive, it would be a victory!     

But… Would Zwei let it leave so easily?     

Since it has already shown up, it could forget about leaving.     

Gracier frowned upon seeing Zwei's appearance. To think his concealment skill have progressed this much she was unable to detect him. She shook her head and decided to follow Zwei's plan as she understood his intention. She couldn't defeat this thing alone so he needs her help hence the emergency call. After all, they couldn't waste this valuable group of adventurers that could play a role in the future fight.     

 Meanwhile, Zwei's expression was cold as ice. It was exactly as Gracier guessed.      

Gazing at the barrier of pitch-black ink, a glint flashed in Zwei's eyes. At the next moment, in the blink of an eye, the sword in his hand metamorphosed into a lightning bolt that penetrated the middle of the dark cloud of pitch-black ink. The mighty impact along with whirling gales erupted, wiping out the black ink instantly. And now, along with another miserable shriek, the giant octopus's body was punctured thoroughly, leaving a huge round hole in the middle. Blood sprayed everywhere from the wound, spreading, mixed with black ink. The giant octopus shuddered uncontrollably, but that was just its deathbed struggle.     

"My final touch !"     

Along with Gracier's hearty laughter, a sudden burst of flames instantly engulfed the octopus's body.     

The adventurers on the side were dumbfounded, completely unresponsive to the scene before them. After all, just a moment ago, they were trying to stop and defeat that terrifying monster with the belief that they would die. But they didn't expect the situation to turn around in just a split second. As these two strange beings showed up, the battle situation turned around drastically. The deep sea octopus was a creature that even a powerful group of mermaid elites had a hard time eliminating. Despite that, those two actually killed it so effortlessly.     

Most of the group was curious about their identity.     

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