Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1225: Royal Asura's Inheritance

Chapter 1225: Royal Asura's Inheritance

0Back to Alex's location for a moment.     



Something had stepped on a dead twig prompting Alex to look in that direction.      

Three giant eyes monitor their surroundings from their wide sockets. A wide nose rests below, but it's the enormous mouth below that takes all the attention. A creepy smile reveals rows of dull teeth and a coarse tongue.     

Large spiky ears sit on each side of its large, bony head, which itself is covered in tiny hairs and has two broad horns protruding from the top.     

Its small fat body is slightly hunched over. Two thick almost branch-like arms dangle at its sides and end in claw-like hands with small fingers, of which it has 6 in total.     

Its legs are wide and slightly bent, each ending in lean hooves.     

Its body is covered in oily skin and its shoulders are about the same width as its pelvis.      

''What the hell is this ugly thing?" Alex felt goosebumps rising all over his body. The thing which showed up was really ugly.     

Immediately after seeing this ugly thing, Alex unleashed hell upon it, instantly killing it but more appeared and he did the same.      

In the next twenty minutes, the sound of gunshots rang out as Alex slaughtered his way in.      

At the end of the massacre, Alex's level rose by two, he was now Level 214.     


Suddenly, Alex's heart thumped wildly inside his chest and his vision blurred.     

Silveria quickly turned into her human form and helped Alex to find somewhere safe to say. She seemed to have expected something like this to happen.     

''It is bloodline inheritance.'' She said and even if Alex was curious about what this bloodline inheritance was it got no time before his consciousness was forcibly dragged somewhere and he lost consciousness.      

Unfortunately, Nyx appeared and gently laid his body on her tights.      

''I wonder how powerful you'll become after this.'' She mumbled while gently caressing Alex's hair.     

Silveria watched her sister with a strange expression because of her current action which was unlike her but everything is for the best.     


Meanwhile, Alex appeared before a huge gate, and carved above this door was the following sentence.     

''Devil's Abyss.''      

Alex walked toward the door and was immediately sucked in. The next moment he appeared in Devil's Abyss.     

He knew the thing making him excited was the depth of this place and he had to go.     

Demonic aura surged in the Devil's Abyss. The deeper one went, the more one could feel the terrifying waves.     

Countless skeletons of all races hung on the walls. They could feel the fear that seeped into their souls. Even their flesh and bones were penetrated by the cold energy      

Normal people couldn't see through the thick fog obstructing their views.     

However, with Alex's eyesight, he could easily see the surroundings. The walls were steep and filled with all kinds of strange plants.     

The depths of the Devil's Abyss were a completely different world. The territory here could be said to be endless.      

Alex arrived at the depths of this place and saw an ocean that made his heart race and his blood boil, without a doubt it was the final destination. He observed the ocean in front of him.     

This was an ocean that was scarlet red like fire, or perhaps it could be said to be a sea of blood. It was boundless, and a dense demonic aura rose and surged into the sky. It emitted a hazy bloody radiance, and strands of powerful pure mana interweaved and condensed within it.     

If one looked at it from above, one could even see bubbles rising into the sky, as if it contained an ancient world.     

At this place, even Alex felt like his body was about to crack. It was clear how terrifying the aura of this sea of blood was. It could be said to be unparalleled.     

Even those who had stepped into False God Realm would change their expressions. They wouldn't dare to approach easily and would tremble afraid of dying.     

However, as Alex's aura was revealed, this feeling of cracking disappeared. After all, the two were of the same origin.     

At this time, several figures appeared not far away. They were very blurry, but their auras were equally terrifying.     

However, their faces were not of the human race. They were very strange as if they were pieced together by various creatures. There were some with human heads and beast bodies and some with beast heads and human bodies.     

At this time, they stared at Alex with bewilderment, awe, and submission at the same time.     

This was a feeling that came from the bottom of their hearts. This was because they were terrifying creatures born from this sea of blood.     

At the bottom of the Devil's Abyss, they were overlords. Few could rival them. In their eyes, the other demonic creatures were just food.     

Alex closed his eyes slightly and came to the shore of the sea of blood. He couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.     

At this moment, the sea of blood in front of him was boiling. There was a monstrous bloody light that rushed out as if it was cheering and welcoming its original owner.     

"Huff …"     

In the next moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and roared at the boundless sea of blood in front of him.     

The terrifying aura seemed to sweep through the world, shaking the heavens. Even space was collapsing, on the verge of collapse.     

All the creatures near the sea of blood couldn't help but tremble. They knelt on the ground and didn't dare to move.     


Between his eyebrows, the top of his head was shining brightly. It was incomparably brilliant and sparkling. That was the terrifying power and blood.      

This was an unparalleled power.     

In the next moment, something terrifying happened. As Alex roared, the sea of blood in front of him began to boil crazily and surged toward him.     

He swallowed the endless blood in this place. Streaks of red brilliance like the Milky Way fell into Alex's mouth.     

This place seemed to have formed a bottomless black hole. It was more like a dim and collapsed sun that gathered all the light in the world.     

The sea of blood was disappearing quickly. It was boundless, but now it was setting off stormy waves.     

This scene was too shocking.      

All the creatures in the vicinity were terrified and shocked. They were stunned by this scene. They trembled in place and were extremely frightened.     

They never thought that one day, the source of the sea of blood that gave birth to them, the source of all the demonic qi, would be swallowed by someone.     

And the aura of this young man made them even more fearful.      

Something terrific was being born. Slowly but surely Alex's new bloodline was becoming perfect with this true blood of Asura he was swallowing.     

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