Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1224: Freya's Letter

Chapter 1224: Freya's Letter

0While Luna was thinking about the humanoid monsters before her another one appeared making it three.      


''Oh?" Luna's lips curved into a smile as she added.     

''This is getting interesting, let me crush you before getting to your master.'' She declared before putting her hands together in the form of prayer.      

''9th Tier Holy Magic: Sanctuary!"      

A dazzling light erupted from her and with her, as the center spread around until it covered the humanoid monsters, they flinched feeling uncomfortable.      

The next moment they were beheaded by a white resplendent sword. The Sanctuary seemed to have dulled their senses until they got beheaded, 3 Level 150 monsters died just like that.     

In another location was a man who was observing the fight through the monster's eyes and when he saw how they died he froze, it was then Luna's voice reached his ears.     

''Found you!"      

'Oh! No!'      

The man's heart tightened and a chill went down his back as cold sweat covered his hands and feet; a feeling of a certain clawed at his heart. He knew he was done for. He had to do everything possible to escape so he threw something on the ground which exploded, and the thing contained inside turned into countless monsters.      

Using this as a cover the man disappeared but he didn't notice a small white ball following him as he teleported.      

Shortly after Luna arrived at the place the man previously stood she smiled looking in a certain direction before focusing on the monsters summoned by the man.      

''Well, I'll never say no to a free Exp! You better run fast as you can little rabbit.''      

Even though the monsters couldn't understand what she was saying they flinched feeling fear and the next instant they hailed like pigs being slaughtered.     


The Demon continent.     

In a magnificent palace that stood on the top of a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist.     

A peerlessly beautiful woman in a black robe was writing something in front of a table.     

Her facial features were beautiful, and her eyes were deep and calm. There was a little light red makeup between her eyebrows, which made her look a little demonic. Naturally, it was Lilith who temporally returned to her empire to take care of a few pressing matters before going back.      

Four females stood beside the empress in silence.     

''Your Majesty, a letter arrived from the Freya academy, it was sent by the headmistress Freya.''     

At this time, a female officer came in with a letter with a respectful expression.      

Lilith was surprised because she would have never expected Freya to contact her because they didn't have much interaction, she was her principal before she regained her memory nothing much. After that, they only met recently during the world council meeting, so naturally, she was shocked to receive a letter from her.      

Lilith took the letter and after opening it read the content. It was nothing much she was just asking for permission to use one of their named dungeons to nurture some good seedlings she had picked. Naturally, Lilith understood and wouldn't refuse, on the eve of the incoming fight every useful person should be put to use.      

After reading the letter and having decided to grant Freya's request.     

Lilith picked up the pen next to her and began to write on the paper. It was rare that she wrote on her own, and did not let the female official beside her write for her.     

After writing the reply only then did she pass it to the female officer beside her and say lightly.     

"Send it to Freya as soon as possible."     

She ordered the female officer who brought the letter to immediately send this reply to Freya.     


The female official with gray skin and z small horn protruding from the left side of her head took the letter and then quickly left the palace.     

Thinking about who was the one suggesting this Lilith smiled, it was not hard to guess it was Elseria's doing. Every dungeon existing, even if it was not affiliated with the Adventurer guild is recorded in their Dungeon's annual so as the Guild master she knows which one was most useful and where it is. So naturally she would have made this suggestion to Freya whom many considered as her pupil if not she couldn't have known and made this request.      

Shaking her head Lilith mumbled. ''As expected you're still too troublesome, playing behind the scenes Typhania.''     

Nobody heard what she had just said not even the four females besides her despite their powerful strength.      

Afterward, Lilith went back to what she was doing, she perused through the papers stacked on the table with a frown. She heaved a tired sigh upon seeing that even on this continent the same thing happening over there was happening as well.     

''They surely want to draw our attention somewhere else while focusing on what is most important. Keep your eyes open and pretend to fall for it.'' She ordered the four and they nodded.      

They were the closest female officials to the Empress, and at the same time, they were also her confidants and advisor while Althea was her shadow, the head of her Shadow guards.     

They understood their empress's aim and faithfully carried her order. The enemy wouldn't get what he wants like he was expecting.     

After the four females beside her left Lilith put down what she was reading and clasped twice, and from her shadow, someone appeared.      

It was Althea the one that appeared. She was holding a dagger covered in blood and her body seemed to be surrounded by a terrific amount of killing intent capable of making even Grandmaster fall on their knee just because of it.     

Lilith was unbothered by this, with a flick of her fingers Althea's heavy killing intent vanished as if it was a smoke.      

''How is the interrogation going?" She asked her sister who was interrogating a spy they caught.      

Althea shrugged her shoulders before taking a seat across from her little sister.      

''Nothing much, his memory seemed to have been wiped clean.''      

''I see, kill him, his entire family to set an example and then go back to that place and stay on standby. I've got the feeling that thing won't take long before coming out.''      

Althea's eyes turned cold when she heard that, she nodded before vanishing into her sister's shadow. Not even for a moment she found her sister's order to eradicate an entire family because of a single man to be unreasonable because ruler sometimes have to be ruthless to set an example. Everything is for the bigger picture.     

Lilith massaged her temple feeling a headache coming, for some reason she thought of a certain black-haired man with heterochromia eyes.      

''Sigh! I must be too tired it is why I'm thinking of him.''      

Her words seemed like a poor attempt to persuade herself that even this excuse was ridiculous. Fortunately, her sister hadn't heard this, or else she would have made fun of her.      

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