Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1212: Magical Gunslinger 3

Chapter 1212: Magical Gunslinger 3

0The monster with its upper body blown up fell to the ground producing a thus sound.     

Alex had already moved switching to another mode.     

The Magical Gunslinger was going on a rampage.     

The Black Prince acquired the ability to switch modes, creating the weapons he remembered freely after his race evolved and his mana room (Mana capacity) increased.     

The new mode Silveria switched to was a revolver.     

This small revolver is a suitable choice amongst civilians who need an easy model to train with.    


Its stable weight makes it not demanding to handle. It has a great amount of firepower with extraordinary precision.    

This particular revolver comes with a cheaper metal grip, with ivory decorations, and a light-duty barrel, which could be ornamented if so desired.    

This weapon was originally designed as a result of a bet, but it soon turned into a new hype in many countries and is now in use by many recreational gun owners.    

Its official name is the UK-6LX, but it generally goes by its unofficial name: Malice.     

Using Xerox he duplicated Silveria first before switching to another revolver.     

This very small double-barreled derringer is a famous model amongst service people in need of an easy-to-hide model.    

Its balanced weight makes it not hard to handle. It brings a lot of firepower with deadly precision.    

This particular double-barreled derringer comes with a wooden grip, with decoration gems, and a cheaper metal barrel, which could be gilded if so desired.    

This weapon was originally designed as a hobby, but it soon turned into a popular weapon around the world and is now in use by many military forces.    

Its official name is the OA-EAV, but it generally goes by its unofficial name: Envy.     

While holding Malice and Envy in his arms Alex moved, no dancing across the battlefield would be a more fitting description as it was indeed what he was doing.     

''Bullet Dance!"     

Bang! Bang! Bang!     

Every time he moved, a monster would fall to the ground, he would dodge the weapons launched at him while killing the one who launched them. His movements were simple yet elegant, there was not a single wasted move.     

The army of monsters was thrown into a complete chaos as they couldn't understand how a single man was capable of facing an army on his own.     

However, despite their confusion and fear this army still proved that they must not be underestimated as they quickly reorganized under their commandant's order.     

They were able to do it because the magicians in their rank launched attacks on Alex as a distraction.     

Alex laughed as he watched the enemy reorganize, he pointed Malice to the sky and fired a special bullet just above the army of monster's magicians. They hastily deployed their shield but unfortunately, it did no difference after Alex mumbled.     

[Thunder Calling Bullet]    

In an instant, the air crackled with blue energy, and a bolt of lightning ripped through the sky, crashing to the ground with a deafening roar.    



The group of Seven Monster's magicians was almost obliterated.    

Alex was taken aback by the sheer power of this bullet. In his mind, he recalled that this bullet was not that powerful when he was using it in his illusionary dream, training with various monsters. What he forgot to consider was that there is a difference between training with illusions and the real thing because it couldn't be very accurate.     

Looking at the fleeing goblin shaman holding a beautiful staff, 198 centimeters (77 inches) of elegant buckeye form the base of this elegant staff. Rows of rings are carved along the entire staff and mark the position of the handle, which has been wrapped in cloth with gilded linings.    

The bottom ends in a gnarled, root-like stub made of obsidian and has been decorated with small talon-like spikes in a row, giving them a spine-like appearance.    

The top is made out of refined crystal and has been crafted into a lantern-like shape, which has been decorated with thick fan-shaped ornamental pieces in a symmetric pattern.    

 Alex chuckled because of the goblin holding a staff bigger than itself, however, his amusement was short-lived as he knew he must get rid of this monster for him to be able to play to his heart's content because this goblin shaman not only could annoy him by casting various attack's spells, he could also cast buff spells on his allies, therefore he was to get rid of him as quickly as possible.     

Everything happened too fast, so fast that it was like a dream to the commander but he was still able to quickly react.     

''Protect Groom!" He ordered as loud as he could.    

Groom seems to be the name of the goblin shaman running away.     

Goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and various other monsters rushed toward Groom.     

Alex was amused summoned his mana and channeled it with fierce intensity into Malice before creating another special bullet he immediately fired at the fleeing Groom.    


This special bullet unleashed a shockwave into the air with a resounding boom.    

[Sound Wave Bullet]    


The resulting sound wave rippled outward, traveling through the medium of air at the speed of sound. As the invisible force barreled forward, it rapidly closed in on the fleeing goblin shaman, quickly overtaking him.    


With a deafening crash, the Sound Wave Bullet struck the monster, causing him to stumble and lose his footing in the middle of the monster with his staff flying a few meters across the ground.    

It was at that moment the commander launched an attack, a three meters long bone spear was sent toward Alex with deadly accuracy.     


The bone spear blazed through the air causing air friction, it was rapidly closing and soon it was before Alex, everyone had foreseen the human's head getting skewed, even Groom who stood up at that moment with the help of one of the monsters had seen the same thing, it was then it happened.     

''Shadow Shift!"     

With a cruel grin on his face, Alex's shadow shifted his place with Groom who didn't have the time to register what happened before his head was blown up by the bone spear.     

Meanwhile, Alex who appeared in the middle of the monsters after using Shadow Shift on Groom grinned as he declared.     

''Bullet Dance!"     

And hell broke loose on the monsters.    

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