Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1207: The Real Deal

Chapter 1207: The Real Deal

0He had a bad feeling. Or maybe that should be called conviction. He felt a chill as if the hair on his back stood on end, his instinct warned him to stay low for a moment, to endure it for now, and even if his Royal Asura's bloodline was seething in rage, ordering him to go on a rampage even if it means dying, Alex managed to control himself, he was not an idiot.    

Most of the Gods and Goddesses praised Alex's judgment.    

''Welcome mortal, for you to be in the presence of us Supreme beings should feel blessed, so kneel properly.'' An arrogant male voice resonated through the throne hall putting much pressure on Alex.    

Alex's eyes turned bloodshot and when he was about to forcibly raise his head in defiance, another voice chimed in, this time it was a female voice.    

''Stop it you attention whore or do you want me to remind you of    

your place?"     


While the male God trying to make a fool of Alex grunted in humiliation, Alex recognized the voice of the female Goddess, it was Mea the same goddess responsible for Alex's group reincarnations.     

Goddess Mea dispelled the pressure on Alex's body, even so, he had trouble looking at them because they were higher existences and they weren't hiding their strength.    

''We meet again Alexander Kael Touch. Welcome to God's meeting.'' Goddess Mea said while flashing Alex a brilliant smile.    

Meanwhile, there was another existence looking intensively at Alex as if she wished to swallow him whole, it was Nix the Goddess responsible for Eri's group reincarnations and also the Goddess that rules over death. Her curiosity about Alex and a certain being was overflowing so much that she secretly sent a clone of her into Alex's body as soon as she saw him, using the chance when Mea removed the pressure on Alex. She had to check, she had to know.    

Upon entering Alex's body she saw a black gate and without hesitation rushed into this portal what she saw inside was the abyss, in this abyss, there was a pair of giant blue eyes.     

The abyss with the giant eyes made the goddess recall a quote from somewhere.    

Gaze into the Abyss and the abyss would gaze back at you.    

This sentence was one full of meaning but for a goddess at Nix's level, this was something that she could ignore.    

But now, for the second time in her life, Nix understood the meaning of the fear.    


Endless and primal fear.    

As if sinking helplessly in a swamp with no hope of ever coming out.    


Gazing into the humongous eyes that appeared from behind the door, tears of blood streamed from her face as a horrible memory that she had intentionally sealed flowed into her mind.    

"I am sorryIamsorryIamsorryIamsorry-."    

Like a broken record, she crouched down and hugged herself with a hollow expression and tears of blood streaming down her face. The endless apologies that streamed from her showed how shocked and traumatized she was.    

At this moment, her mind was so overwhelmed that she could barely think. But even as she continued to apologize, a small part of her mind was able to think and the more she did so the more she became scared.    

She screamed in her mind but could not bring herself to look back at the door. She had already decided to dissipate this avatar of her.    

Endless regret filled her heart and mind.    

Why did she have to gaze at this door despite Mea's countless warnings?    

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?    

Nix entered a daze, as she felt even her most basic thinking capabilities collapsing.    

As a goddess, her thinking speed was something that even the greatest super calculator created by humans could never compare to.    

Even if it was only an avatar, a clone, her mind processed information at an insane speed.    

But now, she could feel all of this slowly leaving her. Her mind crawled until it nearly came to a halt even as the pressure and primordial fear in her vanished.    

Only silence was left.    

A heavy silence.    

As if a weight was pressing on her soul.    

From her crawling position, with her face filled with tears of blood, Nix slowly raised her head and looked up.    

What greeted her was the sight of a blurry entirely white figure sitting close to the door while 'looking at her.'    


The moment she gazed at this figure, all her deepest fears were confirmed, making her mind reach the limit.    

She felt her mind breaking. Like a broken mirror, her avatar began to show fissures.    

As divinity left her body and was sucked into the eye of the door.    

 'I need to run! I need to escape from this place!'    

Run! Run! Run!    

She had to flee as fast as possible, this thing is the real deal unlike her.    

She must never mess with this guy and secretly protect him as Mea did.    

She had tried to directly send the information to her main body but she found that the link between the two of them had been completely cut.    

She then tried to destroy this avatar of her in the hope of surviving by turning into a mist but she was startled to see her body slowly dissipate.    


She immediately understood what was happening and fear once again occupied her mind when black poured out of the door and encircled her body before slowly dragging it back toward the door.    


She wriggled, fought back, screamed, cursed, and even tried to claw at the ground as she was inevitably dragged closer and closer to the gate but to no avail.    

All her struggles were simply pointless.    

Even as she felt the power she accumulated after so long, Nix felt no anger, only fear,    

When she felt her body finally enter it, she could only turn toward the white figure that had stayed silent all this while and with a voice full of begging,    

"Please, I beg you I was just curious.''    

The white figure answered her with a large smile.    

The disturbing picture of a large mouth opening on a faceless white figure was disturbing enough for anyone else to have a nightmare.    

"Please I will tell-!"    


Her plea was cut short as she completely vanished behind the gate while said gate closed behind her.    

Now, the only people present in this place were Sol and the white figure.    

Then, the figure that had stayed sitting all this while slowly stood up and advanced toward Alex's location, turning into a beautiful woman none other than Nyx the Goddess of Death.     

Nobody can mess up with her thing or else endless regret awaits this person. Holding a small dark gray orb in her white hand Nyx smiled, at least she tried. The surrounding temperature plummeted as if afraid of their master's tentative to smile.    

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