Death Guns In Another World

Bonus Chapter SS: A Certain Saintess's Lewd Chronicles 2

Bonus Chapter SS: A Certain Saintess's Lewd Chronicles 2

0Someone once said. ''There is something so heavenly about a kiss in the rain, a tender moment that just won't wait. It is that burst of love that is expressed, not caring if the water soaks through to chill the skin. It is a connection that shows the strength of the feeling, the mutual need. It is a rebellion against the elements. Nature can bring the rain but our inner sunshine comes through just the same.''     

Luna understood this quote today when she went on a date with her fiance and it started raining on their way home.    

The rain creates a beat upon the blacktop sidewalk. People pass as if in accelerated motion - all except two people who have let their umbrellas fall to the wet street and be blown by the wind. They were bound in a kiss that was so tender the world should stop on its axis and take note of their love. Then they walk in hand, droplets beading their hair.    

Once they returned they immediately went to the master bedroom where Luna give Alex a mind-blowing blowjob.    

Watching Luna swipe some of his creams from her breasts with her finger and lick it, Alex feels his cock harden further.     

A phenomenon that did not escape Luna's sight. Once she was done, she used a napkin she retrieved from her item box to wipe out the rest of her breasts.     

Then, giving him a sultry smile while standing up, she murmured,     

"It seems like you are ready for another go."    

He smirked, "I can go for as long I wish to."    

Taking her by the waist, he turned her around and made her sit on his lap, back to him.     

Putting his nose in her neck, he inhaled deeply, filling his nose with her scent.    

At the same time, he couldn't help but release a deep growl, as he fought back the urge to simply ravage her as violently as possible.    

Groping her breast from behind, Alex gently weighed them before pinching her slowly hardening nubs through the thin blouse.    

"You can be rougher if you want~!"    

Alex didn't need a second invitation. Completely unbuttoning her blouse, he exposed her bra-less breasts to the air and continued to massage them while biting and kissing her neck.    

Putting her on the bed, Alex took a long look at the long-haired beauty. It was like he was looking at a work of art.    

Raising her legs, he used his finger to make a tear in her stockings. He did not wish for her to take them off since they looked way more erotic like this. Her glistening vagina devoid of pubic hair, a clear liquid dripping from her slit, wetting her inner thighs below spoke volumes of her current arousal.    

"Ah, th-that's embarrassing..."    

Even though Luna was pretty daring due to their little play, she still felt a little shame at the way he was observing her most secret place.    

"Heh, don't be. It's beautiful. Now then…"    

For a short moment, she was wondering what Alex wished to do, all thought vanished when he took her clit in his mouth and began sucking on it.    


A short cry escaped her nose and she reflexively closed her legs, but she was unable to since Alex's head was in the way.    

Meanwhile, he was already pretty used to bringing pleasure to women without just using his dick.    

While he continued to gently nibble her clitoris, he used two fingers to trace the vulva before slowly exploring its exterior.    

Like that, he slowly brought her heat up and kept her panting while she murmured his name again and again.    



Letting out a wordless scream, her back arched slightly while her juice flowed endlessly.    

When she finally calmed down, her post-climax lethargy and her embarrassment were both so alluring that Alex could not contain his lust anymore. As such, without leaving her time to catch a breath, Alex leaned over her and carefully pressed his gland against her entrance, the tip poking her insides.     

''Ohh! If you rub me inside like that...I'll..!!"    

His shallow thrusting added more sensuality to her moans. It seemed that a second climax was underway for her.    

How could he stay calm as he watched her beautiful breasts jiggle each time he thrust in and out of her?    

Slowing down, he worked his hips and grabbed the two large mounds in his hands before pressing the two swollen nipples together toward the center.    

Alex thought that a woman was always at her cutest when in the throes of passion. Fighting against that irresistible urge to let herself go but not willing to show such a shameful sight, before finally being defeated and climaxing.    

Stopping his sucking of her breasts, he decided that it was time to accelerate.    

"Ah~! Lex Sl-slow...down. Please!"    

Ignoring her cute pleas, his hip loudly slapped against hers.    

"Ugh! So deep!"    

Luna groaned.     

Like a boat facing a storm, all she could do was close her eyes and moan louder and louder while hugging him and caressing his hair.    

The sounds of the moans in his ears were like the best aphrodisiac as Alex went wilder. Luna's moans were like a tonic invigorating his muscles, marking his hips faster.    

Sweat soaked her body and a veritable shower of love juices poured down her vagina to soak his cock.    

Raising his torso, without stopping pounding her, She let out intermittent cries while he fucked her like a wild animal.    

After each thrust, he could feel something boiling in him, screaming to be released but he gritted his teeth and continued hammering at her to bring her the maximum amount of pleasure possible. He must endure it a bit longer he hypnotized himself.    

Finally, once he reached his limit, he let out a repressed growl and shoved his dick as far as it could go, and then exploded.    

Alex's cock trembled inside her while squirting its hot semen against her cervix and letting it spread throughout her vagina.     

Feeling the heat and the amount of hot semen flowing inside her Luna at the same time reached her climax, her eyes rolling in their socket while her mouth opened wide.    

She raised sensual moans while her vaginal wall tightened as if to squeeze out every last drop. She enjoyed his throbbing cock, and felt satisfied with his thick goo inside her.    

The pleasure was so much that Luna felt her consciousness grow faint, thankfully since she was more or less prepared, she managed to barely hang on and did not pass out.    

'I managed to hold on.'    

At least, that was what she thought before she felt his deflated penis grow hard once more inside of her.    

Once it felt hard enough, he resumed thrusting. She lying limp on the bed panicked.    

"Ahh…nh!? W-wait, you're doing it again?"    

"Hehe! I told you I could go for as long as I wished to."    

Despite her complaints, he thrust his hips wildly, leaned over her back, wrapped his arms around her, and began groping her large breasts again.    

She moaned as the semen acted as a lubricant and allowed him to move even quicker than before.    

The cum and love juices audibly mixed inside her.    

"Ah..Ah..ah, th-this is too much for me. I give in. Lex wait…ahh!"    

"I'm not done! I'm nowhere near done!"    

She hit her limit while on the receiving end of his limitless stamina. Sweat soaked her skin, tears, and drool dripped down her face, and she writhed in pleasure.    

Each time he thrust into her, more combined fluids flowed out of her. Each time he pulled back, those combined fluids made a lewd sound.    

"Ahh, ahh, l-let me rest for a bit. Please!"    

"Just enjoy the pleasure!"    

Alex wished to dominate her. To desecrate her. To take ownership of her, making her his forever.    

His merciless attacks pounded on her cervix, shook her womb, and even rattled her whole body.    

The confident woman was exposed at length to pure brute force with no technique behind it at all and all she could do was moan in pleasure and delight.    

"Ahh, ahh, ahh!! Ahh!"    

Her vagina squeezed like mad as she experienced repeated orgasms.    

But he still did not stop. He continued thrusting without end. He ejaculated a few times, but not even that stopped him. He wished to make it a night she would never forget.    

Finally, once he was sure that she had reached her limit, He gathered his strength to release one final roar.    

His arms grasping her still-youthful skin were lifted as she arched her back. His penis pushed deeper into her, fitting tightly against her cervix. And then he exploded.    


Luna felt like she was losing her mind. This time, no amount of self-control managed to save her and her vision grew faint before she finally blacked out.    

Breathing roughly, Alex pulled his dick out only once it had gone fully flaccid. Her vagina could not close on its own and a milky liquid flowed stickily out of the gaping hole.    

Seeing her state, he smiled awkwardly and felt a little guilty about his lack of control toward the end.    

Laying down next to her, he gently caressed her head and waited for her to wake up.    

Once she did, even though she was still tired, she refused to accept such a humiliating defeat and with wobbling legs, entered the bathroom to splash some water on her body.     

That night Luna had a sweet dream in her fiance's embrace. The same goes for Alex too. He felt blessed to have such woman in his life and he promised himself to forever cherish her.    

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