Death Guns In Another World

SS: Berserk Mode Vs Lightning Descent

SS: Berserk Mode Vs Lightning Descent

0Someone grabbed the railings in front of him. He bit down on his lips.    

"Crimson is about to go on a rampage in his berserk mode!"    

"Berserk mode? What's that?"    

Someone in the crowd heard the words and berserk so they got concerned.    

The man who previously spoke shook his head before he continued with a grim tone.    

"Berserk mode is a special technique in the beast battle skills characteristic of someone coming from the Blooddawn's family. It would be more accurate to say it's a passive effect some of them can achieve when merging with their beast projections, this mode will substantially enhance the practitioner, rendering their power output even higher as a result. Imagine a powerful tiger merging with a powerful beast image of a tiger?''     

The curious man's heart tightened and a chill went down his back as cold sweat covered his hands and feet; a feeling of unease clawed at his heart and he finally understood why the Blooddawn's family was one of the seven powerful families in the empire.    

The fight suddenly turned fierce, and the man wondered if the crown prince will be alright.    

''That sounds like trouble.'' The curious man uttered.    

"You would be lucky if it stopped at just being troublesome.''    

The man explaining bitterly laughed.    

"The most dangerous part about the berserk mode is that the user will lose rational thoughts, becoming a violent beast in the process. A beast knows not the meaning of mercy, one wrong move and lives will be lost."    

''I see, hopefully, things won't become too messy.''     

Back to the arena.    

"Berserk mode huh?"    

Leon who wanted to test this ability since the day he learned about couldn't help but frown. Looks like it's a fitting name for Crimson's current appearance, what with looking like a beast that had been abruptly awoken from its peaceful slumber.    

Leon steeled his nerves, the pressure coming from the man was no joke still he would fight to his heart's content.    

"I don't care if this is your berserk mode, if you don't move, I am going to initiate first!"    

He snapped his fingers and created many lightning swords as the space in the arena got dyed golden light. A focused barrage attack with thousands of swords aimed at Crimson appeared to be imminent.    

He snapped one more time and volleys of swords shot at Crimson like miniature missiles.    

The beast projection that has merged with Crimson expanded in response, becoming a suit of armor that endured the barrage of sword attacks.    

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!!    

The swords failed to do anything against his fortress-like defense. When the barrage of swords stopped, the projection became its slim form once more with nary a breach in defense spotted. Crimson survived the attack without a scratch.    

Leon's face turned grave before he bitterly laughed out loud.    

"This is going to be hard…"    

Crimson, or rather, berserker Crimson raised his head.    


The roar appeared to be a mix of a lion's and a tiger's roar. His roar was so loud, the soundwaves became a solid attack that attacked even the spectators some distance away, forcing them to protect their ears with their hands. Only the strong individuals were unaffected by this roar.    

In the arena, Leon was dazed by the attack, his mind went blank for a moment there.    

A psychological attack in the form of a roar?!    

Leon had guessed correctly, this roar from Crimson's berserk mode could disrupt psychological processes.     

Crimson had another title that not many people knew, the bane of magicians. A magician relied on a clear mind to channel their mana, his roar interfered not just with the chanting process but the connection between mana and psychological processes itself.    

Leon returned to his senses only to see Crimson's claw rapidly approaching him.    

Leon gnashed his teeth at the sight of this arena-destroying claw attack. A spark came off his forehead as he blocked the attack with his sword while at the same time creating a lightning whip around Crimson.     

Sure enough, the beast's projection expanded into armor, it could deflect swords but this whip wasn't focused on damaging Crimson rather, the whips entangled Crimson and his projection. His attack was stopped as he was too busy trying to untangle himself.    

Leon didn't move away, he unleashed a double Lightning Punch on Crimson's body, more accurately, he was attacking Crimson's beast projection.    


The beast projection looked fine.    

Leon unleashed another barrage of Lightning Punch, he punched and punched at Crimson's beast projection.    

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!    

Under his consistent attack, much like when Crimson went wild on his wall of flame swords, his attack started making cracks in the beast projection.    

The spectators held their breath as they watched Leon turn Crimson into a punching bag. Leon looked like an absolute madman as he unleashed brutal attacks on his opponent. The spectators felt lucky that they aren't the ones participating in this battle.    

They finally realized something. Leon was not the only one who could turn into a ferocious beast.     

The sound of Lightning Punch pounding something hard kept ringing in the arena. Soon, even more, cracks formed in Crimson's beast projection.    

Leon's fist of fury started speeding up as more cracks formed on the beast projection. The electric current embedded in each of his fists traveled across the beast's projection as he pounded it. The light coming off of the sparks made the cracks even more visible.    

Just when everyone thought the lightning fists are going to smash the beast projection into pieces, another turn of events occurred.    

The whips binding the beast projection finally suddenly vanished when Crimson broke free using pure strength. Now, the beast was free.    


Crimson roared, exposed to his roar at close range, Leon was not only stunned, he could feel physical damage being dealt to him.    

Without any mercy, Crimson smashed Leon in the chest.    

An invisible forcefield stopped the attack from touching Leon at the nick of time, it was the special attribute of his draconic armor which is on the same level as Loki, the armor gifted to Alex.    

However, the armor was unable to completely kill the blow despite its uniqueness, it managed to stop some of it but the remaining force traveled through Leon's internal organs, brutally shaking them as a result Leon staggered back and he threw up a mouthful of blood.    


Crimson did not give any room for breathing as he followed with a deadly claw attack forcing Leon to roll on the ground, vomiting another mouthful of blood in the process, he felt his body cracking and he was in intense pain, he wished to stop for a moment but knew he couldn't do that the opponent wouldn't let him do so.    

As expected the berserk Crimson attacked but this time more viciously and Leon would be gravely injured if he was not to do anything.    

Therefore he got out of Crimson's attack range and he spread his arms wide. He started crackling with lightning, this was a larger scale of conjuration than anything he had tried before. He was now completely clad in lightning.    

The wind started blowing and clouds started forming. Soon, the plaza's local weather became overcast. Bolts of lightning could be observed zipping between the clouds.    

"No way!"    

Leon's fiancee gasped at the stormy clouds.    

"He's going to use that move?"    

Leon's sister who unknowingly sneaked around wanted to ask her sister-in-law about it but there was a change in the battlefield.    

The clouds became more and more condensed while the area of the storm clouds decreased. Soon enough, the clouds condensed until their area covered the battlefield only. Like boiling water, lightning raged within the clouds, the thunder a grim reminder to the crowd that they are lucky not to be on the receiving end of this punishment.    

Leon made his move, he started to slowly lower his hand as if passing judgment. Right now nobody doubted that Leon is Lightning God reincarnated and heaven seemed to be proving to them that this thinking was accurate, judging by the amount of lightning in the sky.    

"Lightning Descent!"    

The massive bolt of lightning hit Crimson.    


The brilliant flash made everyone close their eyes. The aftermath sent a massive shockwave that blew light objects away. Some of the crowd had to hold onto heavy objects to not get blown away.    

The crowd could faintly make out the sound of a beast crying out in pain before the voice died away.    

The spectators peeked out from their respective seats, wondering if the show was already over.    

They exchanged looks when they saw the situation in the arena.    

Rather than an arena, it was more accurate to call the arena a ruin. In it, Crimson and Leon lay there on the ground.    


Absolute silence spread through the whole area, even the wind in this chilly winter seemed to have disappeared, however, it was only temporary.    

The whole stadium erupted in cheers when Leon lifted his hand before slowly rising to his feet.    


This was how Leon managed to finish as the victor while fighting unusually.    

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