Death Guns In Another World

SS: The Tournament before joining the others

SS: The Tournament before joining the others

0This happened a few days prior to Leon's group departing to join Maria and Co.    

Leo, Leon's father had suggested this tournament to test his son and of course, there is a reward.    

Currently, Leon was facing a member of the younger generation, the son of one of the dukes.    

Hazel, sleek hair gently hangs over a fat, menacing face. Beady hazel eyes, set appealingly within their sockets, watch cheerfully over the wastelands they've been isolated from for so long.    

A goatee graciously compliments his eyes and hair and leaves a satisfying memory of his upbringing.    

This is the face of Crimson Blooddawn the eldest son of the Blood duke from the red tiger race.    

After the start of the match was announced     

Blood-red mana started pouring out of Crimson's body. His hand also increased in size, and Leon could hear joint popping sounds.    

An image of a majestic Red tiger appeared behind Crimson.    

Leon summoned his Gift in the form of a sword and tightened his hold on it, fire came out of the Sword, and his flames somewhat diminished the domineering aura of his beast projection.    

There are no signs of mana coming out of it. However, another type of aura emanated from Leon.    

It was a mystical kind of pressure that was on par with Crimson.    

Leon released a long breath. He shook his arm and his sword responded by emitting even more flames, he baked the ground until the surrounding air had signs of convection. His eyes had turned more golden, a regale golden color that inspired a primal fear in any observer.    

Sparks flew off his body before he turned into a blurry figure that headed straight for Crimson who was stationary. Leon initiated the fight by electromagnetically accelerating himself toward Crimson.    

He closed the distance in less than a blink of an eye. Everyone knew the start of an intense fight when they saw one.    

Like a red meteor, he tore through the air as he charged at Crimson. He had already broken the sound barrier the moment he started charging. His rush made Crimson's special gear stick closely to his skin. If this attack connected, Leon didn't even have to touch Crimson to hurt him, his flames alone could reduce him to dust.    

Crimson was not impressed, however, he let Leon get close to him before he made his move.    

He side-stepped at the last second to the left and the sword fell, just inches away from his shoulder. Before the sword touched the ground, he managed to strike precisely the moment the sword passed his fist. He slapped the sword away with a flick of his wrist.     

Interrupted by Crimson, Leon staggered for just a moment but that was all the time Crimson needed to launch a jab at Leon's chest.    

Leon gathered all the strength he could muster in an instant and he countered his claw jab by using his left fist.    


A low sound echoed and a strange gale came out with the both of them as the center.    

Leon flinched as he retreated some distance away with his sword and fist. His footsteps left clear imprints on the ground. He stopped some distance away from Crimson.    

Finally, he managed to stop the resultant force from the collision just now. Crimson had only been knocked back by a step, Leon's golden eyes had a hint of consternation.    

From the battle of brawn just now, it was clear that the other party could overpower him.    

This would be the first time he had lost a competition of strength, something he previously thought only his pal being the only exception, guess the world is big.    

He inhaled air heated by his gift covered in flame as he examined Crimson. He leaned forward and got into a dash.    

Without any hint at all, he threw the sword at Crimson. The red-hot sword flew like a bolt of red lightning.    

On the other side, Crimson seemed to be slightly surprised but it didn't show up on his face. He poured some mana into his hands producing a blood-red mana-like protection and he caught the sword between his palms, he mitigated the heat by using his blood mana as protection.    

Leon's gift spewed forth even more flames when Crimson caught the sword. He got engulfed by the explosion of flames. Intense heat crept into his fingers. Even Crimson was surprised by the frightening temperature.    

Still a bit shocked, the flames danced as if they are alive, it climbed up his hands.    

He could feel his protective mana being devoured by the hungry flames.    

Dropping the blade, Crimson's trouble didn't end there.    


A black figure had appeared in front of him while he was preoccupied with the sword.    

Leon had charged up his attack while Crimson was distracted. Its fist was charged with tons of electricity.    

"Lightning punch!"    

He growled as he punched the man. The electricity crackling off his fist made a firecracker-like sound.    

Crimson recognize this attack, it was a powerful attack.    

His fighter instinct told him that this fist would hurt him if he just took it.    

However, Crimson was confident in himself so much that he declared.    

"If you can hit me, that is. You are too naive if you think this fist can beat me!"    

Crimson clad his fingers in dense bloody red mana. Suddenly, his fingers seemed very sharp.    

"Let's see how well you fare against my beast battle skill!"    

His attack forced the surrounding air to take the form of a claw, it looked as strong if not stronger than Lightning Punch.    

The beast projection behind Jaafar mimicked Crimson and punched in sync with him. His mana claws are enhanced by the beast projection.    

"Bloody Apex Predator Claw!"    

This fight was going to be a brawl and it's going to be intense. Most of the spectators here are already in full hype about this fight, some of them were cheering while flushing red in excitement, standing up from their seats if only to get a better view of the arena.    

Their fists collided.    


They created a minor storm with the collision of their attacks. This minor storm had destructive effects on whatever got swept by it. Even the ground cracked up with spiderweb formations like an earthquake had visited with the two fighters standing at the epicenter of this event.    

Some of the spectators went pale looking at the aftermath. Some of them couldn't react due to being too busy holding on to their seats lest they are swept away.    

However, all of them are sure of one thing: they are lucky they weren't fighting there or it would be a trip to the hospital for them.    

Their attacks weren't finished yet, power continued pouring out from their confrontation. Their hands are still joined together as if to see who would back up first. The well-built arena floor started peeling and crumbling away, disintegrated by the sheer force of their conflict.    

What terrifying power!    

Lightning Punch and Blood Apex Predator Punch are like two ferocious beasts, trying to invade each other's territory to devour each other. It reached a weird point of balance where the two forces stayed neutral.    

Crimson stared at Leon with a stern face. He might seem calm but he was aware that his technique is losing ground to Leon's more violent technique.    

Leon grinned and he charged up his attack more by feeding it with more electricity. Lightning Punch was pleased with the offering as the lightning crackled in an intense manner.    


After feeding his attack more, Crimson's technique got disintegrated. Crimson himself was pushed back some distance away from the attack.    


The spectators gasped at the sight. They couldn't believe their eyes.    

"Crimson… was pushed back…"    

''As expected of the crown prince.''     

''Crimson is also not bad. He is very powerful!''     

''It is just the beginning, none of them is serious yet.''     

Here and there you could hear people talking.    

Meanwhile in the arena.     

''You are worthy enough for me get serious Leon!"    

Crimson's words told the crowd that Leon was now officially acknowledged by him.    

Everyone stayed silent but their eyes were burning with passion and elation.    

Now that Crimson was about to go full power, the fight is only going to get more intense from this point on, how can they not feel excited?    

Leon grinned, blood pumped through his veins toward his heart increasing his body temperature, he was excited. To think he would experience something like this before going to see his pal Alex for another friendly battle.    

Crimson raised his arms and two sharp claws appeared to clad his hand. It was a 3 pronged claw with chains to fix the claw to his hand.    

He examined the strap and he tightened its tether to his hands. The next instant, red mana started floating up, and as more mana poured out, his body was seemingly clad in a blood-red aura.    

He changed completely after summoning his Gift.    

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