Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1164: Chaos Descent 2

Chapter 1164: Chaos Descent 2

0Meanwhile, the battle on the other side was chaotic with many of the soldiers transformed.     

Almost as if chaos had descended.     

 Outside people weren't aware that inside the forest chaos had descended the black lights claimed more than the lives of just monsters, growing powerful, a storm was brewing, and in the depth of the bottomless pit filled with black lights, something terrifying was about to be born.     

One day later two women arrived before the forest filled with an ominous presence.     

Lilith and Althea, since she became the empress, Lilith made Althea, her big sister her shadow guard, she could summon her whenever she wants and it is what she did. Together, they'd take care of the fugitive and at the same investigate this weird forest.     

''Let's head deeper into the forest,'' Lilith suggested and Althea nodded before the duo disappeared into the depth of the forest.     

A few moments later, the girls stopped because they encountered something weird, it was the abomination, the last survivor of the elite squad sent to investigate here.     

''What is this?'' Althea muttered while feeling a chill down her spine.      

Standing in front of them was five meters humanoid abomination, it has six eyes glaring at them before charging at them with its eyes filled with madness.     


However, before it could get closer, Lilith shoot a powerful compressed lightning ball toward it, forcing the monster to explode in countless black lights which immediately escaped to the depth of the forest.     

Lilith and Althea exchanged a look before disappearing in turn. Things are more complicated than they thought.     


A few hours later in the Forest, deep region.     

In a remote area, black lights were flying all over the place.     

The concentrated trees couldn't stop the invasion of the black lights. They traced multiple trails in the air as they zipped toward a certain direction. These lights could avoid obstacles, they went around the trees and continued flying in said direction.     

The forest seemed like a weird phenomenon was taking place. The black lights were zipping toward a source like bees returning to their hives. It filled the sky like meteors in the night sky. It's eerily beautiful despite the insidious nature of the black lights.     

There weren't these many wisps of black lights in the first place.     

The black lights behaved as Lilith had theorized. They had basic survival instincts and they knew how to avoid harmful stimuli. They could also change the host's nature.     

The black lights inhabited beasts and monsters. The black lights laid dormant inside the transformed monsters.      

After Althea eliminated their hosts with her sword, the black lights were forced to look for their next targets. It is how things happened in the few hours preceding their chase      

At least, that was supposed to happen. However, the black lights all flew back in a certain direction. Something was not right here. They are not looking for their next hosts.     

Upon seeing this the sisters decided to hold off on the elimination of the black lights. They started tracking the black lights.     

As for why there are so many black lights it was because they killed any poor monsters that they came across so the unfortunate black lights-afflicted monsters got exterminated in droves. It's a form of salvation for corrupted beings. As time went on, the black lights grew in numbers.     

Lilith and Althea tagged behind the black lights at a safe distance. They didn't want to get possessed by the black lights so they opened up their powerful detection ability while following the black lights. They were focused on flying while Althea fired a lightning ball that eliminated more monsters on the way.     

They followed the black lights near the deepest region. Their eyes tensed up, they had their guards up.     

They were tense because they detected powerful monsters on their radar.     

If the black lights possessed these monsters then the resulting monstrosity would be hard to combat.     

If monsters powerful as Saint and Demigod are possessed and enhanced then what would be the natural outcome?     

In any case, they wouldn't like the outcome.     

The black lights zipped past the powerful monsters despite the sisters' apprehension. They sighed in relief although they were still baffled by the black lights' trajectories.     

Where are the black lights going?     

Swoosh! Swoosh!     

The black lights accelerated into the forest. The monsters were wailing and howling after being spooked by the lights. Some of them ran away while others growled menacingly.     

Lilith and Althea didn't stop just because the monsters were running away.     



Althea called out to Lilith after spotting something on her radar (A/N: It's like Alex's divine sense). She looked at the target with a bored look when she suddenly ground to a halt in midair, she also held her sister back.     

"What's wrong?"     


Lilith who was lost in thoughts finally moved, she swept her emotionless gaze over Althea.      

Althea didn't mind her sister's cold response. Instead, she pointed at something in front.     

"Look! Over there!"     

Puzzled, Lilith looked in that direction and her pupils shrank.     

There's a tall cliff in front that's covered in a dense dark mist.     

The dark mist rolled around like a storm cloud at ground level. They could hear whirling winds suggesting movement inside that unnatural cloud of darkness.     

Countless black lights were wiggling and flying around in the dark cloud. Right now, the black lights formed an oceanic body rather than wisps that could be individually counted.     

The black lights the sisters tracked here joined the rolling black cloud of black lights, becoming one with the legion of anomalous dark lights. They couldn't tell which ones came first and which ones came last, it was just a swirling dark mass of dark lights.     

Even Lilith and Althea were shocked by the scale of this problem.     

This was just too scary.     

If one were to describe the dark mass as a beehive then the black lights are the bees that are buzzing around the beehive. It looked like the cliff is hiding something terrible within it. A claustrophobic person might feel terrified being so close to something packed so tightly.     

There are too many wisps of black light flying around.     

If the black lights here start spreading in the forest then it won't be long before all the living things in the forest fall prey to the transmogrification of the black lights. This forest would become a forest of abominable monsters.     

The disaster might even jeopardize the cities situated outside the forest and even the continent.     

They must not let this thing evolve more than this, the sisters decided before getting ready to take care of this problem when suddenly there was a change.     


The black lights exploded outwards but thanks to Lilith's quick reflex they dodged, however, next the black lights turned into a big dark mist.     

The dark mist looked like a giant storm cloud that descended from the sky. The rumbling dark mist covered a small part of the forest.     

The black lights shot around in the dark mist like loose arrows, piercing anything in their paths. Trees and monsters were destroyed in less than a second.     

If the black mist could cover the entire region then the forest will become barren. If the black mist could cover the surrounding cities then that would surely be a scene of utmost despair.     

The black mist covering the forest looked like a miasma from a distance. A powerful Saint might be able to last a short while in this desolate place. Given enough time, they would die too.     

The dark mist was like a quagmire that restricted movement while there are too many wisps of black lights flying around. This attack used overwhelming numbers to bring down a superior foe.     

Fortunately, Lilith and Althea survived the dark mist attack.     

They appeared in a flash above the forest.     

The duo looked down at the forest in horror.     

Lilith used teleportation to pull her away from danger, escaping the dark mist's restrictive effects.      

The dark mist's area of effect was too wide!     

The wave of darkness also engulfed everything in a flash.     

The dark mist attack didn't look like instinctual moves, it felt more like a premeditated attack to them.     

"Little sister! Watch out!"     

The dark mist erupted once more. Next, the dark mass started twirling into a giant tornado. The dark tornado shot upwards like a giant spinning spear of a whirlwind.     

The tornado was aimed at the duo.     

They were prepared for this attack, after the last sneak attack, they raised their guards.     

The two got ready to intercept the attack.     

Althea reacted the quickest.     

She brandished her sword, sending a sword beam crashing toward the tornado.     


The sword beam cut apart the attack but it felt like they were hitting bags of meat. They could hear something being torn apart as the dark tornado got split in two.     

Instead of dissipating, the tornado turned into two smaller tornadoes that continued spiraling toward the duo.     


Like two dragons, the tornadoes reached them.     

"Lightning shield, activate!"     

Lilith was about to teleport away with them when Althea spread her arms wide and she deployed her translucent barrier that covered them, if one looks closely one would notice that this translucent shield was made of tiny lightning forming a net of lightning.     

The tornadoes crashed against the lightning shield.     


A dull thud rang, and the duo's ears rang with a sharp shrill. The tornado was grinding against the lightning shield in a heart-thumping fashion.     

Althea gnashed her teeth and she thought of adjusting the shield trajectory.     

The lightning shield flashed once and a mysterious ripple moved into the tornado from the point of contact.     


Then, the tornadoes got shredded as they dissipated in bits to all four cardinal directions.     

That force was the tornado's force being used against it.     

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