Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1151: Into the Abyss 2

Chapter 1151: Into the Abyss 2

0He put his feet back in the shoes and then stood up.     

All this time, the wolves and the injured man didn't make a single movement. They didn't have any confidence to run away after the previous display of power.     

"Well," Alex glanced at them, "Why are you still here?"     

The wolves could understand his language as if it was also spoken in their minds. They lowered their heads again to thank him before turning around.     

The injured man relaxed and his heart elevated in delight. He now looked at Alex with deep gratitude in his eyes.     

"Wait, you lot.'' Alex called out to the wolves, "Aren't you guys forgetting something?"     

"W-what?!" The injured man shuddered thinking of something terrifying he dare not to believe, hopefully, it was a false alarm. Unfortunately, Alex's next sentence shattered all of his hope.     

''You guys are forgetting something," Alex called out.     

The escaping wolves turned around and looked at Alex with confusion. The injured man, on the other hand, felt his muscles tightening up with fear.     

"W-what do you mean?!" The injured man tried to calm himself, but no matter how he tried, his body tensed further. His hands and feet turned cold and he knew this was not due to the stream water.     

"I'm sure you know what I mean." Alex jumped down from the boulder before turning towards the wolves. "You shouldn't forget your meal."     

The fierce eyes of the wolves brightened up as they realized the meaning of Alex's words. Not only has he spared their lives but now also permitted them to complete their original mission.     

They were excited and once again expressed their gratitude to Alex.     

"N-no!" The injured man shouted.     

He knew the wolves hated him and the hatred has crossed the limit after he orchestrated the death of their leader. It was just that they didn't dare show it due to the threat posed by Alex but now there was no one to stop them.     

The wolves growled and slowly walked toward their food.     

''Please stop them! I have tons of gold and jewelry!" The man begged. He was in no condition to even stand much less flee.     

"Not interested." Alex flatly refused the man's offer tapped a foot on the water and jumped up high in the air. "Dear wolves, have a happy meal without restraints."     

The wind surrounded him, like invisible wings, as he flew away before stopping after some time.     

The injured man didn't even get a chance to say another word as the wolves pounced on him. They opened their mouth and released a rancid breath.     

The silent stream was filled with blood-wrenching screams as the wolves clamped down on their meal.     

However, as soon as they finished their meal five projectiles coming out of nowhere penetrated through their skulls and their happy expressions turned into ones of terror before dying.      

Alex who had fired the homing bullets from the distance chuckled, happy that he barely spent any mana with the five bullets. As for killing the wolves, he did simply because he couldn't waste any experience points. Those five had given him around 4 thousand exp. While it's low, slowly but surely his experience bar will be filled up.      

Shaking his head he went deeper into the forest.      

A few minutes later Alex was forced to stop.     



Suddenly, the two sounds entered Alex's ears.     

Some distance away from him, a dark-green-haired girl was rooted against the trunk of a tree.      

Her dress was stained with blood, and there were even missing patches in the clothes, exposing her fair skin.     

In front of her, four silver wolves were closing towards her with open mouths. Saliva dripped down from the tongues and fell on the ground.     

"Help me!" The woman noticed Alex and shouted in a voice filled with despair. Her pitiful appearance and sweet voice could strike a chord with even the cruelest of men.     

The wolves turned their heads and warned him with their bloodshot eyes. Their ghastly teeth left no doubt about what would be the outcome if he didn't follow their request.     

"My teammates are facing other monsters while I'm stuck with these four!" The girl begged once again. "Help me and I promise my team will offer you suitable compensation! My name is Valery and I swear I won't go back on my words!"     

Alex appeared to be in a dilemma but then he gritted his teeth and nodded.     

"I will handle them," Alex rushed towards the wolves, "You should use it as an opportunity to escape."     

Valery's eyes lit up with tears streaming down.     

Alex jumped into the air with his fist aimed at a wolf. The air whistled as his punch moved ahead with tremendous force. His punch hurtled down the back of the wolf.     


The skeleton of the wolf shattered and its bones protruded out of its skin and flesh. The wolf lay on the grass under a pool of blood.     


The other two wolves leaped on Alex. He took a half-step behind and dodged their claws.     

"Tch!" Alex acted like he was in trouble and jumped on one of the wolves but another wolf attacked him with its mouth. He somersaulted in the air and backed away.     

"I will also help," Valery also rushed ahead. She waved her hand controlling the wind and the thorns from the nearby vegetation flew out.     

The thorns carried tremendous force as they shot down one of the two wolves.     

The wolf twisted its body to dodge but without success as the thorns changed their trajectory. Like sharp swords, the thorns pierced throughout the body of the wolf. There was no sign of movement from the wolf except for the blood flowing from its wound.     

Valery fell on her knees, huffing for breath.     


She raised her head and saw a hand stretched out to offer her support. She placed her hand on him and stood up.     

"You killed the remaining wolf?" Valery's eyes turned to a tree where a wolf's body was struck.     

"Yeah," Alex wiped the sweat from his face, "You brought me the opportunity."     

"No," Valery shook her head, "It was all thanks to you."     

Her breasts moved up and down as she greedily sucked air.     

"You didn't even get a scratch," Valery further complimented him.     

"I was lucky," Alex turned his head in another direction, "We should catch up with your friends."     

"Right!" She rushed ahead and Alex followed from behind.     

A minute later.     

The two arrived in an area that was filled with broken trees and the corpses of wolves. Among the corpses, two men were standing.     

One of them was thinly built with brown skin while another one was medium height with a similar skin tone.     

''Ludic, Xavier,'' Valery called out.     

"Valery! Thank God you are safe.'' The thinly built man named Ludic was startled. Xavier was also surprised but then his eyebrows creased after he noticed Alex who was behind their comrade.     

"Who is he?" He asked with a frown.     

"Don't talk like that!" Valery stepped in front of Alex, "He saved my life!"     

"What?" The two said in unison.     

"You heard it right. I have promised him compensation," Valery further explained.     

"There is no need," Alex interjected before her teammates could express their views, "It is only natural to help those in need."     

"No!" Valery frowned and closed upon him. Her chest rubbed on him as she disagreed, "A promise is a promise!"     

"It would go against my morals," Alex gulped down with his cheeks turning red as her breasts rubbed on him.     

"Well...How about you join us then?" She suggested out of nowhere much to the disbelief of everyone.     

"You seem to be alone," Valery explained her reasoning, "And the forest is a dangerous land. We could use your support and you could benefit from our company as well."     

"No way!" Xavier loudly refused, "We can't trust him!"     

Ludic was hesitant before adding, "He helped Valery so he should be a good man."     

"YOU!" Xavier was incensed.     

Valery ignored the two and looked at Alex.     

"You won't decline, right?" She asked with misty eyes as if she would cry at any moment if Alex were to refuse.     

"O-of course not," Alex stuttered and scratched his head embarrassingly, "Thank you."     

"No! It is me who should thank you!" Valery said as she hugged him.     

Xavier observed everything with a scowl. He couldn't hide his jealousy.     

"Welcome to the team," The only one whose face was still normal was Ludic, he stepped ahead to greet him.     

"I'm sure you would have a lot of fun!" Valery added after the greetings were over.     

"Well, I'm also sure of that," Alex said with a smile, "This is surely going to be interesting."     

His lips were curved up in a sincere smile but deep in his eyes, there was an icy glint. If he didn't have his sharp senses and his appraisal skill he would have been fooled by a group of saints, no half-step Demigod's adventurers pretending to be weak. He was curious about what they would do and he was playing this game because it was boring to play the almighty all the time, sometimes you need to have fun for a while.     

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