Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1150: Into the Abyss 1

Chapter 1150: Into the Abyss 1

0The following morning, Alex woke up with Incursio nestled in his chest like a little kitten, while the smell of their love nectar still lingered in the air. It had been one crazy night, where they both surrendered themselves to carnal pleasure and vented their lust on each other.     

A shade of redness was still noticeably seen on her rosy cheeks.     

However, it was not the result of physically exerting and exhausting herself from last night's battle. There was not even a speck of fatigue on her blissfully sleeping face. Whatever fatigue there had been, it was all swept away and only the vibrant glow of a blossomed flower was left behind.     

As he watches Incursio sleeping contentedly with eyes filled with affection, he couldn't help but move away the few strands of hair overlapping her face behind her ears and give her a soft peck on the forehead.     

He stood up and went to prepare breakfast before she could wake up and a few minutes later they were eating breakfast Incursio stayed silent after eating breakfast while Alex silently waited for her to say something after what he told her.     

''Upon the soft blankets, we sit, you and I. Yet for all of these furnishings, for all the wonderful aromas of the breakfast and the coffee, it is your eyes I love. I could rest in them forever, hold you forever, kiss you forever. I suppose it is the child in us that wants those things, that strong sense of love that keeps on going. I'm okay with that; I'll own those emotions. This is so special and it ain't the bed, it ain't the breakfast, it's all about the hugs and being close to your heart.''     

Alex was overwhelmed by emotions, he was truly blessed with women.     

''Don't worry and go back to take care of the things outside while I deal with the things here,'' Alex said while lovingly caressing Incursio's hair. The latter nodded, trying to hide her reluctance but she understood his reasoning.      

''Take care and see you soon,'' Incursio said and the couple spent the next thirty minutes chatting and laughing until Alex departed, going northeast of the city where there's a forest.     

Alex walked between the trees silently.     

The canopy of branches and leaves shielded the sunlight from falling on the ground, making the entire region seem dark. Occasionally, there would be specks of light coming through the gaps between the branches and trees.     

He walked ahead and so far he didn't meet any ferocious beast or animal. He did sense squirrels peeking at him from tree holes but otherwise, he was all alone.     


Alex saw an area, a few miles ahead, which wasn't shrouded with darkness. His figure blurred into a series of afterimages, and the next moment, he was standing in front of what appeared to be a river stream.     

The water in the stream was rather sparse and from what he could sense, there were no traces of fish or any other aquatic life.     

"Haah," He let out a sigh as he sat down on a boulder but soon frowned.     


A wolf's howl suddenly echoed through the silent stream, shattering the tranquility that was there before.     

"Mmm?" Alex's gaze once again swept across his surroundings.     

About a half mile ahead, five large wolfs abruptly scuttled out from the forest, chasing after an injured human. The wolves have white fur, ghastly teeth, and pointed claws.     

"Silver Wolf?" He murmured.     

Such wolves were often a target for adventurers since their fur was rather popular among the women of the higher society. Then there was the nutritious meat and the skeleton which was no weaker than steel. It wouldn't be wrong to say the carcass of such a wolf could easily make one rich enough to live a luxurious life for a decade or so but these wolves are rare and only found in high-level dungeons.     

But the mutated wolves were not to be underestimated and especially not in the outskirts where they were the supreme rulers. The struggles in the forest have transformed them into strong predators and most often, their hunters became the prey.     

"He must have tried to hunt one of them but ended up facing the entire pack,"     

Alex hypothesized based on the intensity of the chase.     

The injured man noticed Alex and he hurriedly dashed toward him. For him, Alex was like a beacon of light in the darkness. He was sure Alex should be reasonably strong for him to enter the forest and thus capable enough of hindering the wolves for the time being.     

"Help me!" The man shouted, "I have a powerful treasure as compensation!"     

The man took out a bright golden fruit from his shirt. He showcased it in his hand while rushing towards Alex.     

In truth, he didn't plan to offer the treasure. He just wanted Alex to hinder the wolves while he would use the opportunity to escape.     

Alex looked at the man for a moment before turning his head away.     

"Bastard," The man cursed in anger.     

He now felt Alex was far too scared to take the bait of the treasure. He was sure Kiba would now run away like a coward leaving him behind to his fate.     

But the next moment, the man almost coughed up blood as he saw the scene ahead. Much to his disbelief, Alex removed his shoes and placed them on a nearby boulder.     


Ignoring the man, Alex soaked his feet in the stream.     

"He is not afraid of wolves!? Then he should rescue me instead of fucking around.''     

The man wanted to curse Alex's parents. Just what types of manners have they taught him for him to ignore the plight of a fellow human?!     

Even barbarians teach their children to help those in need if they have the power!     

"Fuck! I need to get him to help me no matter how!"     

The man, having no better alternative, gritted his teeth and rushed at Kiba at full speed. He was dozens of feet from Alex when a wolf pounced on him.     


The sharp claws pierced his back and blood flew out. The man stumbled down and fell on the stream with his head hitting on a rock.     

He ignored the pain and took out a lightsaber from his space ring and slashed at the leader but the leader of the pack dodged.     

"Damn!" The man wanted to cry after his attack failed.     

The leader of the pack opened its mouth wide as it moved towards him.     

The man suddenly took out the golden fruit and threw it on the boulder where Alex was sitting.     

"Friend! Take away the fruit!" The man shouted in a voice filled with sincerity, "I will hold them away while you escape!"     

"Oh?" Alex's lips curved up in a grin. He could pretty much understand what the man was trying to do but he didn't stop him.     

The wolves turned towards Alex. They didn't care about the golden fruit since the fruit was of no use to them at their current physical level. The only reason they now looked at him was due to the tone used by their injured target.     

While they couldn't understand the language, they felt the tone was friendly, and their suspicion grew with the action of the bead being thrown at Alex.     

"I'm overwhelmed with emotions," Alex continued with a grin.     

The leader of the wolves leaped up at Alex with its claws brightening up. The wind whistled and the air pierced with a sharp glint of the claw.     

"Who I am to stop you if you wish to discard your life?" Alex asked as he raised his left hand.     

He clenched his fist tightly and punched out.     

The wolf felt a deep sense of crisis but was in no condition to dodge after coming so close. Before its claw could strike the opponent, the wolf sensed intense vibration transmitting to its body.     

The punch hasn't struck the wolf, but the energy cascaded in its body as vibrations!     


The destructive energy rampaged throughout its body, shattering all organs and smashing the steel-like backbone in an instant.     

The other wolves and the injured man felt their eardrums on the verge of splitting apart with the vibrations roiling in the air and water.     


The wolf leader was sent flying backward while releasing an arrow of blood from its mouth. It crashed on a giant boulder, and the destructive vibrations from the wolf's body transferred to the boulder.     


The boulder instantly exploded into dust while the wolf yelped pitifully for a moment before its life faded. Dark blood from the corpse mixed with the stream, giving it a shade of red.     

The remaining wolves and the injured man didn't dare move or make any sound. They were scared witless by the brief display of power.     

"How is this possible?" The injured man was completely dumbfounded. He expected Alex to be strong enough to hold his own for some time but never to this extent.     

The wolves, on the other hand, lowered their heads as if apologizing for their conduct of the deceased leader. In the jungle, respect was always shown toward the powerful.     

The water reeks of blood.     

He put his feet back in the shoes and then stood up.     

All this time, the wolves and the injured man didn't make a single movement. They didn't have any confidence to run away after the previous display of power.     

"Well," Alex glanced at them, "Why are you still here?"     

The wolves could understand his language as if it was also spoken in their minds. They lowered their heads again to thank him before turning around.     

The injured man relaxed and his heart elevated in delight. He now looked at Alex with deep gratitude in his eyes.     

"Wait, you lot.'' Alex called out to the wolves, "Aren't you guys forgetting something?"     


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