Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 704: Asura's Form Vs Dragon Form

Chapter 704: Asura's Form Vs Dragon Form

0While Incursio and the Holy Crux empire were busy taking care of their own problem, somewhere, a girl had just taken a bath.     

The indistinct figure slowly emerged from the steam blanketing the room.     

Luna had casually draped a nightgown over herself. Even though it wasn't transparent, it made the faint outlines of her curves even more enchanting.     

Her long blonde hair, slightly damp, casually flowed down her back, causing most of her nightgown to grow wet and stick to her body. Even from a distance away, he could make out her gorgeous curves.     

She was like a hibiscus flower blooming beside a clear spring—a natural beautiful creation.     

These words would have been perfect if she was not handcuffed. Even so, she was still beautiful, especially dressed in that nightgown.     

The nightgown clung to her body, exposing her delicate feet underneath. Her toes seemed cute and lovely, her calves were straight and fine, and her well-proportioned thighs were also vaguely visible.      

She would have looked like a prisoner if not for the handcuffs on her hands.     

Sitting down on the small bed decorating the prison's cell, she took a deep breath before changing into a set of the blue one-piece dress.     

''Sigh! How troublesome to think I would end up as a goddess's vessel. How grand! But I need no such grandeur!" Luna declared with a chuckle; she silently caressed her chest, the same area when Alex's Eternal Chain stuck; while she was unable to detect anything from this location, her woman's intuition was telling her that her man had left something there, just with this thought enough the fear she felt decreased by a large margin, she knew that no matter what would happen Alex would appear and save her, it was not a feeling but a certainty.     

''Let's wait and see.'' Luna declared before closing her eyes to rest while waiting for her man to come to rescue her like a knight in shining armor; what woman didn't want to experience this kind of a fairy tail even once? Luna was one of those women.      

Closing her eyes, he pictured her man's image; she wondered what he was doing at the moment.     

At the moment Alex was standing; still, he had used Asura's Might under Asura's Form; it was beyond powerful; everyone was affected except him, the castor. Every one of them suffered a variable degree of injury, ranging from simple bleeding to total bleeding (seven orifices).     

''What was that? What the hell was that?" Leon, who could be considered as someone rational, became emotional after what happened, his heart was beating crazily, he was not calm anymore, he could not be blamed, none of them was calm at the moment, especially not Leon, he thought he had performed well, but by seeing this, he understood that he didn't bring out Alex full strength, if Alex had used this strength when the four fought they would not last even a minute, it was not a joke but a reality.     

This revelation came as a complete shock to the golden lion beastman; he could only sigh bitterly and vowed to work harder next to force Alex to use his full strength.      

While there was some of them shocked by Alex's strength and his abilities, Gracier was almost shocked but beyond this shock was an excitation that could not be hidden; her hidden bloodline was boiling, this bloodline like a challenge as a dragon would always be a race that loves challenges, love thrill, they lived for these things.      

At the moment, she wanted only one thing, which was to fight her brother with all she got; it doesn't matter whether or not she won; what mattered was to satisfy this desire. Maybe satisfying this desire was more worth than winning or losing.      

For some unknown reason, Alex could understand his sister's feelings; therefore, he made an exception by announcing.     

''The next fight will be between me and my sister, Alexandra.'' Alex loved using the name he gave her than her original name, maybe because it was closer to his name. Either way, he declared those words, but nobody found anything to say about them; they understood what he had in mind because every one of them either saw the Gracier's dragon mode or had heard about it, and they had no claim saying it was the strongest mode existing beside Alex's Asura's form, so naturally, they were curious about who was the strongest between the two even when they already have an idea of who was the strongest, humans are visual creature, they would rather believe what they have seen rather than what they have heard.     

Artemia and others nodded; Gracier smiled to thank them before jumping on the half-destroyed platform. Looking at her brother in the eyes for a moment, she declared.      

''Big brother, please take of me.''      

''Likewise,'' Alex responded before; under everyone's astonishing eyes Alexandra activated her strongest ability.     

''Dragon mode !"      


Gracier was transformed into her mature dragon form; the whole platform was transformed into a flaming zone with Gracier floating majestically above those flame-like celestial beings.      

Alex didn't hesitate before activating his Asura's Form.      


The flames surrounding him were blown away by the pressure coming from his body.     

Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!!!!     

Both siblings moved at the same time and exchanged hundred of moves in a minute; they used only their physics, the air billowed, space cracked, the platform was destroyed under the impact of their collision.     

The others watched in awe as the two exchanged blows, again and again; they couldn't help but praise how strong the little girl was; it must be noted that she was weaker than Alex, her brother but could compete with him on physical level, it was not a joke. Just as they thought maybe the little girl had a jump, the situation changed abruptly, Gracier feeling pressure, opened her mouth to roar, but Alex crushed her roar barehanded before flashing next to him; he tapped on her forehead as he declared.      

''Asura's might!"      


Alexandra's mind turned blank, and she lost control over her body before pummeling toward the ground; she lost just like that, the Asura's Might could be used like that, the onlookers shuddered just by imagining what Gracier went through, at the moment they all had the same thought, Alex was invincible, at least facing them.     

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