Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 702: True Strength?

Chapter 702: True Strength?

0While Alex was fighting against the second group in another location, near the dungeon that leads to Exodus, a young man with tattered clothes came out of the dungeon completely exhausted, his face was pale. This young man was none other than Leonardo, who just escaped Exodus because of his superior.     

''Shit! Why I'm this unlucky, first I became a slave and worked under that asshole Alexander with no say, and just as I thought I had escaped, I have encountered that lunatic, that little girl vented her frustrations on me. Fuck! What rotten luck. I wish I could fuck her ancestors-"      

''You wish to do that?" Incursio appeared beside Leonardo and asked with a sweet smile.     

Leonardo felt a chill at his back and had goosebumps all over his body now that Incursio fixed her gaze on him.     

Without hesitation, his reflexes kicked in, and both his lower limbs moved to flee before he even stood up completely.     

Unfortunately, his opponent was Incursio, a monster incarnate; she was unique; some say she would be the one to inherent Lord Thanos's place. She was too fearsome, even more, feared than the mysterious and the always smiling Zero.     

Relying on his instinct, Leonardo summoned a black sword to defend against Incursio's casual kick.      


A loud explosion rang in the air as Leonardo was swatted away by Incursio's small feet. Leonardo flipped in the air and nearly lost his footing when he landed. The sword in his hand was still buzzing from the impact, and his arm was numb!      

Before he could calm down, Incursio's voice rang next to him.      

''I asked what you meant? Do you mean you will fuck all my ancestors? If it's true, then I'm curious, not how you will do, but I'm curious about my ancestors as I far I remember I don't have parents, mind telling how you will find my ancestors in this case and fuck then?"      

Leonardo didn't respond because he knew that a talkative Incursio was a bad deal for him; the best thing to do was escape as far as possible; going back to the organization should have been the best option. Still, unfortunately only Incursio knew the way, which means he must accept suffering any type of torture if he wished to return.     

His eyes turned cold; he refused to let himself get dragged into something troublesome again, not after escaping from Alex's and the others.      

''Go fuck yourself!"     


Incursio stopped; Leonardo thought it was because he swears at her, but her following words made his body turn rigid because he didn't sense any presence even with his senses fully on alert.     

''I hate when someone spies on me the most. Drop-dead you annoying fly.'' Incursio declared before clenching her small fist.     

Immediately, horrifying sounds followed; no calling it an explosion of flesh should be more accurate.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!      

The seven of the eight hidden grandmasters sent by the Holy Crux empire to monitor the dungeon's entrance a few hours ago, dying without knowing why, their bodies exploded into a gory mess.     

''Oh? One managed to escape? And where do you think you're going?" Incursio asked before she vanished; the next thing Leonardo heard was.     

Crack! Crack! Crack!     

A jarring sound of bones cracking echoed out.     

He was forced to turn towards the sound instinctively, and his expressions changed.     

A man dressed in black was lying on the ground, and what used to be his right hand had already disappeared, turning into meat sludge that hung off his wrist.     

His entire arm was contorted into a weird shape with his bones protruding out of his flesh as it hung limply. With the meat hanging on his bones, it was a terrifying sight!.      

''Die, Crux's scum !" Incursio said before raising her petite leg and stomping on the skull of the suffering man.      


The man's skull cracked like a watermelon; he died eyes full of grief; he wondered why a simple mission had ended up like this. He had a pregnant woman at home waiting for his arrival; their child would be born soon; unfortunately, he would not be present for this child. He knew that he would die one day doing this job but not this way. Different from his colleagues, he possessed a sharp sixth sense capable of alerting him in any situation, reducing the risk of unexpectedly dying, and yet this ability didn't work on Incursio; he died before knowing it.      

Finally, Incursio turned in Leonardo's direction. He immediately shouted, activating his strongest ability.      



His body transformed, Incursio's face remained passive as she commented.      

''Not bad, let me show you what the real purgatory looks like.'' She declared before unleashing the real purgatory.      


The small mountain behind her was blown away; black mist shrouded her petite body before disappearing.      

Leonardo saw Incursio floating in the air; her white hair had turned black, her dress turned black with a skull tattoo between her eyebrows.      

Unprecedented feelings of fear arose, and Leonardo felt his scalp blistering. He had goosebumps all over his body. The current Incursio gave him a feeling of fear like never before; it was a kind of fear he could not describe, he could not put into words, and when his eyes landed on her, he unexpectedly caught a glimpse of her current status.      


Class: ???     

Age: ???     


Race: ???     

Rank 15     

Level 147     

Experience Value (XP): ???     

MP: 15000/15000     

Magic: Time/Wind/Darkness/Lightning/???     

ATK: 5000     

DEF: 3000     

AGI: 3000     

INT: 3000     

LUK: 2010     

BP: ???     

SP: ???     

Gift: ???      

''What the hell? Is this her real strength?" Leonardo questioned before jumping back, trying to escape because, with this kind of stats, he couldn't win no matter what he did.     

Incursio vanished and reappeared before him and extended her slender finger.      

The moment she touched Leonardo's arms, she exerted strength forward!     


Leonardo's arms were snapped on the spot.     

Flesh hung from his broken bones that were revealed as blood flowed everywhere in a grisly manner!     


Shrieking tragically, he almost fainted.     

Instantly, cold sweat started pouring from his forehead.     

''Let's slowly take our time, and you tell me everything that happened. I want to know more about Alexander.'' Incursio declared with a sweet smile; Leonardo sighed and thought he was really unlucky.     

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