Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 690: Unsealing 5

Chapter 690: Unsealing 5

0Alex didn't expect to see the black chain around the man's wrist. He became curious about the identity of the people inside this group; he wanted to know more about this group; he was sure that many of his questions would be answered if he were to learn about them. It was unfortunate that his wish couldn't be granted.     

Before he knew it, the scene changed to another one; he was now standing in the void where only darkness was; however, because he was familiar with the void, Alex didn't panic.      

Suddenly, Alex got an idea; he decided to try it.     

'Sil, Silveria?' There was no response.     

'Nyx?' Still no response; Alex couldn't feel his connection with the girls, nor did they respond when he called them. He began to panic, the reason why previously he stayed calm even in those absurd situations was that he knew those two were together with him, he could count on their assistance if things were to go awry, but now he couldn't feel their presences, his connection with them seemed to have been cut off leaving Alex defenseless.     

Just as Alex's face was changing color, there was a change in the void, rainbow light appeared, and from this rainbow light Alex saw a man back, he was dressed in a spotless white dress, his hair was white as his clothes reached his back.      

This man had his back facing Alex; the moment Alex saw this man, he immediately kneeled; it was not because he was forced; it was because the man before was an existence that made you bow on your own with just his presence, his was being almost nothing could go against, after all, he was the supreme.      

''Young man, for you, what is strength?" The man with his back facing Alex asked him; he was shocked such a powerful man had a gentle voice.     

Before Alex could respond to the man's question, the man continued.      

''To me, strength is responsibility.''      

It was a simple answer, but the meaning behind this was far greater and meant many things.      

For some reason, Alex didn't share the same view as the man before him, and he did something normally he wouldn't have done.     


Alex chuckled; the man was not offended; he waited for Alex to speak his mind, and finally, Alex told him his answer.      

''For me, strength is to do what I want.''      

Silence permeated the void before the man said.      

''I see, an answer befitting you. No wonder they all chose you.''      

''What-" Before Alex could ask what the man meant, he was sent away; before he left, he heard the man's words.     

''I hope you will not fail.''      

''Don't worry, I won't because I'll take your place I'll be the one who stands at the top,'' Alex shouted with all his might. He was extremely versed that he kneeled; he knew this man was stronger, stronger than anything he had ever seen, not even Nyx, the strongest being in Alex's heart was this powerful, the man was so powerful that even the universe seemed to have acknowledged him, Alex was sure it was what it means to be supreme, it was the end of the road, the man was where he wanted to arrive, so naturally he must let him know that he was coming for him, coming to take his place.     

The man who was leaving stopped before smiling; his smile made the void shine in a myriad of colors.     

''Sure if I'm still me!"      

His response didn't reach Alex as he was already gone by the time he said those words.     

Meanwhile, Alex, who disappeared, arrived in black space, everywhere was black except the ground, the ground was red like blood, a river made of blood and in the middle of this blood river was an altar, on this altar was a small black chain floating above the altar.      

''I must go there,'' Alex mumbled with a sigh.      

Suddenly, the blood river trembled, and figures emerged from the river one by one.      

''Those are souls, huh!"      

Thousands of those souls covered the river trying to block Alex's advance; their expressions were sinister as though they could not wait to swallow Alex whole; those thousands of souls emitted bone-crushing pressure but compared to the man in white pressure who seemed natural, this was nothing, Alex sneered before entering the river, the moment he did he his skin turned red as though he had stepped into lava, but he gritted his teeth to endure and took a second step forward, it was then,     



Thousands of souls pounced on him, Alex was fearless as he extended his two arms, two silver guns appeared, she was back, and with her, those souls never stand a chance against him, soon the sound of gunshots rang out, and massacre happened, those souls only had numbers but not the strength, Alex killed them all, each time he did he would feel heavy, his eyes turning bloodshot, he wished for slaughter. Finally, he understood that those souls upon their death could get converted into killing intent added to his own; it was because his killing intent became heavy that he felt the need to slaughter.      

At the moment, Alex was covered in bloody armor; if anyone were to see the current him, they would be frightened; he resembled a fiend, not human.     

Alex bit his lips before placing the silver gun against his chest and firing without hesitation.      



The silver bullet penetrated his chest and exploded on his heart; Alex felt like someone had put a miniature sun inside his chest; his mouth fell open, and he vomited a mouthful of blood, but the heavy killing intent around his body decreased almost entirely.      

Alex heaved a sigh of relief and finally arrived before the altar; lifting his right hand, he grabbed the black chain.      


Alex's hand was charred black in an instant, his blood began to boil, but the chain showed no resistance, almost as if it had seen its long lost kin.      

Suddenly, the tip of the black chain penetrated Alex's hand through one of his veins before disappearing into his arm; Alex opened his mouth and roared.     


The blood river vanished under Alex's terrific roar; Alex was drenched in sweat, a chain like a tattoo appeared around his right arm, reaching his armpit; this tattoo looked sinister yet at the same time beautiful.      

A piece of information appeared inside Alex's mind the moment the chain became one with him, but he had no time to enjoy this as in the outside world, the situation had changed.      

Alex stepped across the void and left.      

After many years the black chain was back again after being unsealed.     

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