Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 685: Almost..

Chapter 685: Almost..

0The hydra was at her wits' end when suddenly she remembered something. Because Alex could be seen as their leader judging by the way the others were looking at him, she could use this against him but first, to do this, she must clean up the remnants of her previous enemies, meaning the surviving werewolves and harpies. Who knows, Alex might stop attacking to save them; humans are compassionate creatures, to begin with.     

The Hydra controlled the remaining monsters like a heavenly maiden scattering blossoms. In just a blink of an eye, she took out several survivors. It was as though a flood had just washed over the area.     

The sound of people screaming rang in the air.     

The remaining survivors retreated further away with pale faces; however, the monsters under the hydra control were more coordinated stronger; they pressed the survivors forward, killing more and more.      

Leon and the others did their best to kill more monsters faster to alleviate the pressure the survivors were feeling. Meanwhile, the hydra observed Alex's reaction, thinking maybe he would stop; unfortunately, his appearance remained the same. His expression was unchanging, as if those dying had nothing to do with him; his face didn't even twitch for a second. He wielded the silver in his left hand while the black gun was in his right hand, aiming at the hydra.      

Not to drag things further, Alex declared.     

''The end!"      

It was like a heavenly decree; the moment the hydra heard those words, she did not doubt that she would die if she spent one second more here. Therefore the monster did one thing she had never done since hundred years; she fell onto this floor after losing a battle against another divine beast's child, flee.      

Four pairs of wings sprouted on the gigantic hydra back as she took the sky; it was at that moment a gunshot rang out on the battlefield.     


Alex's felt strength draining away from his body the moment the gunshot rang out; if he had not waited for a while to recover a bit of stamina as he didn't possesses any more stamina recovery potion, Alex was sure he would have lost consciousness the moment he tried to unleash the death bullet.      

The black bullet tore through the air; the sky rumbled before darkening it was like an eclipse day, the hydra was a hundred meters away, just as she was about to flap her enormous wings again she froze, it was unknown since when but the black bullet had already arrived before her and penetrated her chest, its speed was akin to teleportation.      

The hydra's body remained standing in the air as though someone had pushed on the pause button before it shot downward like a meteor.      

BAM! Kabooooom!      

The dead hydra body created a giant crater upon landing ground, flattening a small mountain. The summoned monsters died one after another.     

Silence permeated the battlefield.      

Alex staggered back, almost falling, but suddenly his body became frozen. A huge amount of energy was gathering around him before entering his body through his seven orifices; he was like a huge vortex swallowing the nearby energy.      

Finally, Leon and others regained their calm and were shocked by the phenomenon happening; they could see Alex in the middle of a huge vortex made of energy. It was their first time seeing this, so they could not understand what was happening.      

Fortunately, there were still some people who knew what this phenomenon meant.     

''He is gathering the world energy to step into the Demigod realm.'' One of the survivors, a beautiful harpy, explained.      

''Eh?" Eris and Eri were shocked upon hearing this; their jaws almost fell onto the ground. Leon was also shocked, but he managed to keep his composure while Kuina and Sera exchanged a look, trying to conceal the shock they felt. If the harpy words were true, then the gap between them had widened once again, and this time, it was too big.      

The most shocked of all was none other than Leonardo; he closed and opened his mouth repeatedly, unable to form any word, complicated emotions swirled his heart. For a long moment, he could not think of anything; in the end, he could only sigh and close his eyes; nobody knew what he was thinking about.      

Meanwhile, Alex at the center of the vortex kept swallowing energy; he was like a bottomless pit.      


Suddenly, the same harpy that explained what Alex was going through frowned.     

''What is it? Is there any problem?" Sera asked worriedly.      

The harpy didn't immediately answer; she observed Alex for a moment before saying.      

''He is almost there, but it seems that he is missing something.''     

Just after she said those words, an explosion sent them flying. Fortunately, none of them was weak; they quickly controlled their body to land safely.     

When the group looked at the front, they saw a floating Alex; the current Alex seemed majestic, dressed in black clothes, two weapons floating beside him, the death guns. The silver gun emitted majesty while the black gun emitted chillness, absolute chillness. Nobody could stare two seconds straight at the black weapon for fear of losing their soul; it was dangerous the black weapon was.      

Suddenly, for a second, an avatar of Alex appeared behind him; this avatar was fifteen meters tall, clad in red and black; there was a spinning wheel behind him, he held two giant guns, the black and silver guns.      

Everyone present felt the fine hairs on their back stand on end. Even though he only appeared for a second, the feeling he made them feel was unforgivable; Leonardo was the one that suffered the most; Alex's avatar eyes locked onto him; in that instant, he was forced to kneel, he felt tremendous pressure. He almost choked on his breath. He'd sensed a sudden spike of alarm, afraid that the avatar might kill him for real; fortunately, nothing happened; he breathed in a sigh of relief. His palms were drenched in sweat.     

Finally, Alex descended onto the ground; he was not completely happy.      

''Sigh! Almost there.''      

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