Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 682: On the Frontline

Chapter 682: On the Frontline

0The following morning, the sun rose, announcing the start of a new day.     

Alex woke up faster than the other; he did his morning exercise before eating breakfast together with the others. Just as they were about to finish, a young man barged in. His eyes were filled with panic but finally calmed down as his eyes settled on Kuina's figure.      

No introduction was needed for Alex and the others to immediately identify this young man as the prince, the so-called Kuina's future husband.      

''My life, it's good that you are fine.'' The young man mumbled with a passionate smile.      


Alex couldn't help spat the juice he was drinking; he felt goosebumps rose all over his body; he was not the only one, though; Leon and the girls, except for Kuina and Sera, were speechless, unable to close their mouth for a long time.      

Kuina was used to this; she waved her hand as though chasing away an annoying fly.      

''Raven, go back and prepare; we will set off in two hours. We must assist father in law.''      

''Certainly, I will follow your arrangements; I will protect you with my life.'' Raven declared with his chest held high; without appraising him, Alex was sure he was Saint Realm expert but a sheltered Saint Realm expert.      

'Well, he is totally under her control.' Alex thought while watching Raven leave. Since the moment he appeared, his eyes were only on Kuina; those who were together with her didn't count, weren't worthy of his attention.     

Two hours later, the group had departed from Dragone's City toward the frontline. The frontline was a hundred kilometers from the city. With their fast carriages, they arrived in less than 3 hours.      

The moment they arrived, the sun was high in the sky; normally, this period of the year could be considered summer; however, the temperature was chilling, and even before passing through the mountain range, the sound of weapons clashing could be heard, followed by monster's howl. The ground was shaking.      

Suddenly, the group said the sky above the tallest mountain darkening before bolts of black lightning descended from the sky and rained down on the ground.      

Zizi! Zizi! KABOOOOOM!      

Those bolts of black lightning were so powerful that the mountain facing the group began showing signs of breaking apart.     

Alex exchanged a look with Leon, both of them could see the tension inside their eyes; they were at the other edge of the frontline, and yet they could feel how dangerous the frontline was, at the same time, this made curious, curious how strong that monster was to be able to create such a scene, to know the answer there was a need to go over there.      

''Let's go.'' Alex declared before kicking the ground jumping into the sky, bringing Leonardo with him.      

''At least remove the mana shackles first,'' Leonardo complained, but Alex ignored him. By jumping from tree to tree Alex rapidly climbed up the mountain before jumping down.      

While free-falling, he could this opportunity to check the frontline; as expected, the battlefield was still far; he thought after jumping from the mountain, he would directly arrive on frontline, but he would first walk past the dead forest.      

Soon the others joined him together; they passed through the dead forest where occasionally they would encounter monsters, but they easily killed those monsters until they arrived at the frontline.      

Only one word could describe what the group saw, massacre, absolute massacre. A group of half-dragons mixed with harpy and werewolves fighting desperately against a monster that could only be described as huge, over 30 meters, possessing five heads, each head was capable of emitting different elements, ice, water, fire, lightning, and poison.      

Thousands of dead bodies littered the ground; some corpses had complete bodies while some did not, some had been turned into nothing but bones, the scene could be called hell.      

The remaining survivors didn't even reach a thousand. When Alex's group arrived, they drew the monster's attention, but the monster soon shifted its gaze on the small dragon spitting fire on him.      

''Father!" Raven cried out the moment he saw this small dragon; his voice was loud; naturally, it reached the small dragon's ears; the latter paused because the owner of this voice shouldn't have been here.      

''You fool!" Alex shouted, slapping Raven flying. The latter couldn't understand why he got slapped, but when he was about to say something, he saw a scene he would never forget until his death.      

Because of his earliest action, his father got distracted, and in a fight, it was a terrible mistake; this pause gave the five-headed head to free its body from the twelve meters long werewolf and bite the small dragon to death, the latter noticed his mistake when it was already too late, his body was torn apart, in desperation the king of Dragone's City, Raven's father gathered the last mana he had into his core before blowing it.      

''Noooooooo!" Raven shouted with red eyes.      


A terrible explosion swallowed three of the hydra heads, space broke, and the void could be seen.      


The hydra emitted a desperate cry; this time, the monster had suffered its greatest injury, becoming violent all of sudden, three tails cut across the air flattening everything on their path.      

Be it's Masters or Grandmaster realm experts, they didn't stand a chance before the three tails; they were killed in an instant, their body turned exploding into a blood mist, creating a blood rain on the few survivors. Those survivors couldn't understand how one tail would turn suddenly into three; doesn't this mean the monster had been holding back its strength all along?      

By imagining what this implies, they felt a chill running down their spines.     

Alex's eyes widened in horror, and he shouted.     

''Jump back!"      

He threw Leonardo to the side; the latter was about to curse him when a bullet arrived and broke his mana shackles giving him back his freedom; Leonardo immediately maneuvered his hands and jumped back, the others did the same thing except for Raven, whose eyes had turned red from fury, he charged toward the hydra while roaring.      


However, his action was nothing but foolish; nobody knows where the world ending blast came from as three of the hydra heads was gone in that terrible explosion, but a black light-filled with nothing but destruction blasted the ground, destroyed mountain in a matter of second, Raven was gone, killed even before approaching the monster.      

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