Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 677: Dragone's City

Chapter 677: Dragone's City

0Leon and Leonardo were shocked by the majestic sight before them. The carriage stopped by a tall wall, around forty meters. Giant dragon statues were in front of the gate, while on a golden plate was carved the words 'Dragone's city'     

''Is this some kind of joke?" Leonardo wondered, this cit; even before entering it, he was sure that it was majestic. More than any city he ever visited, only the capital Avalon was better than this city. Judged by how heavily this city was guarded and how tall the walls were, it could be mistaken as a fortress.     

For a moment, Leon wondered if they were on another floor, it was how majestic this city before them was.      

''It's lieutenant Garan, open the door.'' A voice came from the other side after noticing Garan.     

Ga~ Ga~      

The door produced a sound upon opening; Garan jumped from the carriage and went somewhere while his second drove the carriage forward. The two prisoners were in awe once they entered the city. Tall buildings everywhere with people walking in the streets. Most of them cast a strange glance on the duo; they sneered upon seeing Leonardo while they frowned upon seeing Leon.      

From their reaction, the two inferred that humans were considered less than ants while beastman such as Leon was not really welcomed. The carriage continued until it stopped before in front of a black building. This building was emitting such a vicious aura that it sent a spike of nervousness down their spines. The two exchanged a look seeing worries in them. Both had schedules to respect some goals to complete, but at this rate, they were good as dead. They thought of the only option they had left, which was killing themselves, but they couldn't bring themselves to do that because it would be like they had failed; it was why they chose that option.     

Just as they were about to be escorted into the black building, they heard an interesting conversation.      

''Have you heard it?"      

''Heard what?"      

''It has been decided, in two weeks, the prince will marry that lady.''      

''You mean, the beautiful fox lady? The one with five tails?"      

''Yes, it's her. A grand ceremony will be held to celebrate their union. The prince is overjoyed; he could not wait for his father to come back from his expedition at the front line.''      

This conversation was happening between three ladies passing by.      

Leon and Leonardo had a weird look as they were sent into the black building.      

'It's her.' They had the same thought; this made them question where they were?      

''Is this still the Ares Dungeon?"      

''Ares, what?" The guards guiding them to their cells tilted his head in confusion.     

Meanwhile, in one of the highest buildings in the city, on the highest floor, stood a young woman. She lay lazily on a couch eating a strawberry while her tails danced behind her. This woman was of extreme beauty, capable of enchanting anyone's soul.      

''Hah! Boring. I thought I would play before darling came here, but I'm getting bored. I hope that old man did not lie to me.''      

The fox lady mumbled; those standing behind her didn't react as though under hypnosis, it was exactly the case. She hypnotized them; the same happened to the so-called prince; while he was indeed strong, a Saint, his mental strength was too weak. Kuina rapidly put him under her control; as for his father coming back in two weeks, it was unlikely because, well, Kuina shook her head and finished the strawberry.     

Suddenly, the room darkened; Kuina's expression didn't change as she knew who was the culprit behind this sudden darkness.      

''Sera, you are already back?" Kuina asked while taking out another strawberry from the golden cup on the table before her.      

Sera sighed upon seeing how lazy Kuina was. The two encountered each of two floors below, after a fierce fight against a strong monster, they almost died it was when an old man showed up and rescued them, he told them to head to this city through a dungeon that acted as a portal to this realm located on the fifteen floors, the name of that dungeon was Area's dungeon. The duo followed the old man's suggestion; they did not have the choice because the strength of this older man was unfathomable; Sera's instinct warned her to comply; the same goes for Kuina, they complied, even eagerly after hearing that Alex's group would be guided here.      

While Kuina proposed to take this city, Sera's mission was to assassinate the strongest man in the city who went on the frontline.      

''How was your mission?" Kuina sat after seeing Sera's pale completion.     

''I could not because the thing they are fighting I don't believe we two can't kill it. It is four-headed hydra. Even the peak Saint half-dragon could not kill that thing; it was too powerful. On the battlefield, I saw people from the other races joining hands, werewolves and golden harpies, but they were still not winning; they lost too many men. They decided to seal the beast, and even this solution, I'm not sure if it could work.''      

Kuina frowned, she thought she could take over this city wait for Alex's group before going to the next floor, but things would not go as planned. This left her feeling frustrated.      

''I bet the old man sent us here to wait for Alex to defeat that monster in order to retrieve something.''      

Sera's words made Kuina's eyes widen; she had forgotten that there must be a genuine reason for the old man to choose this floor especially.      

''I see. I hope Alex and the others will arrive soon.'' She said before tilting her head to the side upon seeing Sera smile, which she rarely does.     

''What is it?" Kuina asked curiously.      

''Well, on my way here, I heard the news that your people caught two males.''      

Kuina frowned upon hearing Sera say, your people, but she let it pass.      

''What strange about it? They were probably caught to be used as a meat shield in the frontline.''      

''Well, you are not wrong, but it was the identity of those two that caught my attention.'' Sera declared with a smile.      

''Oh?" Kuina became more curious.      

''Leon and Leonardo.'' Sera did not keep Kuina waiting anymore and told her, and as expected, her jaw almost hit the flaw at the mention of those two.     


At the same time, Alex, Eri, and Eris had entered the fog and were finally closer to Dragone's City. Maria and the others were experiencing something similar; a big surprise awaited them like the duo.     

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