Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 668: A Threesome 1

Chapter 668: A Threesome 1

0Alex was surprised by the unexpected visitor; how could he not? The person who entered was none other than Maria.     

The black prince couldn't help smile, thinking about what her apparition meant. Maria was dressed in short see-through black negligé. She was barefoot as she walked forward strangely; the moonlight happened to pass through the window at that moment.     

Under the faint moonlight outside the window, her feet seemed to glow with a crystalline radiance stolen Alex's soul. Artemia, who saw this, pouted, thinking you did not react so exaggeratedly when you saw me naked; she had already forgotten about the scene of her leaving the bath, and Alex stood there dumbfounded looking at her body.      

''So, it was you were planning all along?" Alex asked with a smile.      

Artemia and Maria exchanged a look before Maria asked.      

''It's a surprise, or do you perhaps dislike our surprise?'' She asked and arrived before the bed; with the flick of her fingers, the bed got clean again. Alex was not surprised as he knew there existed a spell like this.      

As for Maria's question, there was no way he would dislike this kind of surprise as no sane man would not welcome a threesome. As surprised he was, he wanted what made those two to come up with this ridiculous idea because you must know that generally, it was the man that proposed this kind of thing, rarely women are the ones to take the initiative because they considered this absurd. Woman might accept sharing her man, but it doesn't mean she would be okay sleeping with him together with another woman.     

So naturally, Alex wanted to know why Artemia and Maria, two strong women, would take the initiative for a threesome.      

''Why did you decide to do this? Please be honest with me.''      

Artemia and Maria exchanged another look before chuckling; as Maria had said previously, Alex would want to know why they decided to do this, the answer was simple.      

''It for the harmony of the harem,'' Artemia answered, and Maria nodded to show that it was indeed because of this reason they decided for this threesome.     

Alex was shocked by the unexpected response, but after further thinking, he understood their decision does make sense. His imagination began to run wild. Maybe they will be a 4P next time? Maybe a 5P or 7P in the future? Just by thinking of this possibility, Alex's smile grew lecherous; he temporarily forgot about all his worries, his body which was accumulating side effects after he constantly used time abilities, began to heal at a fast rate.     

None of those present noticed this change, only Silveria and her sister noticed this change; the former sighed in relief; she was wondering what to do in order to cure her master but who would have expected this unexpected solution would solve this problem?     

Life is full of surprise; not only was he healing, but his power also seemed to be slowly awakening. While it would not completely awaken right now, in a few years, it would awaken. Silver and her sister couldn't wait to see what kind of power Alex would awaken, but for now, they should leave the pervert to enjoy himself; he deserved it; after giving one last peek at the debauchery that was about to start, Silveria shut down all her senses to rest.     

Meanwhile, Alex imagined a bright future where he would have all his women together in the same bed, a bed so big that it would surpass everything that ever existed accel-ed. When he reappeared, he was already in the bed with a naked Maria.      

Artemia didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw the current situation. To think this man would shamelessly use skills meant for a fight and escape for sex, only him would think of such an absurd thing.     

On the bed, Alex used his fingers filled with mana to caress Maria's body slowly; she shivered intensely of pleasure; it was her fast time experiencing this technique. She was quickly overcome by excitement; her breathing quickened. Using one of his fingers, Alex traced along her collarbone, making her shiver; he even did the same thing with his tongue before sending it into her earlobe.      


The pleasure was so intense that the ice empress melted and moaned loudly, Artemia who was shocked by how fast Maria was moaning, shuddered when she felt Alex's toe slowly caressing her legs naturally this toe was imbued with mana making the pleasure she felt increase two folds coupled with the fact that she had a recent orgasm, she was too sensitive. It didn't take long before she began moaning as well, and soon the room was filled with the sound of moaning.      

Because of skillful Alex was, the two could not help but wonder if he had any previous experience before. But when they thought about it, it was only natural that he had this kind of experience as he was rich, a billionaire, a young one at that, besides buying expensive houses, cars, and other materials things he would organize parties where things like these this would happen, no wonder he was so skillful.      

In reality, this deduction was not wrong; Alex did own a few expensive houses, cars, a jet plane he rarely used; he would often organize parties with his friends in one of his secret villas in L. A where many girls would be invited, and in the end, they would organize an orgy where things would turn wild with all kinds of play be it was normal sex or hardcore one, even S&M was included.     

That time he had just made new friends; the one he was closer to among them was Stefan; he was like a brother to him. As a unique child having someone like that did him a lot of good, he lost his parents, apart from his grandma, only Stefan was there; he was rich but not at the level as him. At these parties, he would spend his money and deal with the problems that would arise later on as some of the girls invited would later try to earn a few bucks by claiming to have been violated; Alex was not really good with stuff like that, it was Stefan the one that dealt with those problems, he was so efficient that not even his grandmother never heard of anything.     

Alex valued this friend greatly until that day when everything fell apart; it was after a party like usual. They thought he was sleeping after being knocked out by alcohol, but strangely he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom; he saw his friend stealing data from his supercomputer, a new project he was working on.     

It was on the same night he heard how Stefan planned everything, he approached him, made him trust him, suggested those parties in secret villas he suggested to by because he didn't want his grandmother to be aware of this side of him.     

Even those girls that later asked for compensation, saying they had been raped, were part of his plans. He did all of this to gain his trust; even the girl he started to go out with was sent by Stefan. This same girl was kneeling between Stefan's legs as he stole his data. He waited for this occasion.     

Alex's world crumbled that every night, his heartbroken apart. He passed out, and when he woke up two weeks later, Stefan was gone with his program released; the world acclaimed him as a genius, he earned a lot of money. The man was ruthless and stole most of his money.     

Alex watched all of this with dead eyes; only his grandmother was there to support him until he was back on his feet; he took revenge by activating the secret Troyan he left in his program just in case. In a single night, Stefan fell from heaven to hell with many debts while Alex released a revised version of this program, earning back what he had lost. He heard later Stefan committed suicide to escape from debt; whether or not this was true, Alex never checked as he didn't care about it. Since that incident, he couldn't make new friends because he was afraid of betrayal. Only after reincarnating in Mysthia did it change; while not completely, he was slowly changing, giving his trust to others again.     

Alex, pleasing his girls, stopped after thinking about the past. He could not help but chuckle, the one that showed him the joy of threesome, even foursome was none other than Stefan, someone, he thought as a friend, no brother for almost four years but in the end, like the others, he placed on his road, he was after his money, after a program he was building since five years already. Like a fool, he fell for it and lost everything.      

''Humans are scary!" Alex blurted out, making the girls frown; they finally came to their senses and saw they had stopped.     

''What is the problem?" The princess asked while Maria seemed to have remembered something; she immediately connected to what Alex said and understood what was going on, not the whole story. Still, she understood that the current scene must have made Alex remember about the past, about that man. She squeezed his hand and declared.     

''Don't worry, we are here to make sure that nobody ever betrays you again.''      

Her words shocked Alex, who did not expect Maria to see through him easily; he smiled, feeling blessed.     

''Thank you. I believe in you. Let's continue where we left.'' He declared with a sinister smile; the girls shivered under his stare. Artemia was curious about what those two were talking about but decided to ask later; she had all the time in the world to learn more about Alex and the others. As for now, she knew one thing that is never to betray Alex or never let him suffer betrayal ever again. What coincidence she also hates betrayal more than anything.     

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