Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 627: La Sainte

Chapter 627: La Sainte

0While Luna was hurrying over to the fight location, Artemia had difficulty dealing with Maria. No matter what attack she used, Maria would freeze them; even Artemia's body became covered in frost, slowing down her movement.     

And because she didn't want to let Maria have the advantage in this fight, she destroyed the snow land, transforming it into a burning land; however, this method didn't stop the Ice Empress from toying with her.     

''You know I'm starting to get angry. You should obediently go to sleep.'' Artemia declared before lifting one of her legs; black lightning gathered under it before she violently stomped on the ground, it was as if a huge hammer had been slammed onto the ground.      


Black lightning rippled outward, engulfing Maria within; she didn't have the time to do anything before being swallowed by a black lightning storm and naturally, as one could have expected, this attack did no damage to the Ice Empress, like the previous attack she started to freeze the whole storm. It was exactly what Artemia wanted; she disappeared to reappear inside the storm. Her spear cut through the air, but Maria dodged it easily by shifting her body to the side.      

Even with this, Artemia's expression didn't change; on the contrary, she smiled; she had an idea she had meant to try out for a long time; this idea was born when she witnessed Alex Shadow Shift. While it was true that creating a skill comparable to the dark prince skill was impossible, creating something similar would not be impossible, and now that she got the opportunity, she must not miss it.      

Artemia thought about creating something similar to Shadow Shift; it was instant teleportation. When this word, instant teleportation, appeared inside her mind, Artemia immediately got an idea. Currently, the surrounding was filled with lightning, meaning the air was filled with static electricity; even though Maria was trying to freeze everything, she did not freeze everything, yet she could use this opportunity.     

Looking at her spear flying in the opposite direction after Maria dodged it, Artemia understood that this thing could act as the receptacle for her skill; what left was trying out her idea, and because this was a fight, she must act quickly. Artemia left her whole being filled with lightning; it was as if she was transforming her body into lightning itself to the molecular level; Artemia's body turned transparent.      


It was unknown why this name came into her mind when she thought about the name of the skill she had just created. However, that name seemed to make the technique more perfect; the moment she muttered that word, Artemia disappeared, passing through space, Maria, who was preparing to deal with her, furrowed her brows.      

Somehow Artemia appeared in place of her spear. However, surprised Maria was able to react when she should not react. She spun her body and pushed her dagger forward to block Artemia's attack; it was what she believed, but Artemia was not going to make things easier for her, especially now that she created a new skill, the chain at the end of the spear wrapped around Maria's ankle before the tip was sent into the opposite direction, everything happened too fast, Maria was not able to react, no she didn't see the need to do anything as she was confused to why Artemia was doing this, the reason was soon explained.      


Artemia activated her new skill; she appeared where her chain's tip was, she caught the rest of the chain and dragged Maria toward her location.      


She slammed Maria head into the ground after catching her, it was what she believed at the last moment, Maria's body was transformed into an ice blizzard that disappeared passing through Artemia's fingers to reappear behind her, she didn't have the time to turn around nor could she put on any defense an ice spike pierced through her stomach, the cold sensation in her stomach told Artemia that this was real, the cold was easily spreading through her body, it wouldn't be a long before her whole body would be turned into frost.     

''Eighteen Layered Lightning Chain Sixteenth Form. Lighting cage.''      

Black lightning burst out from Artemia body, trying to trap the two inside, but like the previous time, Maria body was turned into mist and escaped the ice cage, just as Artemia was thinking about what to do now that the situation had turned more dangerous, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder before she was forcibly dragged out.     

She didn't have the time to check the other party's identity, but after hearing the following words, Artemia instantly knew who her mysterious savior was.     

''4th Tier Holy Magic Radiant Blessings!"      

Artemia felt like an angel was embracing her; she got this feeling, all her injuries and stamina were replenished. Although she possessed limitless stamina and mana, it didn't mean her stamina or Mana would not run out. It was just that compared to normal people, she would recuperate faster; this fast recovery was comparable to her having limitless stamina and mana. If it were the real thing, she would be invincible, letting no challenger pass this level.      

''I want you to restrain her even if it's for a second.'' Luna left those words behind before disappearing.      

Artemia didn't have the time to ask what she meant before seeing her punching Maria; the latter tried to slow down the punch but couldn't totally avoid it as Luna used her knee when her punch failed to deal any damage.     

Facing this new enemy, Maria jumped back; she knew that this person was different from the other one; fighting her would not be easy. Because she lost most of her memories, she was not herself after entering this mode, the information about this golden-haired beauty was blurry, but she seemed to know her better than anybody, this made the fight harder for her, she must quickly deal with her and destroyed everything by granting them eternal sleep.     

Maria, who had decided what to do, opened her mouth and screeched.     


Maria's screech created a shockwave in the air. This shockwave was going in Luna's direction, but she smiled and didn't do something completely out of everyone's expectation; she punched the air creating her own shockwave; this shockwave clashed against Maria's shockwave, offsetting it.      



Artemia blinked to reappear behind Maria after throwing a dagger in that direction.      

''Lightning chain.''      

Using lightning Artemia temporarily restrained Maria's movement while Luna was getting ready.      

Beating her lips, Luna kneeled on the ground, her hands in prayer.     

''Oh! Mighty Gods, your humble servant, is before you to ask to grant her your blessings. My body is your vessel while my soul follows your guidance. 10th Tier Holy Magic Holy Descent: La Sainte !"      

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!      

The sky rumbled three times before Luna's body was bathed in holy light, and once this light disappeared, she was totally transformed. She was dressed entirely in white, above her head was what looked like a golden plasma ring without any star, but with just its presence alone, it gave others the feeling that this person must not be tainted but worshipped instead.      

Even Artemia wanted to kneel and worship the current Luna, but she quickly discarded this thought because if she were to do that, she would let Maria free and who knows what would happen if she did that.      

The new Luna teleported and appeared before the chained Maria and declared.      

''Absolute Zone.''      

A white domain of two meters appeared with the two inside; in this domain, all forms of magics' mental interferences were prohibited, they would be automatically canceled.      

Inside Luna's absolute zone, Maria's white eyes began to regain their usual color, but she still couldn't see anything; there was still a huge amount of frost inside her body that needed to be purged or else she would freeze to death.      

To deal with this problem, Luna, in the La Sainte mode, approached Maria, who was slowly regaining her consciousness, and put her hand on her chest.      

''6th Tier Holy Magic, Transfer.''      

Instead of transferring mana into the other party's body like this Tier usually does, Luna transferred the cold energy inside Maria's body to her body. By doing such a thing, she accepted receiving all the damage, some of the aftereffects of Ice Empress Mode.      

''Take care of her princess.''      

Leaving that instruction behind, Luna disappeared to God knows where.      

Artemia, who had a lot of questions, couldn't help but sigh and moved to catch Maria's body. She seemed to have lost consciousness after what Luna did.      

''Seriously, appearing so suddenly and disappearing shortly after saying I must take care of this troublesome child is a bit too much, don't think too, Alex's favorite woman?"      

Artemia didn't expect any answer as she said those words, but it was only to vent some of the frustration she felt. After checking Maria's body she noticed that she was fine, her body was a little bit cold, her black hair had a few white hairs mixed in.      

''I will send you back to the lower floor. You have lost.''      

She said before sending the unconscious Maria into the lower floor. Although she wished to know where she would appear, it was impossible her authority was not that strong to decide where Maria would appear.      

''Let's hope you appear somewhere safe.'' Artemia prayed.     

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