Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 610: Another Dark Spirit

Chapter 610: Another Dark Spirit

0Alex kept falling; he was doing his best not to fall asleep; Eileen's laughter was disturbing, he had a bad feeling about it. Indeed, his feeling was confirmed when suddenly Eileen began to transform.     

Eileen's pupils turned into slits while two horns made of energy appeared on her head, and she seemed to grow a bit taller.     

Feeling the abundant energy flowing from her, Alex's eyes narrowed, and before he knew the transformed, Eileen was already before him. She punched the air, her fist literally broke space and disappeared on the other side, and Alex, who saw this knew that he was done for; he couldn't dodge even if he wanted to as he got no energy to do it.      

However, just as Eileen's punch wanted to pierce his body, a slender arm appeared and stopped it; Eileen's fist that was able to break space with such destructive force was gently stopped by a woman's palm.      

Eileen was not surprised, no truth be told, she did this in order to draw the other party out as she noticed that she was slowly coming here while using this time to unseal her full power, something that would be troublesome if she let her finish, she was not sure, but her old-time rival seemed particularly attached to this human, so why not use this opportunity to deal with her? Therefore Eileen attacked Alex, and fortunately, she appeared and stopped the blow.      

''It's you!!" Alex shouted the girl who works under the broker alias.     

The broker ignored Alex and gently tapped twice on his forehead; Alex was immediately put to sleep before disappearing; the same thing happened to Eri and Incursio; they reappeared outside of the Desolate Forest, lying side by side on the ground.      

From Alex's body, an illusionary figure came out, it looked like Eileen, but unlike the other, this one seemed more gentle, more angelic. This illusionary Eileen stood above Alex for a moment; she gently caressed his cheek, but because she was real, her hand passed through Alex's cheek; Eileen chuckled before muttering.      

''Thank you, you fulfilled my greatest wish, killing that traitor as a token of my gratitude. I will give you a present; you will be surprised to find out what it is when the time would be ripe.''      

Immediately following her words, she disappeared into a small golden light that tried to penetrate Incursio's head; at first, a strong barrier appeared and blocked the foreign intrusion; however, it only lasted a second before the golden light penetrated Incursio's head; afterward, everything turned peaceful again. The three were sleeping soundlessly while their bodies used this opportunity to heal.     

Back in the sky, the transformed Eileen and the broker faced each other in silence; finally, Eileen opened her mouth and ridiculed the broker.      

''For someone who used to hate humans, you're sure funny to end up living with them and even copied their style, Ferīr.''      

The broker didn't immediately answer. She first discarded her robe, hiding her features and letting the sun kiss her skin; a beautiful woman appeared, slightly dark skin, tall as Alex (1.85 cm), long dark hair and red eyes, she possessed wolf ears and tail, sharp canines, she stared at Eileen in front of her in silence before speaking.     

''You can always live in hatred. I have long forgotten my hatred, besides the current humans living on this floor are not the ones responsible you should know that, yet you are acting as though you are doing something honorable; who among us two is the most funny?" Ferīr asked Eileen, whose face turned purple after hearing Ferīr's provocative question.     

''Shut up! You are a traitor. If weren't because of you, I should be the one reigning over this floor, and instead of following your fellow dark spirit, you sold your soul.'' Eileen shouted; she was angry; this could be felt through her voice; the sky darkened even more; it was as if a tempest was underway.      

''Ah! You are still stubborn, but I guess you can't really change. I'll give you one chance, obediently go back into the seal or else-"      

Ferīr words were cut off, but Eileen who glared at her as if she wished to swallow her.     

''Or else what? Will you kill me? With just you?" Eileen ridiculed Ferīr before she continued with a question.     

''Ferîr, I have a question for you. Did the humans you came to love so much and started living with sending you, or you just come because of that slightly stronger human who almost died in my hands?''      

Ferīr chuckled, not answering Eileen's question; inwardly, she thought if only you knew that he had something scary inside him, and more importantly, he had a trace of the tower master, there was this faint scent that resembled the master's scent.      

Naturally, Ferīr did not share any of that information with Eileen as she knew that if she were to do that, she would want more to slaughter Alex again and again before imprisoning his soul, something that would spell everybody fall, because if those things sleeping inside Alex's body were to wake up, none of them could survive, maybe those on the higher floors could but Ferīr was not really sure because she came from the higher floors as well and she knew those powerhouses over there and among them none of them could compare to the two, especially that sinister aura reeking of Death, she was scared the first time she smelled it, she knew that she would die the ultimate death (A/N: Absolute death where you will be unable to reincarnate, you will be gone forever.).      

The reason she hurried over was because she knew she would suffer if Alex were to die because she pushed him to come him and more importantly she was curious about the boy who carry so much power inside him, he even has the aura of the Tower master but he seemed not aware of this which made things more interesting, never in her wildest dreams would Ferīr have thought that she had fallen under Silveria, Nyx and the real Eileen's trap.     

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