Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 602: The Black and White Swords

Chapter 602: The Black and White Swords

0From the other side, Incursio was watching the fight so was the giant dark snake.     

''Wow! Impressive, shall we get started?" Incursio asked with her head inclined to the side, she was not expecting anything when she said those words, but surprisingly she got an answer.     

[Sure] The giant snake responded; although she had turned into a snake, the first clone still retained her gender.      

''Wow! It talks!" Incursio said with a playful smile on her face, but unlike what was shown outside, inwardly, she was feeling nervous; she knew that this fight would not be an easy one. Still, she must fight, not because of some sort of obligation. Still, simply because it was fun this way, a fight where your chance of winning is lower than fifty percent, not even twenty percent, couldn't be more interesting; just thinking about crushing her opponent made her excited.      


Without saying a word as words were not needed in what was about to happen, Incursio disappeared, no she appeared to have disappeared.      

The giant snake opened her mouth and spat a dark matter in the area where she believed that Incursio was; however, instead of seeing Incursio, the giant snake saw a white sword cutting through her dark venom, normally due to her breath corrosiveness, the white sword despite being a gift should have been damaged even it was a little bit, however, the white sword was spotlessly white.      

It was then the giant snake understood that since the beginning Incursio had never moved, she was where she stood, she only moved her sword, the white sword which automatically masked her presence as the sword extended and cut the dark venom, the snake breath in two.     

Hiss! Hiss!      

The giant snake hissed angrily; she was angry because, from her perspective, Incursio did not take her seriously, so she shall make her pay the price of looking down on her.      

Like a super rocket, the giant snake moved and arrived before Incursio; she was shocked but still calmly moved her sword; this time, she moved the black sword instead of using the white one.     

Tuk! Bam !      

When the snakehead, which was trying to bite Incursio's head off, touched the black sword, it got slammed into the ground next to her.      


The snake was surprised she didn't understand what just happened as if she could see the confusion inside the snake's eyes; Incursio gently explained.     

''You see, those two lovely swords are exceptional; the white one can hide my presence thank to my space element and extend to some extent and is extremely sharp while the black sword can absorb the enemy attack and reflect it; it's like the perfect counter. Well, there is a limit, I set the limit, and with these swords, I become complete.'' Incursio ended her explanation with a joke.      


[Do you think it's funny?] The giant snake asked; she was furious; this small girl was still looking down on her.      

[What were you expecting bragging openly about your swords? Expecting me to praise you or it was to make me afraid?] The giant snake became emotional all of a sudden.     

''Hell no, I'm not a child. The reason I told you this is simply because I'm going to kill you.'' Incursio declared with a smile.      

[How arrogant, with just those two abilities?] The giant snake snickered and immediately attacked; her attacks were faster this time as she already knew about the enemy's swords abilities.      

Bam !      

Incursio's small body was sent flying, and she coughed blood before slamming into a small mountain behind her back. The snake didn't give her any time as she attacked with her tail which was even faster than her whole body.      

Swoosh! Slam! BOOM!      

The snake's tail blasted the mountain into smithereens with Incursio small bearing the brunt of that attack, her arms were bent into odd angles, and she kept vomiting blood as her body slammed into the ground after flying through the air.     

''Cough! Cough!" She kept coughing blood as her small chest rose and fell repeatedly.      


The giant snake turned into two meters tall, beautiful woman with a black dress, but this dress kept making a hissing sound as though alive; upon closer inspection, Incursio saw the black dress tightening against the tall woman whose pupils had turned into slits, there was a closed third eye in the middle of her eyebrows.     

''How is it? Did your swords abilities you believed to be so extraordinary help you?" The tale woman mocked Incursio lying on the ground in a pool of her blood.     

The tall woman who had expected to see despair on Incursio's face was shocked to see her smile; it began with a smile before evolving into laughter.     

''Pft hahahaha, hahahaha.''      

''What is so funny?" The transformed snake stopped and asked as she couldn't understand why Incursio, who was clearly cornered, could still have the energy to laugh.      

''Pft hahahaha! Cough! Cough! I'm laughing at how dumb you are. Well, I shouldn't have expected anything with that snake brain of yours.'' Incursio said while still laughing.      


The tall woman jumped back because she felt immense threat coming from Incursio as she said those words; it was a mistake because the moment that woman jumped back, the white sword lying on the ground appeared in Incursio's right hand, and something astonishing happened, Incursio's injuries vanished as they have never existed.      

''What???" The tall woman was shocked by the unexpected situation happening before her.      

''You see, I never said that my babies only have one ability; besides, I said that my sword makes me complete, meaning that I'm twice stronger once I use them,'' Incursio explained before a smile vanished from her face.      


Unconsciously the tall woman gulped but quickly shook her head and attacked with a whip; this whip seemed alive, it was unpredictable not even Incursio armed with her two swords could deal with this whip's attacks, and soon her body was full of injuries, however, like the last she was healed using her white sword.     

Incursio decided to finish the fight, she crossed her two swords, the tall woman appeared behind her, her whip curved and was attacking from the front while the woman was attacking from behind, it was not the end, two snakes appeared from the woman body and were about to bit Incursio, everything happened fast, the tall woman saw her victory until Incursio declared.     

[Infinite Re- Petrification]      


Gray energy burst from the crossed sword and swallowed everything radius twenty meters around Incursio; thee area was turned into stone. Incursio calmly walked out of this gray zone before kneeling.      

Crack! Boom!      

The petrified woman's body cracked and was turned into powder.      

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