Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 598: Against the mysterious woman

Chapter 598: Against the mysterious woman

0The woman floating in front of the three could be considered a beauty, but none of them were in the mood to enjoy this beauty because this woman was giving off an intense amount of pressure, even leaving the single fingers they could feel how terrific she is.      

Long golden hair that reached her waist and a pair of mesmerizing red eyes, she had three bats-like wings behind her back.     

''R-Run!!!" Eri stuttered but still managed to finish her words; every fiber of her body ordered never to fight this thing; it was not a human.      

There is no shame in running away when you know that you can't do anything about yourself; at least you are aware that there is a limit, which you can overcome.      

Eri mustered all her strength even when her body was trembling, and she could hold it barely; she almost peed her pants, she was terrified, flames appeared under her feet and propelled her into the sky like a rocket.      

Finally, the woman who appeared from the black mass slightly moved her eyes; yes, she slightly moved her eyes; however, this casual gesture, the gentle flutter of her eyelash, was enough to extinguish the flame under Eri's feet. Her body got slammed into the ground forcedly by an unknown force.      

BANG! BOOM!      

''Gaha! Cough! Cough!" Eri vomited a mouthful of blood, and her limps were twitching; she didn't have any energy to get up.      

The woman ignored her and looked at Incursio; the latter felt like a mouse standing before a cat; she shivered unconsciously, then before she knew it, the woman that should be standing in the sky thirty away from her appeared before.     

''What?" Incursio was beyond shocked, so naturally, her voice was loud when she exclaimed because of surprise.      

''T-Too many things mixed up.''      

Unexpectedly the woman talked; her voice seemed to have come from the depth of hell itself; it was beyond cold; just by hearing this voice, Incursio felt a cold sensation spreading through her whole body, starting from her heart.      


Incursio got slapped across the face, her petite body drew a small arc in the air before she appeared two kilometers from where she was, her right cheek was swollen like pudding, her arms broken, but her insane regenerative ability kicked in and healed her in an instant.     

Meanwhile, Alex was about to face the woman that dealt with Eri and Incursio in less than a minute.      

She appeared in front of Alex as she did with Incursio; he was not able to sense her before she arrived before him even with his Divine Sense activated and Sleipnir special ability on; still, Alex was not to be underestimated; he knew that he was not the woman match so he must escape not think about defeated her because it was impossible for the current him.      

''Time S-"      

Alex tried to use Time Stop, but somehow it didn't work; that woman spat something from her mouth which stuck Alex's right eye, blocking his sight, he was unable to use his right eye, and he became unable any of his time abilities as if something was stopping him from using them.      

During this time, Incursio finally stood up, and she was furious; she had never been humiliated like today. She lost any rationality she had; she immediately launched an attack on the mysterious lady.      

Incursio's sword cut through the air with no resistance and arrived before the mysterious lady; she stopped and pinched the sword with two fingers.     

Boom! Boom!      

A terrible explosion occurred when she caught the sword; the area behind her was destroyed, obliterated should be the correct word; still, the mysterious woman had zero scratches on her. It was as if what she just did was too casual.     

She lifted her other free while still holding Incursio's gift in an iron grip, a formless sharp sword appeared in the mysterious woman slashed upward and blood splashed on her face, there was a long vertical cut on Incursio's chest, her special armor was destroyed, that cut was so deep that her bones could be seen and her small breasts could be seen; however, Incursio did not care about her breasts being seen, she experienced something she had not truly feel since a long time ago, pain, an immense amount of pain flowed out from the injury toward his whole body.      

It happened at that moment; Incursio, who was feeling an immense amount of pain, saw the mysterious woman's kick coming toward her head; it was so slow that normal people would have thought that it would take at least a year for this kick to connect. However, as a solid individual specialized in speed, Incursio knew that this happened because the kick was too fast, so fast that it gives the misconception that it was slow.      

Immediately, Incursio activated her time ability to slow down the incoming, but unfortunately, it was soon proven to be insufficient. She was forced to use her space element ability, but this also didn't work. The mysterious woman kick continued unhindered and finally arrived before Incursio.      

Bang! Kaboom!      

This time Incursio traveled across five kilometers destroying everything on her path. When she stopped, she was an extremely sorry state; all the bones inside her small body were broken. Not even with her exceptional regenerative ability, she could do anything; Eri lay on the ground, trembling.      

''Now then." The mysterious woman mumbled before turning in Alex's direction.      

''Crimson bullet!"      


The crimson bullet tore through the air blasting everything in its path until it's arrived before the mysterious woman who did something that Alex would never forge; his most substantial bullet, the one with the most destructive ability, got crushed so simply that Alex wondered if it was a ballon.      

''You are different from the other.''  the mysterious woman with bat wings muttered after she appeared in front of Alex. He couldn't do anything as he got lifted and started flying with the mysterious woman; finally, they stopped fifty meters above the ground, both Eri and Incursio were able to see everything that was happening.      

Never in their wildest dreams would they have thought that the next thing that mysterious woman would do would be that. No, they were not the only ones shocked; Alex was beyond shocked; he was so surprised that his mind was gone blind.     

The mysterious woman with pairs of three bats wings lowered her head and stole Alex's lips; it was unexpected, but soon Alex understood the reason behind her action, and he immediately tried to break free but couldn't do anything, his energy, his strength, his mana, his life's force, everything seemed to be slowly being sucked away from him, at this rate he would lose everything.      

Alex struggled to no avail; neither Silveria nor Nyx could provide him any assistance; finally, he acted, he moved his right fingers asking for help, and Incursio was the first one to notice it, followed by Eri.      


Incursio, who was angry for getting so much humiliated, decided to go all out. Her full strength destroyed her surrounding.      


She activated that ability Leonardo acquired after joining the dark side.      

At the same time, Eri finally overcame her fear; she knew that no best ending awaits them if they let this woman consume Alex; therefore they must fight even when the odds are against them.     

''Spirit Integration!" Eri activated her strongest ability w her trump card; despite not being able to control it yet perfectly, she had no choice; she could only try.      

Terrific amount of heat escaped from Eri's body turned the surrounding into molten lava, maybe because last time it was because of the presence of its rival, the Ice Phoenix. Still, this time it was the illusionary image of a small fire phoenix, it looked weak, not that strong, but Eri knew that she could do something with this temporary strength.      

The mysterious woman kissing Alex didn't even bother with the two; with the flick of her fingers, two identical clones were created, and they went to take care of Eri and Incursio. At the same time, a black cocoon surrounded Alex and the woman; the kiss never stopped; on the contrary, it became heated, and Alex couldn't escape from this woman's grasp as she kept sucking everything from him.     

Outside, the two clones fought evenly against Eri under spirit Integration and Incursio, who had released her full strength.      

Clang! Clang! Clang!      

Boom! Boom! Boom!      

The four moved at an extremely high speed exchanging blows; those blows were so strong that every time they clashed, it would destroy their surrounding, but none of them seemed to care as they kept fighting when suddenly Incursio, who had finished analyzing her enemy easily dodged her enemy attack before sending her own attack on the floating black cocoon, she hoped to break it to let Alex escape. However, before Incursio's attack could reach one meter from the cocoon, a dark snake appeared and swallowed it, then it reopened its mouth and spat the attack back towards Incursio.      


Incursio cut the attack in two before shifting her sword back to block the clone attack.      


Another round of quick attacks began; meanwhile, Alex had a dream.     

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