Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 597: Hell Descent

Chapter 597: Hell Descent


In a laboratory somewhere in Mysthia, many scientists surrounded two tubes, one of them was empty while the second one was not; there was a small baby around seven months inside it; she had white hair, white eyebrows.     

One of the scientists observing the girl suddenly shouted after noticing the baby twitching.      

''Senior, finally she moved, Number Two has moved, like Number One she is not a defective product, unlike the Zero series.'' The man shouted enthusiastically.     

''Cut it, Benson, quickly inject the serum. Not only would it increase her growth speed, but it would also save us some trouble in the future.'' The chief of this hidden laboratory ordered.     

Benson immediately followed the command he received; he injected purple energy inside the tube, which was instantly sucked and was assimilated into the baby girl's body.      

'Poor thing you've your freedom robed from you forever, and the only thing you will live for from now on would be serving the organization wholeheartedly. Truly a pity.' Benson said before turning around and leaving.     

He didn't see that just after he left, the baby opened her eyes and stared in his direction as if she understood Benson's words.     

Ten years passed in a flash and the once small baby had turned into an adult; although her body had not matured like the others born from this experiment, she was far the strongest apart from her brother; this girl was named Incursio, meaning nightmare for her enemy. The funniest thing was that she kept having the same nightmare again and again; in this nightmare, she was discarded after being used; her ending wasn't a bright one. Smart as she is, she knew that she was created and that it was for a purpose; if she were to fail this task, she would die and horrible death; her life was not her own; she was another person's property.     

Her strength, her way of talking, her way of looking at her enemy acting as though she was the strongest, all of these things are facades to hide her true self, her real self which was afraid of death, afraid to be disposed of, afraid of never getting her freedom, freedom is what she longed for more than anything.      

So when she heard what Eliard said, she remembered her fate, a fate which had been forced upon her; no matter how strong she had become, she was still a child in front of them; they are true monsters.     

''So, to finish all of this, I will have you three die here. Don't worry; you're immortals after all.'' Eliard's words brought Incursio back to reality; she immediately summoned her Gift, the slender white sword appeared in her small hands, she changed, she was emitting a pretty dangerous aura that made the mayor's frown; he had expected her to be strong but not to this extent.      

To crush any false hopes the three might have, Eliard released his full strength.      

Immediately the three, especially Alex and Eri, felt like there were standing in the middle of the sea, and everywhere they looked at, only endless sea could be seen; they felt terrible might bearing on them, they immediately went on their knees.     

''Half step, Demigod!"      

The three shouted when they felt Eliard's pressure; those called half-step Demigods are those close to the Demi-God level, beyond peak Saint Realm.      

''Guh!" Alex ground his teeth to bear with the terrible pressure trying to break all his bones.      


To help him bear with the pressure, Alex summoned his domain, immediately his domain clashed against Eliard's pressure, diminishing the pressure Alex was feeling. Eri did the same thing after seeing what Alex had just done.     

''Careful, this one will be tough to deal with.'' Incursio warned, and with extreme focus, she looked at Eliard, she might be closer to peak Saint Realm. Still, it doesn't mean that she could take a half step Demigod head on no matter how exceptional her fighting prowess was; therefore, she needed Alex and Eri's assistance to deal with this man and stop the ongoing ritual quickly.      

The three understood what they needed to do to get out of the current situation they were in, and just as they were about to initiate an attack, something completely out of their expectations happened; not even Eliard had anticipated this to happen; it was too sudden; therefore he could not do anything.      


First, from the black mass floating in the sky, an inhuman cry echoed, almost bursting their ears, then dark tentacles shot out from the black mass and pierced the mayor's body from all sides.     

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!     

''Y-You! Cough! Cough!"      

Even the sturdy body of a half-step Demigod got easily pierced like paper; immediately, blood was sucked out of Eliard's body; he was helpless to do anything; he couldn't put any resistance, especially after seeing his daughter face appearing from the black mass.      

''So, it's how is it. I'm paying for my sin. Alright, bring it. Cough! Cough!" Eliard vomited blood and his body rapidly shrunk until it turned into ashes and the black ashes disappeared into the black mass; it was sucked inside it.      


Alex, Eri and Incursio, all heard this sound, indicating that whatever was inside that thing was full. Alex felt a chill down his spine; it was only less than when he was facing the dragon and the nine-headed hydra; no, there was something sinister about the thing that was about to come out.      

〖Master escape!〗Silveria urged Alex; her voice was panicked than usual, making Alex understand how dire the situation was. Even Nyx warned Alex to escape.      

〖Escape for now, the current you will die if you face this thing.〗     

''Guys! Let's get the hell out of here.'' Surprisingly Incursio was the one who suggested this.     

Unfortunately, it was already too late; from the moment Eliard had his blood and strength sucked to the current moment, not even a minute had passed.      


Suddenly, another terrible scream echoed; it created a vibration in the air that destroyed all the trees' radius hundred kilometers. Alex, Eri, and Incursio's noses and ears were bleeding profusely.      

Then they saw it; the moment they lay their eyes on her, they froze not because of how beautiful she was but because of the dangerous aura surrounding her.     

''Shit!" Incursio did not care about etiquette and cursed openly; she was afraid, terrified of the thing in the sky; she was in another dimension; they were in big trouble now.     

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