Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 596: The Truth behind the Quest 3

Chapter 596: The Truth behind the Quest 3

0BANG! BANG!      

The gunshots were loud to be heard by the two people; they were shocked by how fast the projectiles were. Still, they were not pushovers either they immediately leaned their bodies to the side, dodging the bullets.     

Meanwhile, Alex arrived before the same man he had punched earlier; he rammed his knee in his face, breaking his nose.      

''Guh!" The man groaned as his body was flung backward.      

[Phantom Bullet!]      

Alex did not hesitate to finish the man with a phantom bullet; the invisible bullet cut through the air like a knife slicing through butter; however, just as the man was about to be blasted apart by the invisible bullet, something appeared and dragged him away.      

When Alex focused his eyes on the thing that just dragged the man away, he was shocked to find out that it was a black tentacle, as from where this tentacle was coming from, it wasn't hard to guess, it was shot from one of the other two bodies. They brought the third man and put him in the middle.      

Immediately upon seeing this, Alex had a bad feeling; he activated his foresight ability, Envisage; this ability lets him glimpse in the future; it was not really a foresight per see as it only works when he is fighting. Still, in the current situation, it was more than enough.     

Alex's right eye shone in dark blue luster, and envisage was activated; then, Alex saw a brief scene before envisage was cut off. However, this was more than enough to teach him to know that he must not let them succeed.     

When Alex used envisage he saw a giant that beat the crap out of him, he couldn't do anything, and judging by the three reactions, it was not too hard to guess how that giant happened to be; they must have combined, and Alex's assumption was proven to be right when the next moment the three became covered by a dark sphere.      


Alex did not hesitate to use Silveria's unique ability. The three inside the dark sphere smirked, but soon they smirk turned into shock as they witnessed the dark sphere getting erased, their mana vanishing alongside the dark sphere.     

[Crimson Bullet!]      

The crimson bullet arrived before them; they couldn't even pull up any resistance; they died instantly, erased not living ashes behind.      

''Ah! Let's go. I still have a bad feeling about the whole thing.'' Alex said as he hurried over to the location where the black mass floating in the sky was. As for the others, he knew they were strong enough to make it there on their own; he would see them on the other side, probably before going confronting the mastermind behind this huge conspiracy.      

In another location inside the Desolate Forest, a girl could be seen walking silently while whispering unknown lyrics.      

Suddenly, five men dressed in black appeared and surrounded the girl. However, instead of showing a flustered expression, the girl was laughing.      

The five men looked at each other, and inside their heads, the same question was running.     

''Has she gone nuts?"      

However, in the next moment, their expressions changed from confusion to fear because of the words the small white-haired girl said and what happened shortly after.     

''Hehehe! I was becoming bored, thank you five my boredom will disappear.''      

Immediately following Incursio's words, she summoned a white sword and attacked with it. However, the five could not see the sword movement at all as two heads rolled on the ground.      

Incursio was not down with them, she passed between the other three, and their heads were removed from their necks as if it was easy.     

Immediately, like in the previous situation, the five who just got killed, their blood was sucked dry.      

Incursio was not really surprised because she had seen something like this happening before.      

''Sigh! I should have imprisoned them inside an ice coffin instead of feeding this greedy formation. I wonder what would come once it has enough blood? A giant beast or a person?" Incursio mumbled, curious, but she quickly shook her head; now wasn't the time to be distracted.      

She immediately headed towards the black mass floating in the sky in the deepest part of the Desolate Forest.      

Like this, the three appeared simultaneously, they were shocked by this coincidence, but they couldn't dwell on this surprise because the culprit of the whole mess was standing before them with his arms crossed behind his back.      

Eliard didn't even need to turn back to know that three extremely strong people appeared behind him.      

''Sigh! So they failed. Well, it's normal considering that you three are different from the other bunches; you have my admiration.'' Eliard said while staring at the black mass in the sky that was getting bigger and bigger.     

Alex, Eri, and even Incursio felt goosebumps rose all over their bodies; for the formers, it was because of fear, while for Incursio, it was because of disgust. She felt extreme disgust toward the man standing ten meters away from her; she wished to attack him. She would cut off his head like that he would be unable to talk, but unfortunately, she couldn't do that because the moment she attacked, she would be okay playing his game which she was not sure if she could win, therefore she decided to act cautiously for now.     

Suddenly, the mayor shocked the three by raising a question; it was unexpected.     

''Tell me, how would you feel if your whole life was planned since you're born?"      


Alex and the two girls said nothing; it was not like they didn't want to talk, but it was because they knew that Eliard had not finished talking, they must stay silent until he revealed the reason behind what he was currently doing, they could learn more like this, so without exchanging glances they came to a mutual understating.      

It was unknown if Eliard had understood the reason for the three to stay silent, but he didn't say anything, almost as if he did not mind.     

''Everything is for the sake of ascending, to let this floor go to the upper level. I have even sacrificed my daughter; everything has been decided from the start; I'm a mere puppet with no freedom.''     

The last words struck Incursio like a curse, a sealed memory resurfaced.     

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