Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 594: The Truth behind the Quest 1

Chapter 594: The Truth behind the Quest 1

0''What do you want?"      

 Alex said nothing since Incursio's arrival finally and raised this question.     


Incursio laughed first, not saying anything else. Once she was satisfied, she looked at Alex; she had lost all interest in Eri, although she was strong; having lost her will because of a little pressure made Incursio not consider her as a worthy opponent, unlike Alex, Sakuya and Lilith.     

After laughing for some time, Incursio stopped and stopped.     

''I thought you'd never speak to me; I guess I'm wrong. I know that you like it after all, hehehe! I'm happy.''      

'Hell, no!' Alex shouted inside his head, but outwardly his expression did not change. He asked the same question again.     

''What do you want?"      

Seeing Alex so full of hostility, Incursio appeared hurt, but she stopped playing; this is not the time for playing, the situation was more serious than she had thought, those foxes were about to accomplish their plans, she must, no they must stop them or else they would all die here, she was not an exception.      

''Let join force.'' Incursio declared; her words were like a huge clap of thunder in Alex's ears.     

''What? Are you joking?'' Alex asked.     

 Even Eri, who had just encountered Incursio for the first time, was left speechless; she wondered what could make such a strong person ask for assistance? From her enemy nonetheless? She was curious, but she knew it was not her place to ask why; she was an outsider, she could only wait for Incursio to unveil the reason for this cooperation.     

Finally, Incursio stopped smiling and, with a serious expression, explained why she appeared before Alex; it was a coincidence but a good one.     

''Listen well. The huge sunflower plan is a terrible conspiracy. We all have been duped.''      


''Can you explain it more?"      

Eri and Alex were shocked by Incursio's words, with the latter asking her to explain what she meant.      

''Ah! I have appeared in this forest since the beginning; I hunted players and this world's natives alike until I heard of the rumors; I decided to participate not because of the possibility of seeing the mayor because somehow I had the feeling that I would be able to encounter you here. However, the more I progressed, the more I felt like something wasn't right; I knew you would be coming. I waited for you, and fate allowed us to meet. As I have said earlier, let's join and deal with the enemy. The mayor's and the people in the city are preparing something terrifying. Normally, I would not care about this but not this time because it's related to our safety. I don't know what they are trying to awake but, the mayor's daughter is part of the plan. There's something ominous about this forest; we have been lured into coming here, we are like sacrificial lambs waiting to be slaughtered.'' Incursio told them what she learned and what she thought about the whole situation.      

Although Incursio's words sound right, Alex had a hard completely believing her; he didn't want to put his life in her hands and get backstabbed.     

Just as Alex was considering what to do, Eri, who had not said anything until now, finally opened her mouth and said something.     

''I suggest that we must listen to her. I have also felt something ominous about this forest, and I want to know what it's.''      

Alex stayed; it was not like he never considered Incursio's proposal; he also began to feel that something was not right about this forest; the whole quest in the search for the sunflower seemed fishy; why wouldn't the mayor come out and issue such important quest? But used these methods to gather a lot of natives and players? They must be something going on.      

Finally, as Alex decided to listen to Incursio's words, it happened, a black mist suddenly appeared around them and blocked their senses.     

''What is this?" Eri exclaimed; she could feel all her senses getting blocked, she couldn't sense anything, worse she started feeling dizzy, which was unusual. Alex's situation was slightly better; he also lost his senses but wasn't feeling any dizziness. Suddenly, Incursio's voice echoed inside his mind before disappearing.      

''Don't die; it has begun. More than half of the players must have been killed. Be aware of your surrounding, or else you will fall into the abyss.'' Those were Incursio's words before her presence completely disappeared; Alex could not sense her.      

Immediately Alex decided to leave with Eri, and he tried to hold her hand, normally she should be near him, but unfortunately, Alex could not find her no matter what he did.      

During this time, the black mist became thicker and thicker; it was difficult to one own hand, the ominous feeling Alex felt after Incursio's revelation kicked in.     

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!!     

His heart started to beat faster.     

〖Master, dodge.〗Silveria warned, and Alex followed his warning and dodged to his left.      

Twerk! Bang! Crack!      

The ground cracked as a giant black snake tail hit the ground.      


The giant snake who appeared suddenly immediately pounced on Alex; unlike its gigantic body, the snake possessed a terrific speed.      

The black snake that launched its body on Alex already readied its tail just in case; however, just as the snake was about to sink its fangs in Alex's head, it becomes frozen. Alex had used this opportunity to finish the twelve meters long black snake.      


The crimson bullet tore through the air and blasted into smithereens the snake's head.      

Immediately after killing the black snake, Alex used one of his strongest abilities because he felt lot of snakes rushing towards him.     

''Asura Form!''      


There was a terrible rumbling sound which followed Alex's mumbling, an illusionary Alex thrice his size appeared behind him holding a silver gun big as him, this illusionary Alex pointed his gun forward, in the direction of the incoming snakes and fired.     

''Crimson bullet!"      

Using his avatar, Alex fired a crimson bullet in front of him; a big crimson bullet escaped from the big gun and tore space apart.      

Boom! Boom! Kabooooom!      

Small explosions occurred whenever the crimson bullet passed until it exploded like a nuke, creating a big explosion that swallowed all the incoming snakes, erasing them; the thick black fog was momentarily cleared, Alex was able to catch a glimpse of something sinister in the sky, in the depth of the forest.     

''Let's go.'' Alex declared and started to run in the direction of what he had seen; he had the feeling that Eri and Incursio would be there. Once there, he would learn what the mayor's planning and stopped; by doing such a thing, he might be able to ascend.     

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