Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 592: The Desolate Forest 1

Chapter 592: The Desolate Forest 1

0 Sunlight shone through the curtains and fell on the young's man eyelids, stirring him from sleep. Alex woke to find someone using his arm as a pillow.     

''No wonder it felt so heavy,'' Alex said while trying to extricate his arm; however, she held it firmly; she even started rubbing her face against Alex's arm like a kitten.     

"Mm… Nn…"     

''Stop pretending. I know you are awake already.'' Alex said while flicking Silveria's forehead.      

''Ouch! It hurts. I feel like crying.'' Silveria woke up and exaggeratedly held her head, and because she lowered her head, Alex caught a glimpse of her cleavage, her white breasts, although small, were beautiful.     

Although Alex didn't understand why Silveria seemed so passionate as she spoke, he understood that it was a serious matter that shouldn't be brushed aside like a joke.     

'She got a great figure. Luc-'      

Suddenly, Alex woke up from his reverie and quickly stopped the dangerous thought that was about to form in his mind.      

'Shit, that was dangerous; I almost got fouled; maybe she did it intentionally.' Alex mumbled.      

Silveria, who had no idea what he was thinking about, tilted her head to the side, wondering why Alex was making that kind of face; unconsciously, this gesture made her more charming; her cleavage was showing just a bit, and Alex could see her nipples.     

Finally, aware that Silveria wasn't doing this intentionally, Alex sighed while pointing toward her chest.     

''What?" Silveria asked, confused but still lowered her head, and it was then she saw her breasts almost on full display.     


Silveria shouted while covering her chest. Alex almost laughed, making fun of her; he wanted to say that there was nothing there to see anyway but dared not because he remembered a scene from the past. Silveria had previously warned him not to comment negatively on a woman's chest, especially when the latter had small breasts. Because he had no desire to experience another terrible headache, Alex closed his mouth.      


Naturally, Silveria wouldn't miss out on any opportunity to tease her Master; she made an exaggerated cry; if there were someone here, they would have mistaken the situation, thinking that Alex was bullying her.     

Alex felt compelled to massage his forehead.     

''Stop playing around and tell where you didn't go back. Please be quick; I'm running out of patience.'' Alex said, from his face, you could see that he was not joking.      

Silveria, who was playing to push the joke too far, immediately stopped and swallowed hard.      

''Sigh! Master, you are no fun at all.''      

''I hear it often,'' Alex said while glaring at Silveria, whose expression changed all of a sudden becoming serious; she stopped joking and began to explain the reason why she stayed behind.     

''Do you remember that girl?"      

''Which girl?" Alex asked confused, Silveria needed to be specific if she wished for him to know whom she was talking about quickly.     

''Sigh! I'm talking about that broker. Have you forgotten what my sister said last night?'' Silveria made Alex remember Nyx's words, she had suggested that he must make the broker his, not as his woman, but he must make her work for him like Alice and Pandora, Alex guessed.      

''Yes, I remember. Why are you bringing this up again, or are you perhaps suggesting that I do the same thing as your sister.'' Alex asked while heading to the bathroom; he must clean his body as he sweated a lot after doing his morning exercise.      

''Yes, I'm saying the same thing as her. You can't understand it right now, but that girl can help you a lot in the future, not only after you go back to Mysthia but even after you go to the other world. She is a special existence. Perfectly fit for collecting information, she must have wished to change her fate by transforming into human form and blinding into the human world, but she can't be truly free. You have to make her yours no matter what it takes, understood?"      

''Ah! I understand. Let go.'' Alex said before heading toward the door.      

Silveria immediately disappeared into Alex's body. Alex went to the first floor, where a pouting Eri was waiting for him.     

''I thought you'd never come down. What were you doing all that time?" Eri asked, dissatisfied.      

Alex chuckled, not saying anything; this irritated Eri to the bones.     

''Forget it. Tell me why you asked me to wait for you here, saying you have something to tell me?" Eri said after seeing that Alex had no intention of explaining why he was this late.     

''I want to tell you about the mission we are about to take this morning,'' Alex said while observing Eri's reaction, and as expected, he didn't disappoint him; she knew when to stop.     

''Tell me more,'' Eri asked with her head in her hands.     

''I did a bit of research and learned that it was impossible to see the mayor because he was busy. Apparently, his daughter is seriously injured. He needs to find a cure for her; if not, she will die soon. So to have a chance to see the mayor, we must participate in a quest to get one of the ingredients, the most important, the sunflower. I already have all information. This type of flower is found in the depth of the Desolate forest located outside of the city. Be aware that we will not be the only one participating in this quest; there will be others as well and among them is a formidable enemy. I won't force you to participate, you are free to do whatever you want, but you must know I will not wait for you; you will be on your own. You're an adult; you decide what you want to do.'' Alex immediately stood up; he had already finished his breakfast; he was not hungry. Maybe it was because of the tension; he felt nervous just by thinking about encountering Incursio, he lost his appetite.     

''Wait.'' Eri stopped Alex, who was about to go out. She lowered her head and apologized.     

''I'm sorry, I had been selfish, letting you do everything; I'm truly sorry. I will accompany without complaint. Let me accompany you.''      

In the end, Alex gives in.      

''Okay, let's go.'' He said before turning his back and left of the Inn.     

Naturally, Eri followed him.     


Alex and Eri left their Inn and headed towards the Desolate Forest. On the road to encountered many players wanting to participate in the quest. There was only one sunflower; Alex wondered many bloodbaths would happen with so many players vying for the same thing. It was sure that many players and NPCs would die during this quest, but he didn't care about that. His goal was to succeed in this quest to have the chance to encounter the mayor; maybe he would be able to get a clue on how to ascend to the next floor, this is the second floor, he must continue to climb, it was unknown on which floor the unusual realm was, but he must go there as there was something he must acquire there at all cost.      

''What a nice couple.''      

''They look good together.''      

Those kind of words could be heard everywhere Alex and Eri passed; however, the two ignored those gossips and headed deeper into the forest. As the name suggested, the Desolate Forest was a ghost forest; the trees were tall but possessed no leaves on them; the forest gave an ominous feeling as if you could never relax; the moment you did it, something terrible would happen to you.      

Even Eri, who could be considered strong enough, felt disgusted; she wanted to leave the forest because she was feeling uncomfortable immediately; however, she knew that she couldn't do that.      

''Fuck! I wouldn't say I like this forest; seriously, I want to go back already. How far is still the location of the sunflower?" Eri asked; she was impatient and wished to finish this quest to leave this creepy forest quickly.      

Alex ignored her and focused his attention forward; like the other time where he was unable to use his Divine Sense, he could only use Sleipnir's ability to generate wind; using this wind, Alex was capable of scouting his immediate surrounding, this ability only works twenty meters around him.      

Suddenly, Alex frowned because he detected an ambush fifteen meters ahead; he turned his head in Eri's direction, wanting to inform her about his discovery because he was unsure if she possessed another means to scout like him.     

''Don't worry, I'm aware of the ambush ahead. There are seven people ahead, three on the right, two in the middle, and two on the left. Am I wrong?''      

Alex was shocked by how accurate Eri's information was. He had underestimated her a bit; it was normal that she had other methods besides her presence detection; she must have used this second method to detect the enemy lying in ambush ahead.      

''Let's massacre them,'' Eri said with a vicious smile on her face. Her expression at the moment was truly savage, but Alex had nothing against it.     

The two kept walking ahead, acting as though they didn't notice the group lying in ambush.     

'Hehehe! Another prey is coming; it's two this time.' Hanz, the leader of this group mumbled, he licked his lips; his eyes were filled with lust as he looked at Eri; he could not wait to taste her, just a little more.     

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