Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 593: The Desolate Forest 2

Chapter 593: The Desolate Forest 2

0Alex and Eri calmly walked forward, pretending to have not noticed the group laying in ambush ahead, and finally, once they entered the ambushers' range, they made a move.     

Two went towards Alex, one slashed at his head while the other went for his lower body. If there was one thing that could be praised about the ambushers, it should be that they were perfectly synchronized; if it had been any other target, a normal one he would have been done for, unfortunately, Alex didn't fall in this category.     

Despite those two strengths being slightly higher than him and their perfect coordination, they still fall short when it comes to reacting quickly.      

Clangs !      


Alex blocked the sword going toward his head, shocking the ambusher who had not anticipated this; the thing that shocked the ambusher was the thing used to stop his sword. It was unusual he had never seen; it was silver.      

It was unknown why after the initial feeling of shock, the man was assaulted by an intense chill; he knew it was going to do by how he didn't know; therefore, he was too slow to react when a bullet blasted his head apart.      

And before the second attacker could understand what was going on, Alex borrowed the first ambusher sword and cut his arms as they fell on the ground making a plop sound.     

''Gyaaaa!! My arms!!!!!!!" The man began to shout hysterically; Alex immediately sent his knee crashing into the man's belly.     

''Oh! My, I'm quite hated it appears.'' Incursio said while putting on an expression that indicated that Alex's behavior significantly hurt her.      

Finally, the man who Incursio's unexpected arrival had rescued wanted to thank her because he thought that she was part of her team, the other teams that came to rescue him.     


Everything happened too fast, the man's mouth fell open, and he vomited gastric juice. Alex, who was planning to finish his off, sensed something; he rolled over the man's body, and just his foot touched the ground; he flipped the man into the man letting him get struck by the incoming attack.     

Boom! Puchi!!      

The lance thrown by one of the survivors tore through the man's stomach, his vomited blood before passing out; however, his misfortune didn't end there, as he was falling, he fell on his neck, breaking it, it was instant.      

''What the hell are those two?" The remaining three people tried to rationalize what had just happened, but they didn't get the opportunity because Alex and Eri moved simultaneously.      

Alex appeared in the front of one of them, having witnessed how scary Alex was, the man, despite his panic, attacked with his glaives, unexpectedly Alex dodged by lowering his body dangerously close to the ground while at the same time summoning Silveria and aimed it at the man's throat. Alex smirked and used a catchphrase he had not used since Nyx became sealed again.     

''The End!"     


A single bullet flew out of the silver's gun muzzle, it was extremely slow, yet the man couldn't dodge, or was as his body was fixed in time, unable to move only spectate as death came closer. The man was ashamed to admit it, but it was truly the end for him, strangely; as he knew this, he embraced death with open arms, yet death never came because someone appeared right before the bullet reached his head.     

''Long time no see!" A sweet voice reached Alex's ears; however, knowing how dreadful this person was, Alex was not anticipated; on the contrary, he became more vigilant; he jumped far back, there's no shame in acting cautiously around this petite woman because she was the embodiment of the word dangerous.     

''Really, thank you for your help. I'm-"      

The man's words were cut short until there because his head fell from his head make a few turns in the air before rolling on the ground.     


The poor man had not seen his death coming; he didn't even know how he died nor who was the one responsible until he closed his eyes and died for the second time. He was not the only one shocked by what happened, Eri who had just taken care of the other two, froze in place in Incursio's presence; she labeled herself as strongest within her generation but was unable to see Incursio's movement; she didn't see anything which frightened her.      

Eri's body kept trembling nonstop; her instinct was telling her to never go against this girl no matter what; it was like Incursio's presence had overwritten her DNA sequences to engrave the feeling of fear deep within.      

''Hehehehe! Now, the nuisances are gone; let's us celebrate our meeting in this foreign world, Alexander.'' Incursio said and began walking toward Alex, who unconsciously takes a step back every time she takes one.      

Suddenly, Incursio stopped and tilted her head as she had finally remembered something; she moved her head in Eri's direction almost as if there was no bone inside her neck; it was extremely creepy.     

''Eeek!" Eri freaked out; she jumped back because of extreme fear; she had never felt like this before; it was her first time, not even her teacher could give this dangerous feeling.     

''Oh my! There is a red rabbit here. This one is different as she is contracted to the legendary fire phoenix; how interesting!" Incursio said with her arm around her chin; lt was funny how she was pretending to be an adult with her small body. It was quite hilarious, but nobody was in the mood to laugh.     

Eri froze in place, her biggest secret got revealed just like that, normally it was impossible to tell that her Gift enabled her to contract with a mystical beast like Ignia or Maria because, like Alex's right ear earring, Eri wore a bracelet around her ankle which makes any probing useless if she didn't authorize it. Yet, despite never authorizing Incursio, she could still bypass her protection to get her classified information. It was what made the white-haired Loli scary, scary enough for Eri not to want anything to do with her.     

''What do you want?"      

Finally, Alex, who stayed passive, raised this question.     

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