Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 588: Sigurd and Information gathering

Chapter 588: Sigurd and Information gathering

0After successfully killing the vampires that attacked tonight, at the same time they took care of the duchess who governs this region, Alex and Eri received a higher evaluation. Alex politely declined Celestine's invitation to attend a banquet; he didn't have the time for this kind of thing; naturally, Eri refused as well; unlike Alex, she knew the motive behind this banquet, what goal Celestine wished to accomplish.     

After Alex and Eri subjugated the vampires, the attitude of the natives changed; they became more friendly; however, neither Alex nor Eri cared about this.     

Night ended. The sun opened its eyes and shined on the horizon.      

Alex and Eri walked with Celestine; they had finished eating their breakfast and immediately asked to leave. Naturally, Celestine was against it at first but soon saw that she could do nothing to stop them from leaving.      

''Ah! I wish you could stay for a few days to enjoy our hospitality.'' Celestine said as if it was indeed a shame.      

''Just say you wished for us to stay for a few days in the hope of using us to take care of any eventual problem.'' Alex directly said Celestine's goal.      

''I-I don't know what you are talking about.''      

Having been busted, Celestine was flustered; she even started stuttering when speaking.     

''Forget it. Just help us leave. It's all that matters.'' Alex said, not wanting to waste his time any more than this. They must go to the next floor, going to the next floor where they might be able to see their friends.     

Finally, the three stopped before a huge door, pushing it open; Celestine was the first to walk in, followed by Alex and Eri.      

There was nothing in the room they entered except a golden formation in the middle of the room. Alex believed that this must be one of the teleportation formations used to travel to the next floor. There must exist one formation in every city on this floor or continent, as Celestine used to say.     

''Please step inside the formation while holding the golden leaves I gave you,'' Celestine instructed. Alex and Eri did as they were ordered. They stepped inside the golden formation and held out respectively a golden leaf that Celestine gave them beforehand.      

The moment they took out those golden leaves, the golden formation vibrated before shining, immediately, as the key Celestine chanted some obscure chant. Immediately following this change, the two felt a sensation they had experienced too often; the golden light enveloped them shone brighter, and they disappeared from the room after the light disappeared, and the golden formation became silent again.      

Celestine appeared as though she had performed a heavy task; her forehead was drenched while she felt like more than half of her mana was gone; because their destination was different from the normal one, she had to pay a heavy price.     

''Forget it. It's a shame but it couldn't be helped.'' Celestine muttered before leaving the room.     


In another location, another floor, Alex and Eri were teleported to another floor, inside a building almost identical to the one they had just left.      

Immediately upon their arrival, someone noticed them and rushed toward them.      

''Welcome outsiders, I'm Wilfrid, the head guards here. Welcome to Sigurd, this way, please.'' Wilfrid made a polite bow while pointing at the exit.      

Alex and Eri were pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome they received from the residents of this city; it was different from Restart town where they came from.      

''Sure," Alex said after exchanging glances with Eri. They followed Wilfrid and other guards outside of the room. On the way, they got a summary of Sigurd; it was named after a famous figure; ironically, it was like the legend of Earth. Alex, the legend of Sigurd.      

The moment Alex and Eri saw the city, they were shocked by how big it was and, more importantly, by the flying beasts in the sky. Gryphon, wyverns.      

Wilfrid smiled, pleased with their reaction, and once again, he bowed while handing two golden plates with their names inscribed on them.      

''Once again, welcome to Sigurd.''      

''Well, take care,'' Alex said, weaving at Wilfrid and the other guards while dragging Eri with him; she was acting like a country bumpkin, constantly staring at the flying beasts in the sky.      

''You can also fly, so what is the point of staring at those beasts so much?" Alex, who didn't understand, asked Eri why she was so fixated on the beasts in the sky.     

''What do you know. Superman can fly but still take planes. Naturally, I want to ride these beasts to fly in the sky, just sitting on their back, enjoying the scenery. How good it would be.'' Eri said passionately, which made Alex feel uncomfortable; he quickly admitted defeat.      

''I see you win. Do as you wish but only after we book rooms. I'm not your servant, so you need to come with me. Let's go.''      

''Tch!" Eri clicked her tongue, annoyed; although she could not go immediately, it was still great that she got Alex's permission to go after booking a room; she was genuinely impatient to experience the great life in the sky. Eri had one hobby like most of the rich kids; she likes the sky, taking planes, bungee jump, parachutes. She loved them all, so seeing the beasts in the sky, she immediately wished to try various things and couldn't wait to try them out.      

After walking around, Alex and Eri finally found the best Inn and immediately booked two suits; they got a discount because of their high evaluation (received on the previous floor after completing the task given to them).      

Immediately after entering her room, not one hour passed before she exited it. Coincidentally Alex happened to be going at that time, so naturally, they met.     

''Ugh! Why are you out?" Eric frowned; she thought that maybe Alex had changed his mind at the last minute and would try to stop her from going.      

Alex, who understood the misunderstood, felt compelled to massage his forehead, and he did. After calming down, he said.     

''Cut it. You can go whenever you want. I'm not here to stop you. I have my plan.''      

He didn't wait for her before passing her and immediately headed outside. Eri was left alone; she pouted and mumbled.      

''What a mood killer.''      

''Sigh! Let's go; the sky is waiting for me.''      

Meanwhile, Alex, who left the Inn starting searching around; he had a goal in mind. It took him three hours to finally find what he was after.      

In the northern part of the city lies an inconspicuous shop; people rarely stop in front of this shop even though the street is bustling. However, it was only its external appearance; once you entered the shop, a whole world was waiting for you. A luxurious bar filled with customers while at the same a gambling house was being held inside.      

Looking at those poor souls who would never succeed in quitting gambling as it was one of the worst curses in existence, you can't quit maybe after losing everything and dying. There was a time Alex almost fell for this curse; he almost became a gambling addict after getting betrayed by his best friend and losing his money; it was thanks to her grandmother he was able to get back, stronger than he used to be. How much he wished to see her again, but that would be postponed for later. He must complete tonight's task, which was to get some information.     

Sitting around the counter, Alex ordered a drink; he finished his first glass, then ordered another one, finished as soon the glass was filled. The bartender frowned and approached Alex wanting to remind him to go easy; it was not his place nagging customers, but he must do something, or else once drunk, Alex may start causing trouble, they have been many cases like that.     

Just as the bartender approached Alex, he suddenly stopped because he noticed that Alex, who should be drunk, lifted his head and smiled at him before flipping a black coin in his direction. Immediately, the bartender understood, he had been baited. He could only sigh and approach Alex. He had already accepted the black coin.     

''What do you want?"      

Upon hearing the bartender's question, Alex's smile broadened; looking directly into the bartender's eyes, he declared.     

''I wanted to meet the Broker.''      

There was a silence before the bartender finally responded.      

''I see. Please follow.''      

Immediately Alex stood up and followed the bartender; they went behind the counter where a secret compartment was, pushing it stairs leading down appeared. The bartender was the first to descend, followed by Alex; the moment they took the stairs, the wall behind them was closed.     

Outside, the other customers who had seen Alex following the bartender behind the counter knew where they were going, someone among them said.      

''Another one wanting to see the Broker. The man is sure rich to afford a black coin.''      

''Hahaha, you're right.'' Another one said.     

''I wish to know the Broker's identity.'' Someone said the whole room turned silent, startling the young man (Player).     

''What?" He asked, curious. However, he received a look of contempt; just as he was about to blow up, someone touched his shoulder and advised.      

''If you wish to live longer, better stop thinking about the Broker's identity.''      

''What?" The young man was still confused about why everyone had such an exaggerated reaction because of what he said. The man who advised him was gone to drown his frustration; the young man began to drink while secretly thinking about learning about the Broker's identity.     

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