Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 582: Alice Vs Incursio 2

Chapter 582: Alice Vs Incursio 2

0Alice's figure could be seen at full speed inside the forest; she was jumping from one tree to another without looking back; even so, her senses were on full alert, ready to catch the smallest detail. However, despite all these precautions, Alice detected nothing; normally this should have been a relief, but knowing against whom she was made Alice feel extremely uneasy.      

Alice would have wished to fly in the sky, but here it was impossible, so she could only run, jumping from tree to tree.      

''Where do you think you are going, little rabbit?"      

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice rang in Alice's ears, startling her; she almost fell because of how surprised she was; however, she managed to stabilize her body at the last moment, yet she was unable to detect the enemy's presence no matter what she did.      

If she were to keep running so blindly, then only one outcome awaits her, which is death. Therefore Alice stopped and took a deep breath before shouting.      

''Between you and I, who is the one most befitting to be called little rabbit? Huh! Tiny little rabbit.''      

Alice's voice was so loud that it was heard radius kilometers, startling the animals in the forest, making them flee.      

Naturally, Incursio, hiding in the space, also heard Alice's words; she knew this provocation was to bail her out, she usually wouldn't have played along; however, there was a word those who knew her wouldn't dare to say, she was aware that of height, she knew she would never grow more than her current height, so talking about her height in her presence had become a taboo that only those strong enough or tired of living would remind of how short she was.      

''Fufufu! Although I know what you are after saying those hateful words, I still wish to play along with l- rabbit.''      

Incursio appeared not too far from Alice; she stopped and omitted the word petite to remind her height.      


Immediately upon noticing Incursio's appearance, Alice launched an attack. Her sword sliced through the air and arrived before Incursio; the latter showed no emotion as she knocked the sword to the side like it was a toy.      

''Do you expect to deal me some kind of damage with this soft attack of yours?" Incursio asked with her head tilted to the side.      

''I'm not so conceited to believe that I have this ability, at least not with this attack," Alice replied before muttering.      

''Thousand Shadows!"      

Her figure blurred and was transformed into several copies of the original; however, these copies haven't reached a thousand; they numbered at least around thirty. Those thirty Alice all held a sword and simultaneously launched their attacks.      

However, facing thirty swords approaching her, Incursio was pretty calm; she knew that it was an illusion, the real Alice was mixed in this group.      


Incursio shouted, and from her body, an enormous amount of mana burst out, sweeping away the thirty Alice coming to attack her; she disappeared and reappeared before the only Alice that didn't vanish after suffering her mana outburst.     

''Got you!" Incursio said before her body passed through Alice, she believed it was real; this befuddled her because before attacking Alice, she felt from her presence that it was the real her; however, at the last moment, the presence she felt vanished, and she only hit empty air.     

''Just now-"      

Before Incursio could finish her words, the real Alice appeared behind her back and thrust her sword.      

''How naive!" Incursio said, unafraid even when facing Alice's unexpected attack; however, Alice showed her yet another surprise.     

''Transform, twelve butterflies!"      

The sword heading toward Incursio turned into twelve butterflies of different colors, five white butterflies, five black butterflies, and two green butterflies. Those twelve butterflies combined to form a small tornado towards Incursio unguarded back.     

Everything happened too fast; she usually wouldn't have been able to dodge, yet she turned around with such ease that you could have mistaken it as she was expecting such an attack.      

''Not bad, three elements? Truly not bad, but you will need to do more than that if you wish to beat me.'' Incursio said, and under Alice's eyes, she crushed the attack she painstakingly built for this situation; she crushed it like she was crushed a bug.      

''That ability you used to switch place with one of your clones reminds me of his ability. Although I don't know how the hell you have a similar ability, it doesn't matter. I will still crush you because you have started to piss me off!" Incursio declared.     

Following her declaration, she vanished. Alice wanted to say something; however, her words were cut off abruptly when her eyes widened. Inside Alice's pupils was reflected a youthful but extremely beautiful face approaching at such high speeds that She, a person who had entered the Saint Realm and possessed a speed almost superior to that of her master, was surprised.     


Alice felt like a hammer had hit her in the chest; she was sent flying, her body bent into C shape, and she vomited a mouthful of blood, some of her ribs were broken, the blow hit her so hard that she started to see stars.     

''Let's play!"      

Watching Alice flying in the air, Incursio's lips curved into a crescent shape; the smile on her face was truly vicious.      

Incursio closed her right fist immediately; the space around Alice was sealed; her body froze midair while her dominant arm was removed, giving her no time to scream.     

Then Incursio's eyes sparkled; looking at Alice's sorry state; she flickered her fingers at her.     

Swish! Swish!     

One after another, strands of lightning raced out of her fingers and hit Alice.      

 As if she could see what Incursio was after, Alice clamped her mouth tight and tried to ignore the lightning flowing into her. She did her best not to think of how her skin was charred and her flesh cut.     

Sadly, her attempts to shut her sense of feeling failed. The lightning discharging from the Incursio's fingers didn't stop, and in a matter of minutes, it became more violent. As time went on, finally unable to endure it, Alice started screaming.     


''Scream more, I look like this sound!" Incursio said with a smile; she was upset, so she needed to release some of the pent-up frustrations she felt.     

However, the joy she felt was short-lived because soon Alice took a radical decision and immediately acted upon it; she decided to self-destruct together with Incursio.     

''Shit! I'm out!"      


Unfortunately, Incursio noticed the danger faster and stepped across before the terrible explosion could swallow her; it was why she hadn't seen what happened after she left; Incursio's last word before vanishing was.     

''One rabbit down, time to hunt another one!"     

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