Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 560: Arrival in the Capital

Chapter 560: Arrival in the Capital

0After finishing their business in Alkan's City, Alex and Sakuya were ready to leave, injecting mana into the key inside his hand; a golden light enveloped the two before they disappeared.      

When they opened them again, a grandiose scene awaited them; everywhere you look, you will see tall reminiscent of Earth's most beautiful cities; for a moment, Alex and Sakuya thought that they were back to Earth.     

They were further shocked when they saw the tower piercing through the sky, seemingly endless.      

Upon seeing this tower, the corners of Alex's mouth lifted into a smile. Sakuya had an interesting expression on her face; just as Alex was about to tease her, a voice coming from behind reached their ears.      

''Welcome to Andalon, Fallen City if you want, there too many names but what is sure this the city of dream, where the God Tower is. Ah! Where is my manner? I'm Sangmin, your guide if you desire to hire me.''      

Alex and Sakuya exchanged glances before looking at the Asian looking man before them; at first, they thought about refusing and chasing the man away but finally decided not to do as they were new here, having someone that could teach them about this place was a blessing if you ignored the man who seemed that he wouldn't stop talking, even now he was still talking.      

Finally, Alex opened his mouth and said.     

''Okay, okay, I will hire you but first stop talking.''      

Sangmin wasn't offended by Alex's words; who can you better than yourself? As he knew himself, Sangmin used this personality to earn his living.      

Closing his mouth, he told them how much it cost to hire him; after haggling for a moment, Alex paid half of the price before Sangmin began talking.      

He told them about the city, the news in the city, and most importantly, he told them about the power inside the city; there are seven guilds ranked from the strongest to the lowest, recently rumor has it that the guild master of the first guild had changed recently, as for whom become the new guild master, no new was found on this person.      

There was another rumor saying that an eighth guild existed, recently formed but whose fame was rapidly climbing. A goddess is said to be leading this guild, like the first guild; not much was known about this goddess.      

Sakuya had a mysterious on her face when she heard about the new guild with a goddess as guild master, it was unknown why the image of a golden-haired girl came to her mind, and she was sure that her dear sister had something to do with this.      

Alex didn't waste his time comprehending the meaning behind Sakuya's mysterious smile.      

''Let's go, Kor- I meant Sangmin guide toward the best inn.'' Alex, who was about to say Korean guy stopped and used his real name because the name reminded him of Korean name; Alex had a hard time not directly calling him Korean guy as calling his real name doesn't sound good.     

Sangmin nodded. Like a professional, he gestured at the couple.     

''This way, please.''      

Alex and Sakuya followed him.      

At the same time, in one of the tallest buildings serving as headquarter to one of the Seven, not eight guilds, there was a particular scene.     

In one of the bedrooms, a girl could be seen lying leisurely on the bed.     

Because of the current time, it was in the morning. The gentle rays of the rising sun peered their way through the light curtains and provided a serene light in the room.     

This brown-haired beauty was dressed in a lascivious negligee! She lay face down. A see-through cloth that made heavy use of lace! The white skin is slightly seen underneath it! And black underwear!      

She slightly raised her body at the newcomer with a lazy voice.     

''Alice, have you found any on the new guild master of the first guild or the eighth guild?"      

The white-haired girl who appeared in the room like a ghost looked at Sera in astonishment. They would have believed that the dignified Sera, the Spartan goddess, would have this side to her, something she had a low blood pressure in the morning making her not want to do anything in the morning to sleep like a log; however, she knew that she couldn't afford to this.     

Alice, whose face only changed for a split second, went back to its usualness, and she proceeded to tell Sera the information she had acquired.     

''From what we inferred through various clues, the guild master of the first guild, God's hand is a small white-haired girl, there is someone beside her who wore a white mask.''      

Unlike the other guilds or brokers, unable to get anything when it came to finding a clue on the God's hand new guild master, Sera specialized in assassination and the collection of information, rapidly found what she wanted, it was easy especially when you have a weapon such as Alice.     

Sera nodded her head upon hearing the first part of the information; she immediately connected those two to certain someone.      

Incursion and Alex former classmate, Leonardo Dixor. If this information was indeed accurate, then they were in good trouble as there must only be a reason for the white demoness to take a guild under her control; it's simply for screwing with Alex.     

Sera felt a bitter taste in her mouth, but there was nothing she could do at the moment; she could only lay low for the moment as they didn't have the necessary strength to contend against Incursio right now. By herself, she was like a one-person army, so imagine adding a whole guild, not any normal guild, the strongest guild to her force; this would double her strength, making her more difficult to handle, almost invincible. If it were only Leonardo, Sera wouldn't have been so wary, but when it comes to that monster, you better forget any common sense.      

Being the smartest wouldn't help you as not only is she strong, but she's smart as well.      

Sera had the feeling that she knew about them, so she deliberately let only them know about her; However, she was good at what she does, Sera was not so conceited to say that she was the best, stronger than anyone else as the other guilds had their resources and weren't weak, so acquiring these pieces of information so easily must have been Incursio's doing.      

Sighing heavily, Sera asked.      

''Do continue.''      

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