Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 557: Before Departure 1

Chapter 557: Before Departure 1

0While Sakuya was testing her new technique on some poor hoodlums in the slum area, Alex sat up; he had noticed Sakuya slipping away but chose not to do anything, she was free to go out if she needed so fresh, well Alex knew better than anybody that it was an excuse, if he were to make a bold guess, Sakuya must have gone out because of what happened, being someone who loved to dominate others, the feeling of being toyed with under someone and submitting albeit non completely must have been unbearable, so she needs to let it.     

''Well, I pity the poor men that are going to suffer Sakuya's wrath tonight. I pray for your wall.'' Alex joined his hands in the form of prayer.      

Silveria chuckled and commented.     

〖Stop acting as though you ever care one bit about those men's wellbeing. Having acted as you did, you knew that she would react like this, so there is no need to play like this.〗     

Alex chuckled as he found Silveria's words somehow reasonable; however, there was nothing he could do; he couldn't let himself become an outlet of Sakuya desire; he would lose his dignity if he were to give in. He was not someone who enjoyed being toyed with, he was not a masochist and never he will be even if he loved her more than anything.      

''Well, I have thought of something to relieve her pent-up emotions.''      

〖Oh? May I know what solution you have thought about?〗Silveria was curious.      

''Training, I was about to propose that we spar together,'' Alex responded, to which Silveria didn't say anything for some time before sighing heavily.      

〖You are truly ruthless; not only do you dominate her in the bed, but you want to crush her with your strength the following morning immediately; between you two, you are more fit to receive the title of S King.〗Silveria spat.      

Alex shrugged his shoulders and decided not to comment further as there would be no end to the debate if he were to continue.      

Suddenly, Alex frowned. He had a bad feeling. Or maybe that should be called conviction. He felt a chill as if the hair on his back stood on end. His intuition was telling him that something terrible would happen to him in the future if he were not vigilant. When this was happening, it was at the same time Sakuya was performing her skill for the only purpose of making Alex submit.      

'What the hell this could be? Is it Sakuya? Or someone else? What is it?'      

Alex quickly threw those nonsensical thoughts to the back of his head and stood up, and went to fetch some water to quench his thirst.     

'Well, I need strength and wits to face any situation; with those two things, I'm sure that everything will be fine.' Alex convinced himself. He needs to prepare before going to the capital; although he was feigning calmness, the ominous feeling didn't completely go away; it stuck him like glue. Alex decided not to think about it too much.     

Simultaneously, in the capital, in one of the biggest buildings, home of the strongest guild, in the underground arena, a fight between a big man and a small white-haired girl around fourteen.     

Everything was happening at speed impossible to describe, with the exploding circle reaching the small white-haired girl instantaneously. Despite this, she smiled and said, "I admit that you're strong but not strong as him; given more time, you might have put me on a difficult spot, but not now."     

Turning around in a flash, the small white-haired girl fiercely smashed her small fist into the ground.     


A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud. Simultaneously, black flames swirling with golden lightning rippled outwards as shockwaves.     

The big man staggered back, his eyes reflecting the incredible sight of the small white-haired girl.     

She was rushing through the mushroom cloud, splitting the mushroom cloud!      

"To be honest, if I want to overpower you, it would be difficult even for me," She acknowledged with a pleasant smile. "As for obliterating you immediately, it wouldn't be fun if I did that, don't you think?"     


The big man, the guild master of the strongest guild out of the seven guilds, didn't know why, but the small white-haired girl's words didn't hurt him but made him feel as if this was some ominous premonition.     

While trying to make sense of this, the big man swiftly raised his hands to protect his chest as the girl's disappeared and appeared before him, and her hand was coming toward him.     

But then the girl surprised the big man by stopping her punch just a hairsbreadth away.      

Then her lips curved up, and she said, "I shall show you the true meaning of despair, be witness to its full power or not!"     

As these words entered the big man's ears, he felt an intense sense of crisis. This crisis reached its peak when he heard the concluding phrase.     



Suddenly, the arena turned pin-drop silent and turned blinding dark. Every source of light lost its function.      

A sense of helplessness gripped the big man's heart, freezing him in the process.     


In such an environment, just a mile behind the frozen man, a slit violently ripped open.      

The slit was not even as thick as a hair. Still, it was too bright, radiating glow of countless colors swirling as if it was the insides of a kaleidoscope tube.     

Finally, the guild master moved; his reputation as the strongest man among the players wasn't for show; he hurriedly jerked his head at the slit. Unknown memories appeared in his brain, and he instantly realized where the slit led.     


The guild master's unstable consciousness thought.     


Ghost-like and demon-like figures appeared in the swirling colors, their expressions filled with hunger.      

The guild master looked at them and realized it was right. But there was something even more strange, something it couldn't pinpoint.     

"Do you think now is the time to be distracted?"      

The small white-haired girl's voice rang in the guild master's ears, bringing him back to reality.     

The big man quickly turned his head.     

But it was too late.     


By then, the girl's feet has brutally pounded onto his chest.      

His chest caved in, and his back arched out while his body was flung back and slammed into the slit. The ghost-like figures smiled and grabbed the frightened guild master; his face paled instantly.      

The ghost's ethereal hands turned into chains and tightened around the poor man, and they dragged him in.      

The man didn't even get the time to resist—all due to a moment of carelessness.      

"Relax, this isn't the end for you; you won't die," the girl said with a friendly smile. "In fact, it is a start…the start of your eternal hell; you will forever be damned."     


The guild master growled, and flames exploded out of it. They burned a few ghost-like figures, but they were calm.     

She snapped her fingers, and the slit disappeared. Now the man has no choice of escaping even if it broke his confinement.     

The girl's ability was the same one Leonardo had used against Lilith, but the proficiency between the two was a world apart.      

The small white-haired girl, no Incursio, smiled and departed from the arena while mumbling.     

''Hehehe! I need to prepare the stage for his arrival. Hehehehe! Show me more wonderful things, Alexander.''      

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