Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 546: Breakfast with the Mayor

Chapter 546: Breakfast with the Mayor

0It happened a few hours before Alex and Sakuya began their assault on the True End headquarter.     

In another city, in one of the top houses in this city.     

"Mm… Nn…"     

Sunlight shone through the curtains and fell on the girl's eyelids, stirring her from sleep. She awoke to discover herself overcome with lethargy, not unlike muscle pain. The girl appeared to be around eighteen at best. Her features were peerless; her face had a hint of coldness within, her skin still lustrous and smooth.     

Currently, this beauty jet black hair was mussed into what could only have been described as a textbook example of bed head. Sleepily rubbing her eyes, the girl yawned. Drowsiness still lingered in her cold, crystal blue eyes. This was Maria Alexia Rosares, an Earthling reborn into Mysthia but currently inside Exodus.     

Maria squinted at the sunlight streaming in; this was a room she didn't remember, she must find out where she was, but first, he must stand, however just as she tried to sit up.     


She stiffened, and his eyes widened in surprise. Before her was a pair of breasts, rising and falling in a gentle, constant rhythm. The pajamas covering them were open slightly, giving Maria a peek of the white underwear hidden beneath. Swallowing despite being a woman herself, Maria looked up…only to be confronted by the beautiful face of a sleeping girl. Her golden hair shone in the golden rays of the morning. The girl's pink lips were parted as light; adorable breaths slipped from between them. Lovely eyelashes quivered as she slept, though her smooth, white skin remained undisturbed. From under the quilt, five tails could be moving together as her chest rose and fell.      

Maria must admit that Kuina got a hot figure that can send any normal into beast mode; however, the initial good impression she had on Kuina vanished, especially after seeing a certain tattoo on her inner right thigh; this tattoo was the statement that she was Alex's woman, although not right now by signing that contract she was implying that she would spend the rest of her life beside Alex, she had committed to him, he could only be her man in this life.      

Maria had the bad habit of swearing when little stressed; however, as she didn't know where she was, she decided to control herself better.      

She glared at the girl, still pretending to be sleeping; she knew that Kuina had long since woken up but decided to play; Maria's eyes narrowed and her lips curving in a devilish smile. She raised her left hand high and was about to bring it down when Kuina pretending to be sleeping, opened her golden pupils and glared at Maria.     

''What are you trying to do, miss leader?"      

Detecting the hint of sarcasm in Kuina's tone, Maria showed no reaction. She sat in her bed and observed the room they were in.      

Although it appeared single at first glance, Maria knew everything was expensive, Kuina could also detect the same thing. She put her feud with the Ice Empress aside and decided to know where they were.     

''This must be the room of some high-ranked official. Maybe the mayor's house.'' Kuina stated.      

Maria said nothing as she kept checking the room when she suddenly frowned.      

''What is it?" Kuina questioned but soon got the answer; someone was coming.      

Knock! Knock!      

''Excuse me, the mayor wishes to meet you. He said to come down eat breakfast.''      

The person, probably a maid, announced after knocking on the door.      

Maria and Kuina looked at each other before coming to a consensus; Maria was the one that answered.      

''Okay, we understand; we will be there in a few minutes. Please wait outside.''      

''Certainly, my ladies.'' The maid outside curtsied elegantly before standing there waiting for the two to finish and come out.     

A few minutes later, Maria and Kuina dressed elegantly could be seen going down to the first floor where the mayor seemed to be waiting for them. As they arrived they saw a middle-aged man with a warm smile looking at them, they immediately identified this man as the mayor, although he appeared extremely normal the girls knew that he was nothing but normal as they could vividly remember that it was this man that appeared and carried them away.     

Sitting on the mayor's right was a beautiful woman in her forties whose wrinkles did nothing to diminish her beauty; this must be the mayor's wife; on another side of the table was their daughter as she does share some similarities with them.      

Then came the last member around the table, Maria's body stiffened when she saw this person simultaneously. The other party also frowned.      

''Geh! You have woken up; I wished you never did.'' The foul-mouthed Eri said she was about to continue but stopped when the mayor coughed, and his wife smiled.      

''Welcome, you two, please take a seat, and let's dig in.''     

Both Maria and Kuina greeted the mayor, his wife before taking their respective seat. As Maria didn't wish to sit across Eri, she ended up sitting together with Kuina, who was chuckling; then the maid carried breakfast to the table. On the plate were freshly baked round buns served with milk, butter, and cheese. Next to these sat hardboiled eggs, a salad made with fresh produce from the agricultural plant, corn soup, and a bunch of grapes.     

As Maria cut the whole wheat bread, its steam filled the room with a rich aroma that tickled Kuina's sensitive nostrils; she immediately followed after her as she could feel her stomach ready to rumble if nothing was put into it soon.      

The breakfast ended up rather fast with the mayor's daughter and his wife leaving the room, leaving only Maria, Eri, Kuina, and the mayor inside.      

A momentary silence filled the room before Maria opened her mouth and asked.      

''Once again, I thank the mayor for the hospitality, but I would like you to go straight to the point. You have rescued us with a goal in mind, so I would like to know what is it?"      

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