Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 545: Final Showdown

Chapter 545: Final Showdown


Sakuya's body descended from the sky and impacted the ground heavily.     

''Eh?'' Barbarossa was surprised upon Sakuya's sudden arrival.     

'Time to use my newly created movement skill.' Sakuya mumbled before shouting.      

[Shadow Steps: Seven Steps of Phantasmal Chaos!]      

Sakuya's body was immediately turned into black smoke; she seemed to have transformed into seven clones as she moved and arrived between the three instantly.      

With a shrill shriek, her katana tore through the air and heavily slammed into the woman's chest, giving her no time to dodge. She was cut into two before the upper part of her body was sent flying in the distance.     


The impact sent her upper body crashing twelve meters crashing against a nearby shop window; the glass panels exploded into tinkling shards.     

The woman died instantly while Barbarossa did exactly what Jason, his guild master, had done upon Alex's arrival; he tossed the man before him toward Sakuya to buy himself a bit of time.      


Sakuya slashed and bisected the man standing on her right into two.     

''I hate thrash such as you.''      

''People who can easily discard the people who once was they comrade, you deserve thousand death.''      

Sakuya's voice became deeper, and the chilly air that exuded from her body almost turned into a substantial cold breeze that froze the entire world around her.     

Barbarossa, who was running for his life, felt a chill down his spine but didn't dare to stop for any moment; he believed that he would have a chance if he kept running.      

Looking at the running Barbarossa, Sakuya's hand moved.      


Faster than she could announce her ability name, Barbarossa had been split from top to bottom perfectly into two parts.      

[Yami Maho Jigen Giri]      


Barbarossa had no idea that he had already died as his body parts touched the ground.      

''Fuh! Nice movement skill, but it sure does consume a bit of mana. Well, I'm still rough on the edge; when I have perfect control over it, the amount of mana it would consume will decrease, I believe so.'' Sakuya mumbled after catching her breath.      

Suddenly, a voice echoed inside Sakuya's head.     

[Nice ability, it needs a bit of polishing to be perfect.]      

''Oh! It's you, Kaguya.'' Sakuya said, not surprised as she knew the person's identity was talking inside her head, the busty green-haired body also known as her Gift's spirit Kaguya, so Sakuya loved to call her.      

[My name isn't Kaguya but-]      

Before Kaguya could finish, Sakuya cut her off.      

''Whatever. Go straight to the point; you never appear without an ulterior motive, so say it.'' Sakuya said as she sat around a broken table.      

Kaguya clicked her tongue in her dimension; her kodachi was held tightly between her twin peaks.      

[You don't have to make me look like a villain, you ungrateful disciple.]      

''I never remember ever becoming your discipline, though. Please go straight to the side.''      

Seeing that Sakuya wasn't in the mood to play with her, Kaguya sighed before asking.      

[Your new skill is a mix of wind and darkness elements, isn't it?]      

Sakuya nodded without hesitation.     

''Indeed, it's as you said; however, why do you ask this?" She couldn't help but get curious about why Kaguya raised such a question; she must have an idea in mind which she was more than happy to know; Sakuya waited for Kaguya to explain.     

[As I thought it is indeed the case, the darkness element is most present in this new skill of yours, so I thought about something.]      

''You thought about what?'' Sakuya asked rather impatiently as she couldn't conceal her growing curiosity anymore.      

[Impatient ones have never been popular. Well, I shall tell what I have in mind.] Kaguya then imprinted what she wished to convey directly into.      

Upon receiving Kaguya's idea, Sakuya's eyes widened, her lips curling upward in a vicious smile; she couldn't help but praise Kaguya from the bottom of her heart.     

''Thank you, if it's in a novel, you fit perfectly for the Demon Queen role. Your ideas are truly vicious.''      

[I'm not happy to receive such praise.] The green-haired beauty pouted in protest; Sakuya ignored her and began focusing on Kaguya's ideas; she couldn't wait to implement them into a skill and try it on her enemy.      

''Fufufu! I'm looking forward to it.''     


In another location, Jason, the leader of the True End Guild appeared, he immediately checked his surrounding to make sure that nobody was following him.      

''Fuck! Fuck! I have prepared many plans; however, none worked, I still lost everything. Shit! I swear to get my revenge, I will sl-"      

Jason stopped speaking; all the hairs on his body rose as he felt someone's presence, a presence which wasn't there previously; he didn't even detect this person before it got closer to him.      

''You swore to do what?" Alex, who had been waiting for Jason to appear here, finally came out to confront him; he got this information thanks to a few seances of torture.      

''So, you even knew this location?" Jason asked a question to which he had already the answer.      

Alex didn't answer him; he only shrugged his shoulders, making Jason chuckle.      

''I guess that when it comes to this, I shall take your head to appease th-"      

Before Jason couldn't finish what he was about to say, Alex threw five knives toward him.      

Fwoosh! Fwoosh!      

Jason easily dodged and laughed, ''Can you let me finish?"      


''Ouch! What was that?" Jason, who narrowly dodged Alex's bullet, questioned. His eyes were fixed on the silver gun inside Alex's hand.      

Naturally, Alex didn't answer him; he immediately activated Hellsing.      

A terrible pressure felt on Jason's body, almost making his knees go weak.     

''Domain?" Jason shouted, surprised that his enemy had a domain; however, this surprise disappeared quickly as a resolute face replaced it.      

[Hell fire]      

A domain of fire appeared under Jason's command; his body regained his freedom as he stretched his hand, and a giant sword appeared in his hand; holding it with his two hands, he shot forward and arrived before Alex in an instant before slashing at him, everything shouldn't have been perfect.      

However, right before the giant sword could touch Alex, he lifted his head, and his heterochromia eyes shone green and blue.      

''Time Stop''     

Jason's body froze; Alex put Silveria against his head and mumbled.      

[Aurora Bullet]      

The white bullet the magazine blasted Jason's head into bit; it was instant death.     

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