Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 543: Successful Infiltration

Chapter 543: Successful Infiltration

0Alex and Sakuya moved immediately to carry out their plan.     

As per what they had planned, Sakuya went into the slum area while looking as though injured; her clothes were drenched in blood; she leaned weakly against the wall in an alley, waiting for members for the True End Guild to make an appearance.     

Two hours passed in a flash before finally a shadow moving using the darkness a cover spotted the weak Sakuya. The shadow checked, making sure that this was not a trap, only after being sure that it was safe that he moved.      

Checking the last survivor pulse, the man saw that it was extremely weak; although her injuries had been healed, she seemed to have lost a lot of blood which weakened her.     

'What should I do? Take her with me or?'      

Feeling troubled over what to do, the man finally took out a stone and activated it.      

''What is it Eight? Have you found something?" Asked a voice coming from within the stone.     

''Yeah! I found her, and she is in an extremely weakened state due to blood loss; I don't have a blood replenishment potion with me, nor did I believe that any of you does have one. At this rate, she would die; what should I do? Bring her back?"      

There was a silence; the other party seemed to consider what to do seriously.      

Meanwhile, because the man was focused on the stone in his hand, he didn't see Sakuya opening her eyes for a moment. Her mouth curled up to the side to form a grin before it disappeared; she decided to escalate things; she used the wind element to lower her body temperature to a critical level while her body started to spasm.      

The man freaked out; he tried to calm down Sakuya, whose acting was at the level of a professional actor. Still, Sakuya's body showed no sign of listening; foam even started to come out from her mouth; in a panic, the man poured dozen of different potions into Sakuya's mouth.      

If it weren't for the sake of acting, Sakuya swore that she would have killed the man over dozen times; the combination of different potions further increased their extremely bitter taste making it more unbearable; Sakuya finally understood what actors went through just for the sake of acting.      

'Sigh! I have started it; better play it to the end.' She mumbled to herself before puking out the potions fed to her; a bit of blood was mixed in them.      

''I'm taking her back; at this rate, she would die if I kept hesitating.'' The man decided and immediately picked Sakuya, not waiting for his superior's approval. The latter finally spoke.     

''Wait, Eight, are you planning to die?"      

''I will die either way if I let her die. Better die after successfully delivering her than suffer his wraith because of a failure.'' Eight said before starting running in the direction of the headquarter     

''Shit, you lot make sure that nobody is following after us. I'll accompany him.'' The search team leader ordered, and his men nodded; he had no idea that one of his men had died and was replaced by the enemy.      

Alex, after inscribing the destination of the teleportation talisman in Sakuya's hand, patiently waited and killed one of the search team members before wearing this person's clothes to pass as him.      

After a few minutes, they arrived before a bar, they didn't enter from the front door. Still, from the back, Alex and the other search team members were called the moment they entered while Sakuya was taken somewhere to be treated, and after she received her treatment, she was imprisoned underground.      

It was dusk. Gentle rays of the setting sun glowed from the other side of the mountain, dyeing the entire city in scarlet and enveloping the land with motley radiance. One of those rays pierced through the land and passed through a small window underground to illuminate a small cell where a girl was chained.     

At the same time that the sunray illuminated the cell, the girl in chain opened her eyes and frowned.     

''Where am I?" Her voice sounded weak.      

Her voice was heard outside by the guard guarding her; the latter opened his mouth to tell her where she was.      

''You are inside the underground prison of the True End Guild. As the sole survivor of that Hunt, you would be interrogated later by the guild master himself.''      

Sakuya, who heard this smiled, 'Everything is processing as he planned.' she thought.      

However, to not let the guard suspect Sakuya should continue acting.      

''What? How can you treat me like that? As the sole survivor, I didn't just provide you information but lost consciousness halfway through; however, when I wake up, I'm chained like some criminal. What is the meaning of this?'' Sakuya roared; even though her voice was weak, it was powerful, demanding justice for the unfair treatment she was receiving.      

Outside, the guard had a troubled expression; he kept scratching his head, not knowing what to do; at the end, he decided only to say this.      

''Even if you shout as much you want, there's nothing I can do about it as I'm not the one to decide; the higher up decide what is appropriate to do. I'm just a lowly warden I can't-"      

Before the man could finish his words, he froze because one of the guild executives had come.      

''Greeting Sir Barbarossa.'' The guard immediately greeted the tall man that seemed like one man army.      

The one called Barbarossa waved his hand to dismiss the guard from any useless talking before ordering.      

''Open the door.''      

The guard immediately opened the door leading to Sakuya's cell.      

Lowering his two-meter-tall body, Barbarossa entered the cell, and his eyes rested upon Sakuya's chained form.     

There was a momentary silence before Barbarossa announced.     

''You, follow me.''      

He then spun and left the prison; the man behind him approached Sakuya, removed her chains before carrying her out; they were basically dragging her against the ground; however, there was nothing she could do about it, she decided to wait before blowing everything up patiently.      

''Fufufu! The curtain is about to fall.'' She mumbled while being dragged toward the meeting room where the True End Guild master seemed to be waiting.     

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