Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 542: The Plan

Chapter 542: The Plan

0''Oh! My, it's extremely beautiful, truly a wonderful gift, I really love it.''      

Sakuya then took the necklace; it felt cold in her hand; the purple dragon pendant seemed to be shinning. Immediately an information window popped out.     

[Fallen Wing: A item created by a famous blacksmith and runemaster.     

Grade: S      

Special abilities: Dragon's Wings temporarily create wind wings. It can last half an hour.      

Wind Meteor: create a giant wind capable of destroying a small mountain. Consume 1000 MP and usable once per week.]     

''Wow! Where do you find this ridiculous thing?" Sakuya eyes were shining; she was surprised to see the necklace Alex had just gifted to possess these ridiculous abilities; Alex smiled and explained how he acquired this necklace; it was the reward from a 3 Star Boss he had soloed a few days ago.      

''Thank you, my love. Can you please help me put it?" Sakuya, who changed the way she used to address him, asked; Alex happily put the necklace around her neck; the final result was perfect; it was as if it had been created just for her.      

Touching the pendant, Sakuya said. ''What kind of reward I shall give you now?"      

She pondered expression; however, it was unknown why Alex felt a sudden chill down his spine, he immediately interjected.      

''Hahaha! You don't need to trouble yourself; I'm happy as you are happy; this is more than enough.''      

''No, no, I must reward you with something. How about I step on you?''      

Words he feared finally left Sakuya's mouth, and before he could stop her, she used his previous argument against him.     

''By doing this you will receive your reward, I'll be happy while you would be happy as well. Or you don't want to?" At the end of her speech, she put on a pitiful expression making Alex feel troubled.      

'Like hell, I would. I'm not into that kind of play, and while we are it stop making that kind of face, it's disturbing.' Alex mumbled inwardly.      

Silveria, who had not shown any reaction since the beginning, finally spoke; she was laughing hard; she seemed to be enjoying the situation.     

〖What is the problem master? Weren't you the one that said that as long she is happy, you would be happy as hell? So kindly accept to be stepped on. Hehehehe! I can't wait to see.〗     

Alex ignored Silveria's sarcastic words and heaved a sigh before opening his mouth and saying.     

''I don't want that kind of reward, you must have noticed by now, I will never let you perform your wild fantasy on me as I'm not a masochist, I do not enjoy these kinds of things, relationship is about understanding, while I do understand you and accept you as you are, this doesn't mean that I let your wild side, your sadistic side control me, no I'm in control.''      

Alex's words dampened Sakuya's mood; she could understand him yet at the same time not because that part of her was constantly whispering to her to dominate everything, especially when it comes to those she loved, her sadist side would want to step on them, trample on them, to be over them. Sakuya tried to control it, but sometimes it was impossible to control it perfectly, so that side would often emerge like in the present case.      


''Ouch!" Sakuya was jolted awake as she was slapped on the butt, glaring at Alex, who did this she saw him grinning, somehow this smile made her feel a chill as unknown emotion began to rise inside her. Before identifying what this emotion was, Alex immediately changed the subject.      

''Mio, I need your help,'' Alex announced with a serious face. Sakuya made a serious face as well.      

''I want you to put back that mark you have received upon accepting the quest to hunt me down,'' Alex added.      

Sakuya was interested in what Alex was planning; she nodded and showed the mark she had carefully stored away.      

The moment the mark appeared somewhere in the city, the True End guild master, who had a gloomy face, his expression brightened because he detected a weak signal coming from somewhere. However, he could locate where did the signal exactly come from; with a bit of searching, he could, and most importantly, he was happy that from that hunt, somebody had survived. This person, whoever it might be, must have a lot of information to share, so finding this person is a must.     

''Starting searching for this person, send all men available in the search party.'' The guild master ordered.      

Immediately someone in the shadow moved.      

Back in Sakuya's courtyard, while putting back the mark, Sakuya made sure to isolate her location; it would be hard for those searching for her whereabouts since the mark was activated; it would act as a GPS.     

''Great, you should head to the slum area, and once you will fake being severely injured. You will wait there for them to approach you, they would try to question you, buy some time, you might pass out, with a little bit of luck they may bring you into their headquarter.'' Alex explained the first part of his plan.      

Sakuya listened to it and nodded after a moment of contemplation.      

''I get it, but what would you be doing in the meantime?" She asked.      

As if he had been waiting for this question, Alex smiled, revealing his peerless white teeth.     

''Me? I'll be following you from the shadow. It's the second part of my plan. While I have searched for the exact location of the last guild, I could not find the exact location. However w I was still able to narrow down three locations.''      

Alex took out a map and showed three locations marked in red; all three locations had one thing in common they have surrounded the slum.      

''Take this.'' Alex handed over what looked like a talisman. Sakuya took it confused.      

''Once inside, you will crush it. I have already imprinted a location on it. Immediately after going there, you will use Wind Meteor on the headquarter without caring for anything.''     

Sakuya showed a surprised expression; she could more or less understand what this talisman was. She sighed at how far Alex had thought; indeed, it's someone she didn't want to have an enemy.      

''Take this knife, immediately drop it while you are escaping.''      

Sakuya took the knife as well; she knew he must be planning to use shadow shift with it; however, usually, it should have been impossible, and yet Alex faced à certain confidence.     

'He must have a plan in mind. I shall believe in him and do as he ordered. I can wait to see what he has prepared.' Sakuya thought.      

''I understand. I shall follow your plan.'' Sakuya said with a beautiful smile, and Alex responded with a smile as well.      

After spending another hour together, they left to carry the plan. Tomorrow was about the last day of the dark guilds, so Alex had decided.     

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